Climb The Tree and Child Education

Let's or Lets

We present you a number of stories in unique format, some are motivational, funny and some may be emotional. Hope you will enjoy them. Some of them may be a life changer for you. Please give your valuable feedback in the comment section below.

Climb Up The Tree – A lesson for parents on child education

Mr. Lion, the king of the jungle, loudly announced – “No child should be kept illiterate. Proper education should be ensured for all.”
All children should be sent to school. At the end of the course, everyone will be given a certificate.
All the kids got admission in the school. It’s the school of his majesty, the king, everyone will get proper education.

“Education for all” campaign has begun!
Baby elephant came to school. Children of monkey, fish, bear, cat, camel, giraffe also reached the school.
The study started with a bang.

First Unit Test

Now, it’s time for the “First Unit Test”. Baby elephant failed!
– “Failed in which subject?” The elephant came and asked.
— Failed in “Tree Climbing”.
The elephant fell in great thought. His son has failed? It cannot be accepted in any way.
The search has begun, must get a good tutor. No compromise can be made regarding the child’s education.
The elephant has only one tension now, anyway, the boy has to be taught to climb the tree!! His son must be the topper in the subject of “Climbing Trees”.

First session is over. The final result is out.
It is came to known, the children of elephants, camels, giraffes, fish, all have failed.
The baby monkey has become the topper.

A grand ceremony was organized by inviting various guests on the public stage. As a topper, a medal was placed around the neck of the baby monkey.
The monkey is overjoyed. His son has become a topper. He is jumping from this tree to that tree.

After being humiliated, the elephant, camel, giraffe started beating their own children heavily. “This is ultimate dishonor!” the giraffe cried. After providing that much tuition, wasting so much cost! They could not accept it.
— “Idiot…even after trying so hard, you couldn’t climb the tree? You are totally useless.. you must learn from the monkey-kid, how to climb the tree.” — The elephant said

Fish-kid is also a failure. He failed in every subject except “swimming”.
The principal said – “Your child has an attendance problem. Very inattentive! Can’t stay in class for more than five minutes.”
The fish looked at his child angrily.
The child says — “Mom, I can’t breathe, it’s very painful. Would it be possible for me to admit a school in the water?”
Fish says — “Shut up idiot.. I can’t find such a good school anywhere else.. Focus on studies, you don’t have to think about school.”

Elephants, camels, giraffes, returning home to beat their own incompetent children. On the way, they met the old tortoise.
The fox says – “Ah, why are you beating the little children?”
The camel says – “I will kill him. My dignity has not been preserved.”
Tortoise says – “Tell me what happened?”
The elephant said – “With such a big body, it could not climb the tree. The monkey’s son became the topper,, there was nothing left of dignity.”

The tortoise burst into laughter.
— “Well, can you climb trees?”
Giraffe says – “We are illiterate.. There were no such school in our childhood.. If we had schools then, we would have learned, of course we could have climbed the tree.”
The tortoise said – “I did not understand why you need to climb the tree. Listen brother elephant, you lift your huge trunk, grind the biggest fruit of the tree and eat it. You don’t need to climb the tree.”
— “Camel brother, you have a very high neck.. Extend your neck, the best fruit of the tree, crush the leaves and eat.”
— “Sister fish, enroll your child in the river school. Teach him to swim with full of joy. You will see… one day your son will cross the river and cross the sea. Cross the seven seas and he will make your name shine. Don’t send him to the king’s school at all. He will die.”

Remember, education is for your child, your child is not for education!
Every child has something special.