SabhyaRefined; Of Good Conduct and Manner
SachinTrue; Pure; Existence; Lord Indra; Lord Shiva
SachitConsciousness; Joyful
SadalLuck will Come to You
SadgunVirtues; Good Qualities
SadhinTo Accomplish; Independent
SadiqKingly; Friend; Sincere; Truthful Origin Muslim; Truthful
SadruLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
SaeedPriestly; Happy; Fortunate; Prosperous; Lucky; Rivulet; Blissful; Auspicious
SaffarCoppersmith; An Authority of Hadith
SagarWise One; From the Sagebrush Plant; Surname; Sea; Ocean; Pond; Name of the 2nd Chakravarti; Water; Very Deep
SagunPossessed of Qualities
SagunaPossessed of Good Qualities
SahajNatural; Original; Easy
SaharSun; Dawn; Morning; Time Before Day Break; Bewitch
SaharaShelter; Lord Shiva; Wilderness; Name of a Desert; Helpful
SahdevMost Talented King; One of the Pandava Princes
SahibThe Lord; Companion; Follower; Friend
SahilOcean; Guide; Sea Shore; River Bank
SahorGood Excellent Pious
SaiAlways Smile; Flower of Love; Everywhere; Lord Shiva; Sai Baba; Swami; Flower; Friend; Blessing
SaibyaBelonging to Lord Shiva
SaishLord Saibaba and Shiv
SajalMoist; Hydrous; Clean Mind
SajivLive; Lively; Gods Place
SajjanNoble Respectable; A Dear Friend; Righteous Person
SakashIllumination; Lord Shiva
SaketHeaven; Lord Krishna with Friends; Abode of Lord Rama; Different Star; Music of Shiva
SalajWater which Flows from Melted Ice from Mountain
SaleemHealthy; Tranquillity; Peaceful Origin; Sound; Unimpaired; Sane; Sincere; Safe
SalilWater; Descendant; Son; Sword
SalimHappy; Peaceful; Safe; Sound; Tranquillity; Another Name for God; Perfect; Healthy; Secure; Free
SalmanSafe; Name of a Friend of Ali; Peaceable
SamaEqual; Time; Even; Honest
SamanEqual; Calming Song of Praise; Home; Welfare
SamangWith Balanced Features; A Sensitive Plant
SamaraAccompanied by Gods
SameerWind; Breeze; Early Morning Fragrance; Cool; Entertainer; Jovial; Entertaining Companion
SamiHigh; Sublime; Similar; Noble; All Hearing; Elevated; Another Name for God; Listener; Obedient; Lofty; Supreme
SamirWind; Pleasant Companion; A Companion who Joins in an Evening Conversation; Jovial; Early Morning Fragrance; Entertaining Companion; Breeze; Entertainer
SamitAlways Making Friends; Collected; Quiet
SamodhFragrance Full of Joy
SampatWealthy; Prosperous
SamratKing; Emperor; Throne
SanagA Beautiful Mountain
SanandHappy; Joyful; Glad
SanathWith a Protector and Sun; Lord Brahma
SandipLight of God; A Virtuous Light; A Lighted Lamp; Glowing; Challenging
SandyDefender of Mankind; Abbreviation of Alexander Defender of Man; Defending Men; Good Lamp
SanilWater; Gifted; Bestowed; Evening
SanjaGod Universal Creator
SanjayVictory; Lord Shiva; Dhritarashtra's Charioteer; Triumphant; Caring; Victorious
SanjitVictory; Who is Always Victorious
SanjivLove; Life; Long Live
SanketIndication; Signal; Hint
SankilPossessed with Fire a Burning Torch
SankulCrowded Together; Dense
SantyaKind; Bestowing Gifts
SanvahCarrying Along Bearing Wind
SanyamPeace; To have Control; Patience
SanyogConnection; Milan; Con-incidence
SaquibShining Star; Bright; Luminous
SaranProtection; Surrender; Leader
