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So, how to manage time better?
Do you know what every human being on earth has common and of same amount. The answer is “TIME”. We know the answer may not surprise you. But it is worth remembering once in a while, that every person on earth whether “rich or poor”, ” male or female” , ” black or white” or “successful or unsuccessful” has the same 24 hours a day. While a successful person manages his/her time better, others fail to do so due to various reasons. You future depends on how you choose to spend your time in present. In this post we will discuss how to manage your time better. Once you become master of time management you can do more in less time, achieve your goals and balance other aspects of life.
Before we proceed please note, in reality, “Time Management” does not exist. Time simply passes, you cannot pause, stop, bend , increase or decrease time as per your wish. Managing your time means managing yourself. When we say managing your time we mean how you approach your work.
1. Set your targets and rewards
Setting up your goal is important. You need to look inside and aware of your ambitions. If your target is set, you will be motivated to work more to meet the target and make 24 hours more productive. It is also important to reward yourself once you achieve a real goal. That will further motivate to meet new targets. The reward may be sweet or food or relaxation.
2. Link your actions with goals
If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Without goals you lack focus and direction. Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life’s direction; it also provides you a benchmark for determining whether you are actually succeeding. Think about it: having a million dollars in the bank is only proof of success if one of your goals is to be rich. If your goal is to practice acts of charity, then keeping the money for yourself is suddenly contrary to how you would define success.
To accomplish your goals, however, you need to link your actions with your goals. You can’t simply say, “I want” and expect it to happen. Goal setting is a process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve, and ends with a lot of hard work to actually do it. In between, there are some very well-defined steps that transcend the specifics of each goal. Knowing these steps will allow you to formulate goals that you can accomplish.
Make two lists for this. One is the goals you want to achieve and the other one is what you are spending time with. If the two lists don’t align you are probably wasting your time.
3. Set your priority
You cannot do everything that need to be done at the same time. That’s why prioritize your tasks is important. You should categorize your tasks into four categories
a. Important and Urgent
This kind of tasks require immediate attention
b. Important but not Urgent
This tasks are important but you can do them after category “a” tasks are completed
c. Urgent but not Important
This tasks may be urgent but do not have long lasting effects
d. Neither Important nor Urgent
This is the last category of tasks which are neither important nor urgent. These are mostly things that you don’t really need to do, you just want to do. You should only look into this kind of tasks if all the task from above category are completed and you still have time left.
Doing this list will give you better view of your tasks. It will suggest you which task should be dealt with first.
4. Delegate Tasks
As you can’t expand time, in order to do more in less time, either you need to use your hours more efficiently or you need to delegate. Delegating means giving some of your responsibilities on someone else and trusting their service. Where possible, include people in the delegation process. Empower them to decide what tasks are to be delegated to them and when. Match the amount of responsibility with the amount of authority. Understand that you can delegate some responsibility, however you can’t delegate away ultimate accountability. To delegate you need to find the right person you can trust. This will take some time in the beginning but in long term it will be fruitful.
5. Set Dead Lines For Your Tasks
Do you know when you need to complete a particular task? You should. It is easier to complete a task on time if you set clear deadline for each of your tasks. You may use calendar or organizer to mark deadlines of each tasks.
6. Say No to multitasking
Multitasking is when a person is dealing with multiple tasks at the same time. It may seem to you that multitasking saves a lot of time, however in reality it is not. Multitasking is not efficient and does not save you time. When you multitask your attention is divided between tasks and generates low quality outputs. While you multitask you may miss some important details and it will take some time and attention when you switch between tasks. You will not be able to focus on a single task. Apart from that multitasking makes you less creative as it takes a lot of your temporary brain storage. So be careful while multitasking.
7. Prevent distractions
A lot of things like social media or app notification may distract you from work. Block them while you work, so that they do not affect your productivity. Set up a work place where you can completely focus on your work and nothing can distract you.
8. Schedule your day ahead of time
Plan coming weeks tasks at the end of each week. And take a look at the next day’s work before you go to sleep. By that way you will know what are your tasks for the day, right away when you wake up. Otherwise you may forgot some important tasks or may take more responsibilities than what you will be able to complete.
9. Take breaks and refresh
Short breaks and refreshments are necessary for higher productivity. Breaks can be of 10-15 minutes. You can listen to music or talk to friends during this break. Break during complex work will refresh you and you will be able to focus on your next complex task.
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10. Keep your motivation and inspiration
It may happen after a long period of work you may lose your motivation. So you need to listen to motivational speeches once in a while. You may also talk to the person you find inspirational, may be your friend, teacher or boss.