AaceUsed as an Abbreviation
AadamThe First Prophet of Allah;
AadenWarmth of the Home; Fire; Flame
AaliName of Allah; Sublime; The High;
AamerOrdering Person; Leader
AaranExalted; On High; Light Bringer
AarenLofty; Inspiration; Inspired;
AarinMountain of Strength
AarishFirst Ray of Sun; Smart
AaronMountain of Strength; Exalted One;
AarronExalted; Light Bringer;
AbbottThe Father of the Abbey
AbdiAbbreviated Form of Abdul;
AbdoVery Sensitive and Kind
AbeFather of a Multitude; Breath;
AbellExhalation of Breath; Vanity;
AbhiFearless; Better than Best; Brave;
AbilioExpert; Able; Skillful
AbisaiGift of God; Biblical;
AbramoFather of a Multitude;
AbtinA Character in Shahnameh;
AbuFather (Pahlavi); Master;
AceUnity; First-rate; Number One
AchrafMost Honourable One
ActonFrom an Oak Tree Town; Place Name;
AdSon of the Red Earth; Son of Adam
AdamRed Earth; First Human Being;
AdamiMy Man; Red; Earthy; Human
AdamoSon of the Red Earth; Mankind
AdaoSon of the Red Earth; Earth; Man
AddamSon of the Red Earth; Man; Earth;
AddisSon of Adam; Son of the Red Earth;
AdeelJudge; Honest; The Best; Justice
AdelmoStrong; Persistent;
AdenAttractive; Handsome;
AdinPleasure Given; Delicate;
AdiranPlace Name; From Adria;
AdoAwe-inspiring; High-born;
AdolfDistinguished; Strong Wolf;
AdolfoDistinguished; Strong Wolf;
AdomHelp from Go; From Akan
AdoniLord; The Sunset; God
AdonisMan Loved by Aphrodite;
AdreanBlack; Dark; Of the Adriatic
AedanLittle Fire; Born of Fire
AeronBerry; Exalted; On High; Carnage;
AfnanBranches with Leaves;
AftonFrom the Afton River
AgimMorning; Early Riser; Dawn
AgonDawn; Spirit of Contest
AhatUnhurt; Not Struck; Unblemished;
AhtiNoble Wolf; Evening; God of Sea
AidanSuperior; Mystery; Intelligent;
AidinClear; Enlightened; Illuminated;
AikenMade of Oak; The Oaken
AilinFair; Handsome; Rock; Comely
AimalHope; Cleaver; Young; Friend
AimoFair-sized; Proper; Good;
AinEye; Fountain; Spring; Merciful
AirikGrandfather of King Minocheher;
AitanFights of Possession; Strong
AkeelWorld; Intelligent; Strong
AkibLast One to Arrive; High;
AkifFocused; Attached; Intent;
AkinWarrior; Hero; Brave Man
AkiraIntelligent; Anchor; Bright;
AlanGod of Shine; Handsome; Cheerful;
AlanaPeace; Little Rock; Precious;
AlaniPeaceful; Serene; Dear Child
AlannRock; Comely; Little Rock;
AlardResolute; Noble and Steadfast;
AlbanFrom Alba; A City on a White Hill;
AlbinWhite; Old English for Brilliant;
AlbyA City on a White Hill; White;
AldenOld and Wise Protector; Defender;
AlderFrom the Alder Tree; Birch Tree;
AldinDefender; Old Friend
AldoOld; Wise; Archaic; Noble
AleBright One; Shining One; Noble;
AlecGorgeousness; Beauty;
AleckDefender of Mankind;
AleksDefender of Man; Defending Men
AlemWise Man; Highly Qualified
AlesDefender of Man; Nobly Famous
AlexiHelper or Defender of Man
AlfCounsel from the Elves; Elf;
AlfieCounsel from the Elves;
AlfyCounsel from the Elves;
AlhamPeace of World; Son of Allah
AlimLearned; Scholarly; Omniscient;
AllamVery Knowledgeable; Wise; Entire
AllanHarmony; Stone; Noble; Fair;
AllenForm of Alan; Noble; Comely;
AllyHarmony; Stone; Noble; Fair;
AllynHandsome; Comely; Little Rock
AloisWell-known Fighter; Famous Warrior
AlricRuler of All; High-born Ruler;
AlroyRed Haired; King; Royal
AltanRed Rising Sun; Red Dawn
AltonFrom the Old Town; Ella's Town;
AlvaNoble Friend; Elf; Brilliance;
AlvanFriend of the Elves; Sublime;
AlvarTruth-speaker; Guardian; Warrior;
AlvieNoble Friend; Diminutive of Alvin;
AlvisAll-knowing; All Wise
AlvynNoble Friend; Elf Friend
