NaagA Big Serpent; Friend of God Shiva
NaagarjunAn Ancient Philosopher
NaagdharOne who Wears Cobra
NaagendraLord Shiva; King of the Serpents
NaageshGod of Serpents; Sheshnaag
NaageswarName of Lord Shiva
NaagpalSaviour of Serpents
NaagpatiKing of Serpents; Vaasuki
NaakeshThe Lord of Heaven; Moon
NaaraayanThe Refuge of Man
NabhomaniJewel of the Sky; Sun
NabhyaCentral; Lord Shiva
NachikA Short Form of Nachiketa
NachiketSon of Vajashravas
NadeeshGod of River; Ocean
Naga-ArjunName of Lord Shiva
NagaarjunName of Lord Shiva
NagadhirajName of Lord Shiva
NagdharOne who Adornes Mountain; Lord Shiva
NagdhariName of Lord Shiva
NagendraAlert; Seshnag; Snake; Lord of Mountains (Himalaya)
NageshCosmic Serpent; Lord Shiva; King of Snake; Lord of Serpent
NagpalSaviour of Serpents
NahushName of an Ancient King
NaimishMomentary; Transient; A Mythological Forest
NaineshGods Third Eye; Relax Eyes; Relate to Eye
NaishadhKing Nala; A Hero from the Mahabharata who was King of Nishadha
NaitikRegular; Ethical; Good in Nature
NaksatrarajaKing of Stars
NakshHaving Great Quality; Prosperty of Wealth; Feature; Head; Kindness; Success and Hard Working; Design; New
NakulName of One of the Pandavas; Lord Shiva; Supreme Intelligence
NalAn Ancient King; Champion
NalinikantHusband of Lotus
NamanSalutation; Respect; Namaste
NamdevLord Vishnu; Poet; Saint; A Godly Person
NamraKind; Soft; Flexible
NanakGuru of the Sikhs; First Sikh Guru
NandaMeritorious; Great Achiever; Lord Vishnu; Joy; Bliss
NandakumarLord Krishna; Kind Hearted
NandanHappiness; Lord Krishna; Pleasing; Son
NandiOne who Pleases Others; The Bull of Shiva; Lord Shiva
NandishLord of Pleasure; Lord Shiva
NandrajName of Lord Shiva
NaradIndian Saint; Devotee of Narayan
NarandraHumanity; King of Men
NarangThe Royal Clan; Orange
NarasimhaAn Incarnation of Lord Vishnu
NarayanLord Vishnu; Good; Simple
NarayanaVishnu; Refuge of Man
NarayananTitle of Vishnu; Krisna
NarendraHumanity; King of Men
NarendranathKing of Kings; Emperor
NareshLord of Man; The King; The King of the Country
NarinderThe King; King of Society; King of Men
NarshiLord of Narasimha; Lion Among Men
NarshidasLord of Narasimha
NarsimhaLord of Narasimha; Lion Among Men
NartanaMakes Others Dance
NateshKing of Nation; King
NateshwarLord of Dancers; Lord Shiva
NathalalLord; Ruler; Defender
NathanGift from God; God has Given; Given; Husband; Controller; God; Giver; Gift; Given by God
NatrajKing Among Actors; Name of Lord Shiva
NaubatMusical Instrument; Used in Medieval Time to Gather People for Informantion
NavajNew Kingdom; New Order; Newly Born
NavaneetButter; New Lesson
NavashenThe One who Brings Hope
NaveenNew; Role Model of World; Ever Fresh
NavenduThe Moon a Night After Amavasya
NavinchandraSame as Navendu; Moon a Night After Amavasya
NavnitraiEveryday Fresh / New
NealChampion; Blue; Lord Shiva (Blue Throat); Engineer to the Gods with Twin Nal Helped Rama Build the Bridge to Lanka
NeelBlue; Lord Shiva; Sky; Cloud
NeelabhObject in the Sky; Cloud; Moon
NeeladriBlue Mountain; The Nilgiris
NeeleshLord Krishna; Moon
NeerajLotus; Pearl; Born from Water; Lord Krishna
NeevFoundation; Strong Foundation
NehalThe One who is Gratified; Neh means Love; Rainy; Beautiful; Handsome
NeilChampion; Blue; Like a Horn
NihalGratified; Delighted; Happy; Prosperous; King; Blissful Person
NikLord; Abbreviation of Nicholas; Mythological; People's Victory; Champion; Good; Victorious People; Diminutive of Dominick
NikeshInfinite; The God; Man who Save People; Lord Vishnu
NikhilWhole; Complete; Entire; Good Manner
NikhileshKing of Earth; Lord of All; Lord of the Universe
NikileswarThe King of Earth
NikshayLord Shiva; Indestructive
NikunjBower; Birds Nest; Garden
NilabhMoon; Name of Lord Shiva; No Gain
NilayHeaven; Home; No Half
NileshLord Shiva / Krishna; Person who Sacrifices
NilkanthName of Lord Shiva
NimaiTalent; Chaitanya; Adjusted; Ascetic
NimashMomentary; Inside Viewer
NimeshMomentary; Love; Inside Viewer
NimishMomentary; Lord Rama's Ancestor; Spilt-second; Lord Vishnu
NinadSound; Gentle Sound of Water
NiradGiven by Water; Cloud
NirajLotus Flower; Born of Water
NirakaarWithout Any Shape or Form
NiramitraSon of Pandava Sahadeva
NiranjanSimple; Name of a River; The Night of the Full Moon; Lord Shiva; Flawless; No Affection in Anything'; Incomparable
NirankarGod Shiva; With No Shape (God)
NiravWithout Sound; Quiet
NirbhayshankerFearless Lord Shiva
NirdharOne who Holds Water; Cloud
NirishFree; Without Any Owner
NirjeswarName of Lord Shiva
NirmalKindness; Clean; Pure; Talent Person; The One who is Pure
NirmohOne who is Far Away with Worthless Affection; Free from Illusion; Undeluded
NirmohiNo Greed; Unattached
NirupamWithout Comparison
NischalPure; Calm; Steady; Has will Power
NishCute; By the Ash Tree; Adventurer
NishadSeventh Note on Indian Musical Scale
NishakantHusband of Night; Moon
NishakarMoon; Lord of Night)
NishalGod Shiva; Lord Shiva; No End; Earth King
NishanMiracles; Symbol; Signature; Mark; Third Eye of God Shiva
NishantEnding of Darkness; End of Night; No Mark; Silent; Dawn; Peaceful; Early Morning; To Shine
NishatA Tree; Liveliness; Energy
NishchayDecision; A Strong Desire; To Decide
NishikantKing of Night; Husband of Night; Moon; Lord Chandra (Moon); Lord of Night
NishikarMoon; Lord of Night
NitantBeing Endless; Extreme
NiteeshGod of Law; One Well Versed in Law
NiteshMaster of Love; Master of the Right Path; Krishna; True Warrior; Mightiest Lord
NitinMaster of the Right Path; New; Owner of the Truth Way; Lord Vishnu; Brave; Calm; Follower of the Right Path; Intelligent
NitishMaster of the Right Path; Lord Krishna; True Warrior; Mightiest Lord; Night Light; Lord of Correct Path
NityamEveryday; Lord Shiva
NityanandaLord Krishna; Always Happy
NivashPlace to Live; Home
NivedanOffering to God; Request; Submition
NivruttSeparation from World
NripKing; Like Lord of State