RachitInvention; Create; Written
RadheyshyamLord Krishna and Radha
RahulEfficient; Conqueror of Miseries; Bond in Affection; Capable; Mysterious; Different than Others; Smart; Most Mysterious Vastu Grah 'Rahu'; Son of Lord Buddha; The Son of Goddess Durga; Truth Follower; Best of All
RajKingdom; King; Secret; To Rule; Ruler; Origin
RajaKing; Sand; Silvery; Emotion; Affection; Hope; Royal
RajadhirajKing of Kings; Emperor
RajanikantMoon; Lord of Night; Sun
RajanikantaThe Night's Beloved; Moon
RajaPandianRuler; Emperor
RajasMastery; Fame; Pride
RajatSilver Courage; Silver; Courage
RajendraGreat Among Kings; King; A Mighty King; Emperor; King of Kings
RajeshKing of Kingdom; God of Kings; Above the Wind; Born Leader; Lord of Kings; Emperor; Qualities of King
RajitBrilliant; Decorated; Decorative
RajyashreePropriety of a King
RakshanProtector; Lord Shiva; Beautiful
RamLord Rama; One who Pleases; The Eldest Sun of King Dasharatha; The Hero of Mythology Called Ramayana; Pleasing; Charming; Obedient; Male Sheep
RamakrishnaPleasing Krishna; Lord Rama
RamanathanLord Rama / Shiva
RamavatarReincarnation of Lord Rama
RamendraLord Shiva, Ram and Indra
RameshLord Rama; Lord Vishnu; The Preserver
RameshwarLord of Rama; Name of Lord Shiva
RamkrishnaLord Rama Krishna
RamsundarGod is Beautiful
RanaiCourageous Man; Protector
RaneshLord Ganesh; Lord Shiva
RangarajanKing of Joy; Lord Vishnu
RanjanEntertaining; Pleasing; Delights to Parents
RanjitWinner; Victorious; The Delighted One; One who is Entertained; The Conqueror of the Battle
RanveerWinner; The Brave Warrior
RasoolMessenger; Messenger of God
RatannabhaLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
RatneshLord of Jewels; Diamond
RatulSweet Gold; Sweet; Loveable
RaunakPrestigious; Happiness; Pride and Glory; Fame
RaviLord Surya (Sun); Great; Intelligent; Powerful; Smart; Fire Power; Active; Religious
RavinderSun; Beloved by All; Kind; Brave; Fierce Protector
RavindranathLord Vishnu; Sun; Poet
RavirajKing of Sun; Other Name for Sun; Lord Surya (Sun)
RedoyLove; Heart; Respect
ReejitWho can Overcome All the Sorrows and Sadness of Life
ReganThe Descendant of a King; Little King
RehanScented; Blessing from God; Star; Tree of Heaven; King; Sweet Basil
ReyanshA Part of Sun; Lord Vishnu; Ray of Light; First Light of Sun
RichardBrave One; Strong Ruler; A Teutonic Name from the European Middle Ages; Dominant Ruler; Powerful Leader
RiddhimanPossessed of Good Fortune; Lucky Person
RigvedOne of the Vedas; The First Veda; Name of a Veda
RikNew Way; Strong and Brave; Peaceful Ruler
RikinName of a Fruit; Pomegranate
RishaanGood Human Being; Lord Shiva; Spirituality
RishabhSuperior; An Avatar of Lord Vishnu; Second Note of Octave; Morality; A Musical Note; Ox
RishikeshLord Vishnu; Lord Shiva
RishirajKing of the Saints
RishitThe Best; All in One; Moon; Ray of Light
RishitaJoyful; Who Brings Happiness; Deep Knowledge; The Best
RitajitConqueror of Knowledge
RitamSacred Action; Beautiful; Name of Lord Hanuman; Divine Truth
RitvikParts of Ved; Son of Anjaneya; Priest
RitwikMoon; Priest; Intelligent; Good Human Being
RiyanDoor of Heaven; King
RizvanGuard of Paradise; Bringer of Good News
RobinA Singing Bird; Bright Fame; Famed; Shining; Victory; Famous; A Bird Name
RohanAscending; Increasing; Progressive; Little Red One; Sandal Wood; Healing
RohitFirst Red Rays of the Sun; Red; Horse Rider; Son of Raja Harishchandra; Sufficient; Spectrum
RohitasvaSone of King Harishchandra
RoninSamurai without a Master; Wave or Wandering Person
RoopeshBeauty of Lord Shiva
RoshanSun Rays; Shining; Lightning; Illumination; Bright; Man of Steel
RuchirHero; Always Winner; Force; Beautiful
RudraName of Lord Shiva; Sun; Rudraksha; 'mightiest of the Mighty
RupakSign; Feature; Beautiful
RushilFlamboyant; Charming; Attractive