TakshGod Ganesha; Strong; Eyes Like a Pigeon
TaksheelA Strong Character
TamalA Kind of Tree; A Tree with Very Dark Bark
TamishGod of Darkness; Moon
TamoghnLord Vishnu; Lord Shiva
TamonashDestroyer of Ignorance
TanaIssue; Name of the Great Marathi Worrier
TanishJewel; Ambition; Lord Shiva; Diamond; Am Ambition; Beautiful
TanishqPrecious; Gold; Sweet; Diamond; Shine; Jewel; Dear
TanmayWith an Inspire; Engrossed; Absorbed
TanveerBrightness; Eng-lightened; Rays of Light; Enlightened; Loveable and Attractive
TanvirStrong; Enlightened; Smart; He Carries Lot of Responsibilities; Delicate; Rich from Eyes
TapanSun; Summer; Tapasvi; Lord Surya (Sun)
TapasHeat; Penance; Ascetic; Saint
TapendraLord of Heat; Sun
TapomayFull of Moral Virtue
TaradhishLord of the Stars
TarakStar; Pupil of Eye; Protector; Eye
TaranRaft; Heaven; The Saviour of All
TaranjotLight of Redemption
TareshGod of the Stars; Moon
TarikOne who Crosses the River of Life; Muslim General who Conquered Spain; Morning Star; Neutron Star; Messenger; Path-breaker or Finder; Variant of Tariq; Knocking
TaruLittle Plant; Small Plant
TarunSun; Young; Youth; Tender; Love; Lord Ganesha; Gain
TashkSon of Bharat (Brother of Lord Rama)
TavishOcean; Gold; Heaven
TeerthHoly Place; Sacred Water
TejBright; Lustrous; A Strong Ray of Sun; Brightness
TejalBright; Lustrous; Glowing
TejasSharpness; Brightness; Brilliance; Lustre
TejeshSun; God of Brightness
TejhalBright; Glowing; Lustrous
Tejo-mahalayaTemple of Lord Shiva; Other Name of Taj Mahal
ThakurLeader; God; Master
ThamanName of a God; Price; Worth
TilakAuspicious; Spot of Vermillion or Sandal Wood Paste on Forehead
TiminLarge Fish; Born Near the Sea
TimmyOne who Honours God; Form of Timothy; Honouring God; Dispel of Paul
TimothyTo Fear God; Honoring God; Name of a Saint; To Honor God; One who Honors God
TirthHoly Place; Pilgrim; To Go Yatra Dham; Tour to Holy Place
TirthankarLord Vishnu; One who is Free of All Sin and Achieved Salvation
TirumalaSeven Hills; Lord Venkateswara
TirupathiSeven Hills; Brand Name of the Devotional
TrailokvaThe Three Worlds
TribhovanOne with Knowledge of Three Worlds
TribhuMaster of All Three States; Land, Sky and Universe
TribhuvanThe Three Worlds; One with Knowledge of Three Worlds
TridevHindu Trinity; Bramha Vishnu and Mahesh
TridhamanThe Holy Trinity
TrigunThe Three Dimensions
TrilochanOne with Three Eyes; Lord Shiva; Three Eyed Lord; One of Higher Knowledge
TrilokName of Lord Shiva; Three Worlds (Heaven Earth Hell)
TrilokchandMoon of the Three Worlds
TrimaanWorshipped in Three Worlds
TrinabhLord Vishnu; 3 Sky
TrinathLord Shivtripur Three Cities
TripuraariName of Lord Shiva
TrishankuA King of the Surya Dynasty
TrishulLord Shiva's Weapon; Lord Shiva's Trident
TrishuldhariName of Lord Shiva
TrnHeaven; The Saviour of All
TulshidasThe Incomparable One; Holy Plant in Hinduism; Basil Plant
TulsidaasServant of Tulsi
TunganathLord of the Mountains
TungishLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
TusharWater Drops; Hero; Pal; God; Snow; Fine Drops of Water; Cold Water Droplets; Winter; Frost