SaHandsome; Joy; Lord Shiva
SabhyaRefined; Of Good Conduct and Manner
SachinTrue; Pure; Existence; Lord Indra; Lord Shiva
SachitConsciousness; Joyful
SadgunVirtues; Good Qualities
SadruLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
SaganLord Shiva names in Kannada
SagarWise One; From the Sagebrush Plant; Surname; Sea; Ocean; Pond; Name of the 2nd Chakravarti; Water; Very Deep
SahajNatural; Original; Easy
SahibThe Lord; Companion; Follower; Friend
SahilOcean; Guide; Sea Shore; River Bank
SaiAlways Smile; Flower of Love; Everywhere; Lord Shiva; Sai Baba; Swami; Flower; Friend; Blessing
SajalMoist; Hydrous; Clean Mind
SajivLive; Lively; Gods Place
SakarLively; Manifestation of God
SaketHeaven; Lord Krishna with Friends; Abode of Lord Rama; Different Star; Music of Shiva
SalajWater which Flows from Melted Ice from Mountain
SalilWater; Descendant; Son; Sword
SalimHappy; Peaceful; Safe; Sound; Tranquillity; Another Name for God; Perfect; Healthy; Secure; Free
SamiHigh; Sublime; Similar; Noble; All Hearing; Elevated; Another Name for God; Listener; Obedient; Lofty; Supreme
SamirWind; Pleasant Companion; A Companion who Joins in an Evening Conversation; Jovial; Early Morning Fragrance; Entertaining Companion; Breeze; Entertainer
SandyDefender of Mankind; Abbreviation of Alexander Defender of Man; Defending Men; Good Lamp
SaranProtection; Surrender; Leader
SarasSimple; A Bird; Lake; Moon; Pond
SaratAutumn; Name of a Season; A Sage
SastaOne who Rules; The Legend of Mankind
SathiShadow; True; Partner
SatyaTruth; Faithful; God; Final Truth of Universe; Who Speaks Truth
SavaWise; Old Man; Saint who was a Trainer of Young Monks
SethuKing of World; Leadership; Bridge; Warrior; Good; Connecting
SetuSacred Symbol; Bridge
SevaService; Attendance; Care
ShaanFamous; Pride; Respected; Peaceful
ShamiFire; Husband; Cold; Name of a Tree
ShamsFragrance; With Faith; A Planet; Sun
ShanPride; Prestige; Famous; Respected; Dignity; Splendour Super
ShayGift; Hawk-like; Eagle; Sharp
ShivLord Shiva; Auspicious; Lucky
ShivaPure; Lord; God of Destruction; Powerful
ShivuInnocent; Talented; Lord Shiva
ShlokPrayer; Saints Saying; Verse Sound Praise; God's Prey; Mantras in Vedas
ShubhGood; Fortunate; Happy
ShyamDark Blue; Black; Lord Krishna
SidduFear; Be Ready; Lord Shiva
SkandSpurting; Flowing; Lord Kartikeya
SmyanSmile; Always Smiling
SohamLord Brahmha; The Presence of Divinity of Each Soul; Breath; I am
SohanGood Looking; Nice; Lord Shiva
SohilBeautiful; Moon Glow; Star; Moon Light
SomMoon; Religious; Sweet; Cute; Innocent
SonitPerson with Good Intentions
SriRespect; God; Richness; Loyal
SubalA Friend of Lord Krishna; Lord Shiva
SubbuLord Karthikaya's Follower
SudipGood Light; Very Bright
SuguName of Lord Sugureshwar
SuhasBeautiful Smile; Smiling Beautifully
SujalAffectionate; Pure Water; Holy Water; Purity
SujanHonest; Wise; Exalted Knowledge
SujatBelonging to a Good Clan
SujayVictory; Winner; Victory of Good
SujitWinner; Victory; Peace
SukasBreeze; Always Happy
SumanOne has Good Heart; Flower; Cheerful and Wise; Good Mind; Love
SumitLovely; Good Friend; Well Measured; Good Path
SumukLord Ganesh; Good Face
SunamGood Name; Fame; Famous
SunayWise; Leader; A Well Conducted King
SunilBlue; Sapphire; Dark Blue; Red Lotus; Pomegranate Tree; Wind; Beautiful Sky; Krishna with Blue Colour; Lord Vishnu
SusenLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
SuvanLord Shiva; The Sun; Incarnation; Emanation
SuvasLord Shiva; Good Fragrance