19th January In History

What happened on 19th January In history

January 19 is the 19th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; 346 days remain until the end of the year (347 in leap years).

So, What happened on 19th January in history

What happened today in history (19 January): Austrian-born actress Hedy Lamarr born, American baseball player Stan Musial dies, Rule in India transferred to Indira Gandhi, Edgar Allan Poe was born, and more.

It may not mean much to you right now, but by the end of this article, you will learn that January 19 holds a significant place in history.

From rule transfer in India and birth of one of the greatest writers to World’s largest crowd gathering for the kumbh mela many important events took place on 19th January.

Dive in to know what happened on this day (Jan. 19) in sports, politics and art, along with famous birthdays and deaths in world history.

Early Events

  • In 379 – Emperor Gratian elevates Flavius Theodosius at Sirmium to Augustus, and gives him authority over all the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire.
  • In 1419 – Hundred Years’ War: Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England, completing his reconquest of Normandy.
  • In 1607 – San Agustin Church in Manila is officially completed; it is the oldest church still standing in the Philippines.
  • In 1795 – The Batavian Republic is proclaimed in the Netherlands, replacing the Dutch Republic.
  • In 1839 – The British East India Company captures Aden.

Relatively New Events On This Day

  • In 1915, Georges Claude patents the neon discharge tube for use in advertising.
  • In 1915, World War I: 4 people in Norfolk are killed in the 1st German Zeppelin air raid attack on the United Kingdom gland.
  • In 1919, National elections held in Germany to form a National Constituent Assembly and draft a constitution
  • In 1920, Alexandre Millerand forms French government
  • In 1922, Geological survey says US oil supply would be depleted in 20 years
  • In 1923, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Stanley Baldwin and US Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon agree to reschedule repayment of Britain’s $4.5 billion war debt over 62 years
  • In 1927, British government decides to send troops to China
  • In 1935, Coopers Inc. sells the world’s first men’s briefs in Chicago, calls it the “Jockey”
  • In 1938, General Motors begins mass production of diesel engines
  • In 1941, British troops occupies Kassalaf, Sudan
  • In 1942, Japanese forces invade Burma
  • In 1949, Cuba recognises Israel.
  • In 1952, PGA approves allowing black participants
  • In 1955, “Scrabble” debuts on board game market
  • In 1957, USSR performs atmospheric nuclear test
  • In 1958, Canadian Football Council renamed Canadian Football League
  • In 1966, Following the sudden death of Indian Premier Lal Bahadur Shastri eight days earlier, Indira Gandhi became prime minister of India
  • In 1977, World’s largest crowd gathering – the Hindu Kumbh Mela in India attracts a then record 15 million people
  • In 1978, Judge William H. Webster is appointed Director of the FBI
  • In 1978, The last Volkswagen Beetle made in Germany leaves VW’s plant in Emden. Beetle production in Latin America would continue until 2003.
  • In 1983, Klaus Barbie, SS chief in Lyon in Nazi-occupied France, arrested in Bolivia
  • In 1990, Turning point in the exodus of hundreds of thousands of Kashmiri Hindus from Kashmir due to violence from Muslim militants
  • In 1992, IBM announces a nearly $5B loss for 1992
  • In 2006, The New Horizons probe is launched by NASA on the first mission to Pluto
  • In 2013, Calcium deposits are discovered on Mars by NASA’s Curiosity Rover
  • In 2021, The US death toll from COVID-19 passes 400,000
  • In 2022, 5G cellphone service launches in the US with airlines claiming it could interfere with airplane technologies

Sports Events On This Day

  • In 1937 Cy Young, Tris Speaker & Nap Lajorie elected to Baseball Hall of Fame
  • In 1963 Australian Championships Men’s Tennis: Roy Emerson wins 1st of 5 straight Australian titles; beats countryman Ken Fletcher 6-3, 6-3, 6-1
  • In 2013 Lance Armstrong admits to doping in all seven of his Tour de France victories.

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Art and Culture Events – What Happened on 19th January

  • In 1971 The Beatles’ “Helter Skelter” is played at Charles Manson trial
  • In 1991 48th Golden Globes: Dances with Wolves, Jeremy Irons, & Kathy Bates win

Famous Birthdays On 19th January

Sr NoBirth YearPersonality
11946Dolly Parton, American singer-songwriter, actress
21943Janis Joplin, American singer-songwriter.
31892Paul Cézanne, French painter
41809Edgar Allan Poe, American author, poet
51807Robert E. Lee, American general

Notable Deaths On 19th January

Sr NoDeath YearPersonality
12015Adam Yahiye Gadahn, American terrorist
22007Hrant Dink, Turkish/Armenian journalist
31990Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Indian mystic, guru, educator
41874August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben, German poet
51865Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, French politician, philosopher, economist

Days ….

  1. National Popcorn Day
  2. Archery Day
  3. Brew a Potion Day 
  4. World Quark Day
  5. World Day of Migrants and Refugees

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