AlwinNoble Friend; Defender;
AlwynNoble Friend; Elf Friend
AmadSerious; Much Praised;
AmadoLoving Deity; Loved by God;
AmaroStrength; Firmness; Fame; Glory
AmeenDivine Grace; Honest; Faithful;
AmeryIndustrious; Industrious Leader;
AmithInfinite; Immeasurable; Boundless;
AmjadGreat; Noble; Gratifying;
AmmonUnseen; Concealed; Teacher;
AmnonFaithful and True; Tutor;
AmonFaithful; True; Educator; Builder;
AmranThe People is Exalted
AmriPower; One who Lives a Long Life;
AnakA Collar; Ornament; Child
AnasA Group of People; Affection;
AnderVirile; Manly; Lion-man;
AndroMasculine; Manly; Warrior
AndyManly; Brave; Variant of Andrew;
AneGraceful; God is Gracious;
AniamA People; The Strength;
AniqElegant; Blessed; Moon
AnmolPriceless; Precious; Valuable
AnsarFriend; Patron; Supporter; Helper
AnsonAnne's Son; A Surname;
AntalBeyond Praise; Priceless;
AntarRush Boldly in to Danger; Heart;
AnteBeyond Praise; Priceless;
AntekPriceless; Inestimable
AntoPriceless; Inestimable
AntonPriceless; Highly Praiseworthy;
AnuAn Atom; Angel; Messenger of God;
ApiFather in Rejoicing; Friend; Ally;
AqilWise; Intelligent; Leader;
ArasIntelligence of an Eagle
ArchDaring; Precious; Noteworthy;
ArdanA Hill; High; Aspiration
ArdelFrom the Hare's Dell
ArdenHigh; Soaring; Eagle Valley;
AreebSkillful; Adroit; Wise;
ArefKnowing; Knowledgeable; Wise;
ArekLofty; Exalted; High Mountain;
AresGod of War; Quick Sighted;
AretOne who Born on Market Day
ArfaHigh-status, Best, Sublime;
ArgosAlert; Vigilant Guardian; Shining
ArgusWatchful; Vigilant; Guardian;
AriLion; Brave; Inner Skin; Eagle;
AriaNoble; Old Civilisation; Related;
ArianSpares; Pledge; Oath; Golden Life
AricRuler of All; Sacred Ruler; Ruler;
ArieSuperior; Best of Thinkers;
ArielLion of God; Name for Jerusalem;
ArienA Greek Poet and Musician;
AriesThe Ram; Pledge; Oath;
ArikRuler of All; Sacred Ruler;
ArildBattle Commander; War Chief
ArkanSupport; Pillar; Responsible
ArleyMeadow of the Hares; Place Name;
ArlieOath; From the Hare's Meadow
ArloFortified Hill; Hill;
ArlyPlace Name; Hare-meadow
ArmanLonging; Wish; Hope; Desire;
ArmenHigh Place; Castle; Palace;
ArminProtective; Soldier; Army Man;
ArnanQuick; Joyful; A Biblical Name
ArnavSea; Great Ocean; Silence of Ocean
ArneAs Powerful as an Eagle; Eagle
ArnieEagle Power; Exalted; On High;
ArpadExile; Voyager; Seed; Adventurous;
ArronLofty; Exalted; High Mountain;
ArsenVirile; Potent; Strong
ArtinName of a Medes King; Righteous
ArtisBear; Rock; Noble; Lofty Hill
ArtoBear; Rock; Thor; The Eagle;
ArturBear; Rock; Thor; The Eagle;
ArviEagle; Noble; Talented; Warrior
ArvidFriend of the People;
ArvinFriend to All; Graceful;
ArvoValue; Worth; Benefit
ArySuperior; Best of Thinkers;
AryehLion of God; Army Officer; Lion
AsaHealer; Starting Life at Dawn;
AsaadHappier; Beautiful; Brave
AshFrom the Ash Tree Farm;
AshbyFrom the Ash Tree Farm
AshurBorn During Month; Blackness;
AstonFrom the Eastern Town;
AswinStrong; Knowledge; Powerful;
AthosThe Ruler of the Heavens
AtikWorld; Good; Innocent;
AubinFair; White; Pale-skinned
AudenAncient / Old Friend; Bold One;
AvenIniquity; Force; Riches; Sorrow
AveryCounsel from the Elves;
AxilImmortal; God's Blessings;
AxlFather of Peace; Source of Life
AyaanFirst Ray of the Sun; Nature;
AyanaInnocent One; Beautiful Blossom
AydanFire; Mystery; Superior
AydenEnlightened; Bright; Strength;
AydinEducated; Illuminated; Clear;
AyonGod Gift; Way; Speed; Path
AysarEasier; Prosperous; Living Better;
AzadFree; Independence; Liberated
AzmiOne who Keeps his Word;