DaiwikBy the Grace of God
DakshPerfect Being; Capable; Smart; Lord Shiva; Fire; Gold; Son of Lord Brahma; Precious Son; Son of a Perfect Being; Expert; Fit
DakshinayanSome Movement of the Sun
DalajitWinning over a Group
DalapathiLeader of a Group
DalbhyaBelonging to Wheels
DalpatiCommander of Group
DamanOne who Controls; Non-violence; Destroyer
DamarugendraIt's a Music Instrument Used by Lord Shiva
DamianTo Tame; Subdue; Tamer
DandapaniStaff Handed; Holding a Staff in his Hand
DantaCalm; A Name for Lord Hanuman
DanujBorn of Danu; A Danava
DarahaasSmiley Person; Make Other to Smile
DarpakKamdev; God of Love
DarpanA Mirror; Happiness
DarshakSpectator; Wind Blowing Fast
DarshanA Look; Sight; View; To Perceive; Vision; Philosophy; Paying Respect; Visions of Divine
DarsheelSomething that Looks Good and Sober
DarukDark Skinned; Charioteer of Lord Krishna; Tree
DasarathiSon of Dasaratha
DasharathThe Father of Lord Rama
DattaGiven; Granted; Presented; Gardien; One who is Giver; Donor
DayakarMercy Man; Merciful Lord Shiva
DayalKind and Merciful; Kind Hearted
DayalanRhyming Variant of Waylon - a Historical Blacksmith with Supernatural Powers
DayanandTrusted by Many; One who Likes Being Merciful
DayanidhiTreasure House of Mercy
DayasagarExtremely Kind; Sea of Mercy
DayashankarMerciful Lord Shiva
DebashisBenediction of God
DebjitOne who has Conquered Gods
DeenabandhavProtector of the Downtrodden
DeenabandhuFriend of the Poor
DeenanathLord of the Poor
DeepSuperior to Infinity; A Lamp
DeepaanLighting Up; Illumination
DeepakCandle; Light; Brightness
DeepankarOne who Lights Lamps; Lord of Light
DeeranAchiever; Lord Shiva
DehabhujAnother Name for Lord Shiva
DenadayalHumble and Merciful
DevDivine; Poet; God; Respect; Immortal; Boundless; Without Limit; Nobody can Destroy; Friendly; Faithful; Limitless; Lotus that Blooms in Moonlight; A Star
DevabrataA Name of Bhisma
DevachandraMoon Among the Gods
DevadarshanRelated to the Gods
DevadevaLord of All Lords
DevadheepBrightness of the Lamp Light
DevadhipBrightness of the Lamp Light
DevadhipaLord of the Gods
DevagyaWith Knowledge of God
DevajutaThe One with the Good
DevajyotBrightness of the Lord
DevajyotiBrightness of the Lord
DevakanthaBeloved of the Gods
DevakinandanSon of Devki; Lord Krishna
DevalTemple; Name of a Saint; Sage Narada
DevamadanaPleasing the Gods
DevanMen of Devon; Divine; Like a God
DevanathLord of the Gods; Another Name for Shiva Devansh
DevangPart of God's Body; Part of God
DevanshPart of God; Presence of God; Part of Lord Krishna.
DevapiAn Ancient King; The Eldest Son of King Pratipa of Hastinapur in Indian Epic Mahabharat
DevaramName of a Divine Scripture
DevarpanaOfferings to the Gods
DevarshiAnother Name for Narad; Teacher of Gods; Sage of the Devas
DevasenapatiThe Army Chief of Heavenly Gods; Lord Murugan
DevashishGiven by Lord; Blessings of God
DevavrataName of an Ancient King in Indian Epic Called Mahabhatat; Son of Shantanu and Ganga
DevdarshWorshipper of God
DeveeprasadBlessing of the God
DevendraKing of Gods; Lord Indra
DevendranathKing of Gods; Lord of Gods
DevendrashikaProtector of All Gods
DeveshKind; Name of Jesus; God of Gods; Lord Shiva; Lord of Lords
DevguruTeacher of Gods ( Brihaspati )
DevidasServant of a Goddess
DevinPoet; And Place Name; Divine; Perfect; Bard; Resembling of God
DeviprasadBlessing of the Goddess
DevkinandanSon of Devki; Lord Krishna
DevrataName of an Ancient King in Indian Epic Called Mahabhatat; Son of Shantanu and Ganga
DevvrataName of an Ancient King in Indian Epic Called Mahabhatat; Son of Shantanu and Ganga
DhananadPleasure of Having Wealth
DhananjayOne who Wins Wealth; Lord Arjun; Name of Arjun; Lord Vishnu
DhanpalPreserver of Wealth
