Names are not just for birth days, they are for entire life. Choose your child’s name carefully. There are 3084 Gujarati Baby Girl names to choose from. Many says name of a child may play an important role in character making of a child. The following are some modern and traditional Gujrati girl names, find one for your child
For better usage and to keep it with you, you can download the “Gujarati Baby Names” app from google play .
For better usage and to keep it with you, you can download the “Gujarati Baby Names” app from google play .
Gujarati Baby Girl Names
There are currently 66 names in this directory beginning with the letter H.
Beautiful Like Deer; Who's Really Good at Math; Female Deer; Lakshmi; Wife of Lord Vishnu; Deer Like
Torch; Sun Ray; Shining Light; Wicker; Reed; Shoot; Basket; Most Beautiful Woman in the World; A Lady Attending on Imogen; The Bright One; Similar to Helen
Golden Creeper; Home Ruler; House Owner; Lord of the Manor; God was Gracious; God has Favoured Me; Mehendi
Henna; A Shrub; Fragrance; Sword of the Finest Steel; Liver; Used for Denoting Closeness of Individual to Oneself