Formulas for Chemical Compounds

List of chemical formulas

The brief you need to know before going into details of Chemical Formula

Chemistry is a science of the composition of matter and transformation of its physical or chemical property. Our universe is made of matter. The matter is composed of atoms of various different chemical elements that are found in pure as well as combined form. Any substance consisting of the matter is called chemical. They occur in the form of solids, liquids or gases. It can exist as a pure substance or as a mixture. Every chemical element is represented by a unique symbol. Chemical Formula is the way to describe the compounds scientifically, read below to understand this better.

There are naturally occurring chemicals and artificially made chemicals. Examples of naturally occurring chemicals are as follows:

Solids – Rocks, plant fibers, soil, minerals such as zinc, copper, etc.
Liquids – Water
Gases – Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen

Artificially made chemicals have various applications. They have transformed the pharmaceuticals and food industries. Due to this the food flavoring and preservation has become easy and inexpensive.

The chemical formula is a way to represent any chemical substance using the symbol of the elements present in it. Below we have given a list of the chemical compound formulas along with the compound name, molecular weight, and molecular formula. Use alphabetic index or search box to find a specific formula or a chemical compound.
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List of Chemical Formula

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There are currently 7 Chemical Names in this directory beginning with the letter X.

xenon difluoride

xenon hexafluoride

xenon monofluoride

xenon tetrafluoride

xenon tetrafluoride oxide


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