SaarikaCute Name; A Parrot
SabariVareigated; Belongingto the Sabara Tribe
SachiWife of Lord Indra; Child of Joy; Truth; Grace; Child of Bliss; Clever
SachikaLord Krishna's Flute; Kind
SadhakaEffective; Efficient; Goddess Durga
SadhanaLong Practice; Study; Fulfilment; Achievement; Goddess Durga
SadhviVirtuous Woman; Simplicity
SadhyaGood Habits; Queen; Perfection
SadvatiRighteous; Truthful; Pious
SaeshaWith Great Desire and Wish
SagariRiver; Of the Ocean
SagunaCalm; Possessed of Good Qualities
SahajaNatural; Original; Innate; Normal
SahasraA New Beginning; Thousand Times; Goddess Laxmi; Intelligent; Fullness of Mantra; The Whole Sum of the Name in the World (Type of the Name in the World 1008)
SahitaBeing Near; A River
SailaDwelling in the Mountains
SailajaLord Parvati; Daughter of Parvatha
SailiCarved in Rock; Style; Custom; Flower
SajaniLoving; Well Loved; Night
SakhiTrue Friend; Story; Life Partner
SakshiWitness; Justice; Proof; Cute Princess; Loved by Everyone; Grace; Purity; Pluck; Witness Truth; Queen; Princess; Real; Truth
SaktiEnergy; Goodness; Power
SalinaMoon; Light; Shine; Heaven; Goddess of the Moon; Peaceful; Courteous; Fennel
SaliniWith a Fixed Abode; Settled
SalmaliGarlanded with the Salmali Trees
SaloniBeautiful; Smart; Innovative; Stunning; Lovely; Talented; Graceful
SamaWeather; Of a Peaceful Nature; Similarity; A Year
SamastiAll that is Reaching; The Universe
SamhitaA Vedic Composition; Vedic Om Position; God
SamidhaAn Offering for a Sacred Fire
SamihaWish; Magnanimous; Desire
SamiraA Chameli Flower; Pleasant Community; Evening Conversationalist; Friend of the Night; Gust of Wind; Cool Breeze; One who Reconciles; A Chame
SampadaWealth; Money; Wealthy
SamritiMemory; Meeting Together
SamsaraEternal Spirit; Reincarnation
SanaPrayer; Resplendence; Brilliance; Mountain Top; Brightness; Radiance; Lasting Long; To Gaze; Look; Loud; Old; Majestic; Worship to Gaze or Look; Beauty
SandhyaEvening; Precious Mind; Twilight; Dusk; Perfection Beatifull; Evening Time
SandyaSunset Time; Name of a God
SangitaMusical; Music; Goddess of Music and Knowledge
SanjaliInner Beauty; With Hands Hollowed and Joined in Prayer
SanjanaGentle; Peaceful Nature; Beautiful; Gentle in Harmony
SanjnaWell Known; Wife of Sun; Scholar; Adventurer; Super
SankhyaWelfare; Comfort; Health
SannatiBending Down; Humility
SanoliPossessed with Self Penance; Earth
SansaPraise; Invocation; Charm
SantaniContinuing; Forming an Interrupted Line
SantatiGranter of Issues; Goddess Durga
SantiSaint; Tranquillity; Peace
SantoshSatisfaction; Happiness
SanyaBeneficent; Fortunate; Splendid; Radiant; Born on Saturday; Narrator of the Koran; First Light of Sun
SaraPure; Lady; Excellent; Form of Sarah; Queen; Abraham's Wife; Priceless; Inestimable; Solid; Precious; Best; Star; Happy; Beautiful; Princess
SarahPrincess; Lady; Woman of High Rank; Pure; Happy
SaralaStraight; Honest; Simple; Straight Forward
SarangiA Ragini; Goddess Saraswati
SaranyaDefender; Surrendered; Goddess Durga
SarayuA Holy River in Ayodhya; Goddess Lakshmi; Wind
SaridhaGoddess of Learning; Bird; Arrow
SarikaThe Brave Princess; A Parrot; Princess; Koel; Cuckoo; A Thing of Beauty; Nature; A Bird
