NadiaFilled with Hope; Caller; Moist;
NadineFilled with Hope; Hopeful;
NanFull of Grace; Gracious;
NancyFilled with Grace; God's Flavour;
NanetteLittle Favourable One;
NannaCourageous; Brave; Darling;
NaomiCongeniality; Enjoyment; Pleasure;
NashelyThe One that is Loved or Loved One
NataleeThe Birthday of Christ; Natal Day;
NatalieBorn on Christmas;
NatelinnaBorn at Christmas
NatieA Familiar Form of Natalie
NatishaStar; Child of Christmas
NavyaNovel; New; Worth Praising; Young;
NeenaNew; Emotion; Better
NeetaWith in Rules; Gracious; Upright;
NeldaFrom the Alder Trees; Sun Ray;
NeleishaThe Happy Sapphire; Flower;
NelleLight; Horn; Sun Ray;
NellieShining Light; Eleanor;
NellyShining Light; Eleanor;
NetaLittle Seed; Leader; Guide; Bear;
NevaLeader of the Tribe; Snowy;
NevaehHeaven; Peace; Angels
NicholaFemale Version of Nicholas;
NicholeVictory of the People;
NicolaVictory of the People;
NicolettePeople's Triumph;
NikeishaCinnamon Tree; Favourite
NikoleVictory of the People; Victory;
NinaLove Hope; Lovely-eyed;
NirvanaOne who Blows out; Deep Silence;
NitaSerious; Gracious; With in Rules;
NoaMovement; Love; Motion; Shake
NoelleBorn on Christmas; Birthday;
NolaMagnolia Flower; Noble; Famous;
NoleneNoble; Feminine of Nolan;
NorbertaBright; Renowned Northerner;
NoreenLight; Honour; Bright One;
NormaFrom the North; Pattern; Courage;
NoufHighest Point on a Mountain
NovaNew; Newcomer; A Bright Star;
NubiaStrong Mother of a Nation; Veiled;
NydiaBorn in the Nest; Refuge; Nest
NyreeFlaxen; Pacific Islander;