DhanrajWho have Lots of Treasures; Lord Kuber
DhansukhRich; Wealthy; Happy
DhanuMan of Wealth; The Bow; Name of a Rashi (Sagittarius)
DhanvantariDoctor of Gods
DhanvikKing; Archer; Bowman; Prince
DhanvineA Name for Lord Rama
DharamnishthOne who has Faith in Religion
DharamveerBravely Upholding Righteousness; Brave in Doing Ones Duty
DharendraKing of the Earth
DhareshKing; Lord of Land
DharmachandraDharma's Moon; Devoted
DharmadasOne who Serves his Religion
DharmadityaDharma's Sun; Devoted
DharmaketuOne who Upholds the Right Way; Son of Urmila and Lakshman in Hindu Epic Ramayan
DharmakirtiOne who has Attained Fame by Dharma; Fame of Religion
DharmanandOne who Takes Pleasure in his Religion
DharmaraajKing of Religion
DharmarajKing of Religion
DharmasasthaProtector of Dharma
DharmaveerProtector of Religion
DharmendraGod of Religion
DharmenduLight of Religion
DharmeshMaster of Religion; Lord of Religion
DharmikReligious; A Name for Lord Ganesha
DharmMitraFriend of Religion
DharmodharHindu God Name; Lord Ganapathi
DharmpalProtector of his Religion
DhavalFair Complexioned; White Colour
DheemantWise; Intelligent
DheerajCourageous; Emperor; Patience; Consolation; Brave; Gorgeous
DheeranaInfinity in Success
DhikshitInitiated; God is Great
DhirajEmperor; Patience; Consolation
DhirenOne who is Strong; Honest Powerful; Brave
DhirendraLord of the Brave
DhoomravarnaSmoke-hued Lord
DhruddavratStrong Willed Meditator
DhrupadLord Krishna; Father of Dropadi
DhruvStar; Constant; Faithful; Firm; The Polar Star
DhruvaStar; Very Intelligent; Unshakable; The Pole Star
DhruvishStar; Constant; Firm
DhruvpadThe Oldest Style of North Indian Classical
DhvanilThe Sound from Heaven
DhyanConcentrate; Absorbed in Contemplation; A Type of Yoga; Meditate; Meditation
DhyaneshwarLord of Meditation
DhyaniOne who does Contemplation
DhyeyTarget; Mission; Aim
DidarAppearance; Sight; View; Vision; Look
DigambarSky Clad; Another Name for Siva; Unencumbered; Sky-clad; Naked; Lord Shiva
DigambaraUnencumbered; Sky-clad
DigvijayBiggest Victory; Triumph; Conqueror; Name of Arjun; Victorious; One who is Victorious over Everyone
DilawarBrave; Hearty; Daring; Bold; Courageous
DilipA King; An Ancestor of Lord Rama
DinanathProtector; Lord Shiva
DinapatiKannada Boy Names for The Sun
DinarGold Coin; Gold Unit of Coinage; Name of the Grandfather of Abu Bin Thabit
DinendraThe Sun; Lord of the Day; Lord Surya (Sun)
DineshThe Sun; Happy; Husband of Angels; God of the Day; Lord Shiva; The Lord of Sun; Lord of Murugan
DipenLord of the Lamp; Lord of Light
DipendraSun; Lord of Light
DipeshLight; Lord of Light; Sun
DiptanshuSun; A Part of Light; Lord Surya (Sun)
DivakarOne who Lights Up the World; The Sun
DivitImmortal; Lord Shiva
DivyanshPart of Lord; Holy Piece; Part of Divine; Dev Ansh; Gods Own Divine
DivyanshuA Fillings of Heaven; Sun; Divine Light; Parts of Dev
DivyeshThe Lamp of Sun; Sun
DnyandeepA Lamp of Knowledge
DronTeacher of Arjun in Hindu Epic Mahabharat; Prominent Mahabharata Character
DrupadA King; Father of Draupadi
DruvamA King of State; A Star
DurgadasServant; A Devotee of Godess Durga
DurgaduttGift from Godess Durga
DurgeshKing; Ruler; Lord of Forts; Star; Part of Goddess Durga
DurgeshaProtector of Fort
DurjayDifficult to Conquer
DurjayaDifficult to Conquer
DurmadaFalse Pride; Illusion
DurvishWho cannot be Affected by Poison
DushyantDestroyer of Evil; Raja Dushyant Father of Prince Bharat
DushyantaA King from the Epic Mahabharata; Father of Prince Bharat; Destoyer of Evil
DvaimaturaOne who has Two Mothers
DvimidhaOne who Knows the Present as Well as Future
DwaipayanThe Sage Vyasa; One who Takes Birth in an Island
DwijarajKing of Brahmins; The Moon
DwijendraKing of Brahmins; The Moon
DwijeshRiver; Lord Brahma