Physics Formulas – List of all Physics Formulas

List of all Physics Formulas

Physics is all about articulating the things rather than memorizing them up. When individuals are doing so,one come across many concepts, problems etc. where they have to use their imagination,ability,creativity and good sort of potential. Physics makes noteworthy offerings in new technologies that rise from theoretical advances. For instance, advances in comprehension of electromagnetism or nuclear physics led directly to the improvement of new products such as computers, television, home appliances, and nuclear weaponry’s; developments in thermodynamics led to the advancement of industrialization, and the progress in mechanics inspired the development of calculus. Conceptual understanding is a basic block without which you are nowhere.

Only when one understands the theories thoroughly, they can easily find the relation between the quantities by which construct the formulas, derive it and learning them will be simple.

Questions in physics are something which challenges your skills and physics knowledge which are grounded on three things

Examine what is provided and what is asked in the numerical?
Making use of the correct formula
Filling in the values and computing properly.

To crack these kinds of challenges, one needs to have a proper understanding of physics formula as well as its concepts.

Below are the list of Physics Formulas. For Biology, Chemistry, Maths, English, GK etc please check respective sections of You can now subscribe here for free, to get notification regarding new posts.

List of all Physics Formulas

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There are currently 11 Physics Formulas in this directory
Acceleration Formula
Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity to the change in time. Know More

Amplitude Formula
A variables amplitude is a measure of its change over a single period. The maximum height perceived in the wave is termed as Amplitude. It is represented by A and is known in decibels (dB).

Angular Velocity
Angular velocity is a vector quantity and is described as the rate of change of angular displacement which specifies the angular speed or rotational speed of an object and the axis about which the object is rotating. The amount of change of angular displacement of the particle at a given period of time is called angular velocity.

Bernoullis Equation Formula
Water in a hydraulic system exhibits two types of energy – kinetic and potential. Kinetic energy when water is in motion and potential is when there is water pressure. The sum of both kinetic and potential forms is the total energy of water. According to Bernoulli’s principle, the total energy of the liquid remains constant and hence when water flows in a system increases, the pressure must decrease.

Coulomb’s Law
According to the Coulombs law, the force of attraction or repulsion between two charged bodies is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. It acts along the line joining the two charges considered to be point charges. So, according to Coulombs law F ∝ q1q2/d2

Force Formula
When one encounters the word Force they get an idea of getting energized. We continuously come across the term push and pull associated to it. So what precisely is this Force?In brief Force can be described as the exterior agency which makes the body change its state, size, position under strain. It is represented by F. Know More

Heat Formula
Heat is the transfer of kinetic energy from one medium or object to another or via energy source to a medium or object. This energy transfer can occur in three ways namely radiation, conduction and convection. Heat is a form of energy that produces change in temperature of any substance.

Kelvin to Celsius
Kelvin and Celsius scales are the most frequently used temperature assessing scales in thermometer business. The size of 1 degree on Kelvin scale is similar to the size of 1 degree on Celsius scale that is, the difference or alteration in temperature is similar on both the balances. The Kelvin and Celsius Relation on the scale is articulated as 0oCelsius=273.15 Kelvin

Mass Formula
Mass is a quantity that gives an idea about how much matter is present in an object. It is a quantitative measure of inertia. So acceleration is inversely proportional to inertia.

Ohms Law
Ohms law says that the current running through the conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across its extremities as long as the temperature and other physical conditions are constant.Ohms Law Formula is articulated as V=IR Know More

Resistance Formula
Resistance is the measure of opposition applied by any object to the flow of electric current. A resistor is an electronic constituent that is used in the circuit with the purpose of offering that specific amount of resistance.