ChaanakyaName of Kautilya; The Great Scholar; Bright
ChaaruhaasWith Beautiful Smile
ChaitanyaConsciousness; Life; Knowledge; Movement; The Name of a Saint
ChaitraFirst Month of the Year
ChaityaPertaining to the Mind; Individual Soul; A Stupa Built in Jain or Buddhist Places of Worship
ChakorA Bird Enamoured of the Moon
ChakradharName of Lord Vishnu; One who Carries Chakra
ChakrapaaniName of Lord Vishnu
ChakrapaniLove; Discus Holder; Lord Vishnu
ChakravarteeA Sovereign King
ChalvantA Determined Person
ChampakA Flower; Fragrant Flower
ChanakyaThe Wise One; Bright; Great Scholar; Son of Chanaka
ChandanSandalwood Tree; Cold
ChandeedaasName of a Saint
ChandraThe Moon; A Shining Moon; Night of Twilight
ChandraabhaaLusture of Moon Light
ChandraananMoon-like Face
ChandrabhanLustrous as the Moon
ChandradharOne who Wears Moon; Lord Shiva
ChandradityaName of a King
ChandraguptName of Ancient King
ChandrahaasSmiling Like a Moon
ChandrahasA Person with a Beautiful Smile
ChandrakantBeloved of the Moon; Moonstone
ChandramaName of a Lunar and Fertility God; Moon
ChandramaadhavSweet Like Moon
ChandramohanAttractive as the Moon
ChandranathKing of the Moon; The Moon; Lord Chandra (Moon)
ChandranshuMoon Ray; Lord Vishnu
ChandrarajKing of the Moon
ChandrathaNectar of the Moon
ChandravadanMoon-like Face
ChandreshLord of the Moon
ChaneName of a God; Dependability
ChapalQuick; Swift; Lightning; Clever; Restless
CharakAn Ancient Physician
CharanFeet; A Humble Person
CharandasServant at the Feet of Somebody
CharanjeetWinning the Service of Guru's Lotus Feet; One who has Won over the Lord
CharanjitOne who has Won over the God
CharivindhaStriving for Beauty
CharuAgreeable; Charming; Genteel
CharuchandraBeautilful Moon; Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna
CharuchitPerson with Beautiful Mind
CharudehiSon of Sri Krishna
CharuhasA Person with Beautiful Smile
CharusheelOf Good Character
CharuvardhanThe One who Enhances Beauty
CharuvardhanaOne who Enhances Beauty
CharuvratOf Good Character
ChatenPerceptive; Consciousness; Life; Excellent Intelligence
ChatrapatiSaviour of All; Lord of Umbrella
ChaturaananWith Four Faces
ChaturananOne with Four Faces; Brahma
ChaturbhujBroad Shouldered; Strong; Lord Vishnu
ChaturvedLord Vishnu; One who has Studied Four Vedas
ChayankAnother Name for the Moon
CheliyanRich; Resourceful; Prosperous
ChellamaniCute Pearl; Precious Gem
ChellamuthuCute Pearl; Precious Pearl
ChetakRana Pratap's Horse
ChetanPerceptive; Consciousness; Life
ChetasWisdom; Grandeur; Soul; Heart; Mind
ChhandakThe Charioteer of Lord Buddha
ChidaakaashAbsolute Brahma
ChidambarOne whose Heart is as Big as the Sky
ChidambaramHoly Place of Lord Shiva; One who has Heart as Wide as Sky
ChidanandSupreme Spirit; Lord Brahma
ChidanandaBrilliant; Lord Shiva; Lord Brahma
ChidathmaSupreme Spirit; The God
ChilayDevi Anusaya's Chlid Name in Shiv Puraan
ChinarName of a Beautiful Tree
ChinmayFull of Knowledge; Blissful; Pride; Supreme Consciousness; Name of Ganesha; First Ray of Sun
ChinmayuSupreme Consciousness
ChinnaSmall; Little One; Gold
ChintamaniPhilosopher's Stone; Name of Ganesha
ChintanThought; Meditation
ChintavBy the Grace of God
ChiragLamp; Allaudins Lamps
ChirakumarLong Life Prince
ChiranjeevLord Vishnu; Immortal; Long Lived
ChiranjeeviLong Life; Without Death
ChirayuLong Life; Immortal
ChirtrangWith Multicoloured Body
ChithayuBorn of Intellect
ChitrabaahuWith Beautiful Hands
ChitrakantMoon's Brightness
ChitraketuSon of Lakshman; With Beautiful Banner
ChitralOf Variegated Colour
ChitrangWith Multi-coloured Body
ChitrasenA King of Gandharvas
ChitreshMoon; Wonderful Lord
ChittamohanOne who Attracts the Mind
ChittaranjanJoy of Inner Mind; One who Pleases the Mind
ChittaswarupThe Supreme Spirit
ChittranjanInner Joy; Hap
ChittrupWise; Intelligent; Good Hearted
CholanA South Indian Dynasty
ChudamaniJewel Adorned by the Gods; Crest Jewel
ChyavanName of a Saint; Divinely Inspired Sage