SarmilaShy; Happy; Modest
SarojaLotus; Born in a Lake
SarvaComplete; Perfect-; While
SarvaniThe All; Goddess Durga; Universal; Complete; Born in the Month of Shravan
SarvataWholeness; Totality
SashanaHappy; Radiance; Prosperity; Lustrous; Goddess Lakshmi / Durga
SasiniContaining the Moon
SatiChaste Woman; Name of Lord Mahadev's (Shiva) Wife
SattaPure Being or Existence; Truth
SatvatiPleasant; Delighted
SaumyaPolite; Soft; Mild; Gentle; Delicate; Sensitive; Goddess Durga; Peaceful; Silent
SaumyiMoonlight Shining; Moonlight
SauvasaA Fragrant Species of Tulsi
SavarnaDaughter of the Ocean
SaveriWith Saffron; A Ragini
SaviniOne who Prepares Soma; Nectar Giving; A River
SavithaSunlight; Sun; Bright
SavitriA River; Goddess Saraswati
SejalRiver Water; Pure Water; Pure Heart; Flowing Calm Water
SelmaFair; Protected by God; God's Helmet; Safe; Will Helmet; God's Protection; Divinely Protected; Sacrifice; Well Spoken; Helmet of God
SetuBridge; Sacred Symbol
SevikaServant of God; Helpful
ShaNatural; Goddess Durga; Form of Shakshi / Shatvika
ShabariA Tribal Devotee of Lord Rama
ShailaStone; Mountain; Goddess; Goddess Parvati; Speech; Black Eye of a Flower; Lord Shiva's Wife; Living in Mountain
ShaktiEnergy; Power; Goddess Durga; The Powerful One
ShamaLight; A Flame; Silk-cotton Tree; Candle
ShanayaGod Gift; First Ray of the Sun; Lovable; Blooming Flowers; Sweet; Lucky; Beautiful
ShantaPeaceful; Daughter of King Dasarath; Very Calm
SharadaGoddess of Learning; Saraswati
SharayuA Holy River; River in Ayodhya
ShardaThe Goddess of Art and Literature; Goddess Saraswati
SharikaGoddess Durga; Partner; Participant; Autumn
ShastaName of a Native American Tribe; Teacher
ShathaAromatic; Eternal; She was a Narrator of Hadith
SheelaWife of Lord Brahma; Irish Form of Cecilia Blind; Blind; Cool; Good Character; One with Good Morals
ShilpiArtisan; White Shells
ShivaCharming; Goddess Parvati; God Shiva
ShivinName of Lord Shiva; The Operator; One who Maintains Balance Between Life and Death
ShobhaAttractive; Splendour; Beauty; Grace; Glory
ShreeProsperous; Wife of the God Vishnu; Goddess Laxmi; Another Name of Goddess Parvati
ShreyaLucky; Excellent; Credit; To Give Credit to Someone; Auspicious; Better; The Best Forever; Goddess Lakshmi; Beautiful; Strong; Brave; Wisdom; Intelligence; Fortunate; Successful; Pure; Favourable
ShriyaProsperity; Wife of Lord; Auspicious; Lucky; Better; The Best Forever; Goddess Lakshmi; Beautiful
ShrutiBeautiful; Different; Hearing; Veidik Text; Expert in Vedas; Intelligent; Different in All; A Musical Tone; Knowledge of Ved
ShubhaAuspicious; Shining; Goddess Lakshmi
ShvetaWhite; Pure Heart; Brave
ShwetaPure; Bright; White; Lovable; Purity; Clear by Heart; Sweet; Fair Complexioned; Goddess Parvati
ShyamaDark as Cloud; Goddess Kali
SiddhiProsperity; Wealthy; Achievement; Memory; Mind; Lord Ganesh's Wife; Ready to Protect; Goddess; Ability of Success
SimaLimit; Border; Listener; Precious Thing; Treasure; Boundary; Bank; Shore
SindhuSea; Ocean; River; Water
SinjaJingle; God is Gracious
SiratGood Manners; Inside Beauty
SirinaNight; Named for the Sirens
SitaGoddess; Wife of Lord Rama
