Names are not just for birth days, they are for entire life. Choose your child’s name carefully. There are 1335 Punjabi/Sikh Baby Girl names to choose from. Many says name of a child may play an important role in character making of a child. The following are some modern and traditional punjabi/sikh girl names.
For better usage and to keep it with you, you can download the “Punjabi Baby Name” app from google play
For better usage and to keep it with you, you can download the “Punjabi Baby Name” app from google play

Punjabi Baby Girl Names
There are currently 44 names in this directory beginning with the letter Z.
Beautiful; Fair; White; Flower; From Kikuyu; Blossom; Boldness; Form of Sarah; Princess; Heavenly; Light Breeze; Rose; Queen; Blooming Flower
Decorated or Ornamented Tree; Fragrant or Beautiful Plant; Variant Transcription of Zaynab; Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad; Name of Prophet's Wife
Princess; Lady; Shining; Flower; Light; Dawn; Blossom; Radiance; Queen; Blossoming Flower; Little; Womenn of Jannah (Heaven); Day's Awakening
Shining; Life; Loving or Affectionate; Alive; Beautiful; Fashionable: Gift of God; Perfect; Fashionable