BabitaBeautiful; Pleasant; Polite;
BabsStrange; Diminutive of Barbara;
BadraFull Moon; Pretty; Goddess Durga
BaileeLaw Enforcer; Bailiff;
BaileyLaw Enforcer; Bailiff;
BailiBailiff; Sherriff's Officer;
BailyBailiff; Variant of Bailey
BakulaA Flower; Nagakeshar Flower
BaliEarring; Strong; Sacrifice
BarbiTraveller from a Foreign Land;
BarbieStranger; Foreigner; Princess;
BarbraStranger; Foreigner;
BarfiMade of Milk and Sugar
BariahOutspoken; Unique; Original;
BaroniRoyalty; Famous Daughter
BaylaBerry Clearing; Bailiff;
BayleeLaw Enforcer; Bailiff;
BayleyLaw Enforcer; Bailiff;
BaylieLaw Enforcer; Bailiff;
BeaForm of Beatrice; Bringer of Joy;
BeccaBound; Tied; Joined; To Tie;
BeckaForm of Rebecca; Tied; To Tie;
BeckieCaptivating; Bound;
BeckyOne who Ties / Joins;
BeenaA Musical Instrument; Seeing;
BekkiOne who Snares; Traps
BelitaBeautiful; Pledged to God;
BellaPromise of God; Beautiful;
BenitaBlessed; Good Person
BernaYoung Woman; Bear; Courageous;
BerniOne who Brings Victory;
BertaFamous; Noble; Splendid;
BerteNoble; Shining; Bright
BerthaBrilliant; Intelligent; Famous;
BertiNoble; Shining; Bright;
BertieWise; Graceful; Shining Pledge;
BertyNoble; Bright Fame; Shining Pledge
BerylGemstone; A Jewel; Precious Jewel
BessieGod is My Oath; Form of Elizabeth;
BetcyGod is Satisfaction; Oath of God
BethGod is My Oath; House of God;
BetiaHouse of God; Daughter of Jehovah
BetsyGod is My Oath; Form of Elizabeth;
BettPledged to God; God's Promise;
BetteGod is My Oath; Form of Elizabeth;
BettiPledged to God; House;
BettyCheerful; Form of Elizabeth
BevBeaver-stream; Beaver Field
BibiLady; Woman; Full of Life;
BilliWill-helmet; Strong Willed
BillieResolute Protector; Determination;
BillyResolute Protector; Beautiful;
BinnyForm of Bianca; White; Blessed
BirdeyUnusual Nature Name
BirdieLittle Bird; Unusual Nature;
BivaSunlight; Shine; Light
BlaineSlender; Thin; Yellow
BlaireDweller on the Plain;
BlakePale-skinned; Dark; Black; Pale;
BlayreFemale Version of Blair; Flatland
BlendaDazzling; White; Fair; Blond;
BlisseDelight; Joy; Intense Happiness
BlitheCheerful; Form of Blythe; Joyous;
BlyssDelight; Joy; Intense Happiness
BlysseDelight; Joy; Happiness
BobbeBright Fame; Strange; Foreign
BobbeeBright Fame; Strange
BobbieStranger; Foreigner;
BobbyStrange; Bright Famous One
BoniePleasant; Good; Pretty
BonnieAttractive; Fair; Lovely; Pretty;
BonnyPretty; Good; Sweet; Strange;
BrandeFirebrand; Name of a Liquor
BrandyDistilled Wine; Beverage Brandy;
BreaBeauty Beyond Sight; Hill;
BreezeLight Wind; Carefree; Delightful;
BrenBurning; Raven; Black Haired;
BrendaLittle Raven; Fiery Hill; Burning;
BrennBurning; Raven; Black Haired;
BrettBrit; A Native of England;
BriannStrong; She Ascends;
BriarHeather; A Thorny Plant;
BriceSwift; Noble; Alert; Ambitious
BrinaHill; Strong; Boundary Line;
BrionyA Flowering Vine; Climbing Plant;
BritaPowerful; Strong; Strength;
BriteFrom Britain; Exalted One; To Help
BritnyFrom Great Britain; From England
BrittaExalted One; Strength; To Help;
BroganShoemaking; Sturdy Shoe
BrookA Small Fresh Water Stream; Water
BrookeA Small Fresh Water Stream;
BrooksSmall Stream; Brook
BryanForm of Brian; Honourable;
BryanaStrong; High; Noble; She Ascends;
BryannStrong; High; Noble; Exalted;
BryceNoble; Swift; Son of a Nobleman
BryonyFlowering / Climbing Plant;
BuenaGood; Excellent; Woman of Good
BuffyGod's Promise; Beaver-stream;
BunnyGood; Fair of Face; Charming;
ByrdieUnusual Nature Name