SitalaOf Good Memory; Of Cold Disposition; Sand; Display Memory
SitaraA Star; Morning Star
SivaAuspicious Power; Kind and Simple
SivaniGoddess Parvati; Female Version of Shiva
SkandaSon of Lord Shiva; Lord Karthik's Name
SlokaHymn; Words; It's is Like a Slokam in Any Language
SmirtiMemory; Remembrance; Desire; Wish; Understanding
SmitaSmiling; Smile; Ever Smiling Lady
SmritiImmortal; Recollect; Recollection; Memory
SnehaLove; Affectionate; Wife of Rishi Sandeep; Friendly
SobhaGlorious; Virtuous; Splendour; Brilliance Beauty; Grace
SohiniSplendid; Adorned; Beautiful; Sun's Rays
SomaMoon-rays; Somras; A Type of Wine
SomaliBeloved of the Moon
SonaliGolden; Special; Goldness; Golden Rays
SonamBeautiful; Gold; Intelligent; Brave; Gifted
SoniaBeautiful; Pretty; Wise; Wisdom; Where She Goes Happiness Brings; Skill; Golden; Name which Brings Happiness
SreeHappy; Radiance; Prosperity; Goddess Srija; Happy Goddess Lakshmi; Happy Varanya Shresta S Goddess Lakshmi; God; Goddess Lakshmi
SreejaThe Jatika of Goddess Lakshmi
SreyaExcellent; Credit; To Give Credit to Someone; Auspicious
SridaGiven by Lakshmi; Bestowing Fortune
SrignaOrder of Lord Vishnu
SriyaGoddess Laxmi; Prosperity; Simplicity; Lovable; Affectionate; Wealthy; Fortunate
SrutiRhythm; Hearing; Ear; Knowledge of the Vedas
StavaPraiser; Staff of the Gods
StutiPraises; Prayer; Happiness; Goddess Durga
SubaliVery Strong; Powerful
SubhaSplendour; Beauty; Ornament; Decoration
SuddhiPurification; Holiness; Truth
SudheeExcellent Intelligence
SudhiExcellent Intelligence
SugunaGood Natured; Very Virtuous
SuhaRejoicing; A Raga; Name of a Star; Forgotten; Overlooked
SuhaniCheerful; Pleasant; Pretty
SuhitaBeneficial; Suitable; Friendly
SujataOf Noble Birth; Beauty
SukhaHappiness; Ease; Comfort
SulomaWith Beautiful Hair
SumaFlower; Natural; Everywhere; God; Born During the Summer; Beautiful Line; To Ask; Good Mother
SumanBeautiful Flowers; Flower; Cheerful and Wise; One who has a Good Mind
SumatiGood Minded; Wisdom
SumayaWith Excellent Plans
SumonaCalm; With Good Heart
SunitaWell-behaved; Polite; One with Good Morals; Gracious; Feeling; Intelligent; Well Behaved; Kind; Love; Beautiful
SunitiGood Conduct; Good Principles
SuralaOne who Brings the Gods
SuranaJoyous; Making a Pleasing Sounds
SuratiOne with a Beautiful Face
SurenuVery Small; An Atom
SuriLittle Princess; Red Rose; Consort of the Sun; Another Name for Kunti
SuryaThe Sun; Glittering Sun; Sun God
SusamaExquisite Beauty; Splendour
SushmaBeautiful Woman; Beauty
SusilaWife of Krishna; Clever in Amorous Sciences
SutoyaWith Beautiful Water; A River
SuvaniPerson with a Good Voice
SuvedaVery Intelligent; Knower of Scriptures
SuvenaWith a Beautiful Plait of Hair
SvadhiBeautiful; Thoughtful
SvetaLuminescent; White; Bright Light; One of the 7 Tongues of Fire
SwahaWife of Agni; The Lord of the Fire
SwaraA Musical Tone; Musical Notes; Tune; Self Shining; Sweet Voice
SwastiA Star; Name of a Star
SwatiPrecious Drop; Name of the Brightest Star; A Nakshatra; God; First Drop of Rain; Name of a Bird
SwetaAs Pure as Milk; Fair Complexioned
SwethaLovely; Pure as Milk; Fair Complexioned; Pure; Cute; Beautiful; Gorgeous