SarangSpotted Deer; Name of a God; Loop Spotted Deer; Lord Krishna
SarasSimple; A Bird; Lake; Moon; Pond
SaratAutumn; Name of a Season; A Sage
SarojLotus; Everything is Possible
SartajCrown; Supreme Master; Crown of Head; Master; Husband
SarwarPromotion; Chief; Leader; Joy; Delight
SastaOne who Rules; The Legend of Mankind
SasyakPossessing Good Qualities Perfect
SatayuBrother of Amavasu and Vivasu
SathiShadow; True; Partner
SatishVictorious; Ruler of Hundreds; Lord of Sati; God of Truth; Truthful; Self Depend
SatvikPolite; Innocent; Divine; Honesty; Virtuous; Healthy; Pure
SatyaTruth; Faithful; God; Final Truth of Universe; Who Speaks Truth
SatyamHonesty; True; Truth
SauravSweet Smell; Fragrance; Divine; Celestial
SavaWise; Old Man; Saint who was a Trainer of Young Monks
SayaliName of a Flower; It is a White Small Delicate Flower with Nice Scent
ScandaLord Murugan; Lord Shiva
SetuSacred Symbol; Bridge
SevaService; Attendance; Care
ShaanFamous; Pride; Respected; Peaceful
ShamiFire; Husband; Cold; Name of a Tree
ShamsFragrance; With Faith; A Planet; Sun
ShanPride; Prestige; Famous; Respected; Dignity; Splendour Super
ShanayPower of Lord Shani; Rising Sun
SharadAutumn; Name of a Season
SharmaProtection; Refuge; Joy; Comfort
ShayGift; Hawk-like; Eagle; Sharp
ShilaMoral Conduct; Custom; A Small Rock Mountain
ShivLord Shiva; Auspicious; Lucky
ShivaPure; Lord; God of Destruction; Powerful
ShivamAuspicious; Name of Lord Shiva
ShlokPrayer; Saints Saying; Verse Sound Praise; God's Prey; Mantras in Vedas
ShodTo Search; Lord Shiva
ShooraBold; A Name for Lord Hanuman
ShoryaPride; Glory; Brave; Winner
ShreeSign of Wealth / Richness; Lord Krishna
ShriRichness; Respected; Love
ShubhGood; Fortunate; Happy
ShuklaLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
ShukraThe Planet Venus; Resplendent; Venus; Friday
ShyamDark Blue; Black; Lord Krishna
SiddhaEnlightened One; Lord Shiva
SidhraPerfect; Successful
SindhuOcean; Lord Vishnu; White
SirajLamp; Light; Beam; Another Name for Prophet Muhammad; Beautiful
SkandSpurting; Flowing; Lord Kartikeya
SmaranRemembrance; Memory
SmritaIs Considered; Remembered
SmyanSmile; Always Smiling
SnehilLove; Affection; Lovable
SohailMoon-glow; Star; Moonlight; Gentle; Ease; Name of Star
SohamLord Brahmha; The Presence of Divinity of Each Soul; Breath; I am
SohanGood Looking; Nice; Lord Shiva
SohilBeautiful; Moon Glow; Star; Moon Light
SomMoon; Religious; Sweet; Cute; Innocent
SomeshMoon; Lord Chandra (Moon); Lord Shiva
SomilA Friend; Soft Natured
SonitPerson with Good Intentions
SonuPure Gold; Morning; God Gift
SoryaPride; Glory; Brave; Winner
SouravFriend; Beautiful Smell; Fragrance
SparshFeel; Healthy; Touch
SrijanCreation; Evolution; Construction
SriramLord Rama; Lord Vishnu
SubalA Friend of Lord Krishna; Lord Shiva
SubhanAware; Holy; Glorifying
SubodhGood Knowledge; Sound Advice; Easily Understood; Good; Intelligent; Spiritual Intelligence
SuchitVictory; Person with a Sound Mind
SudamaLlord Krishna's Friend; Meek; Humble
SudipGood Light; Very Bright
SudyaShining Brightly King
SuhasBeautiful Smile; Smiling Beautifully
SujalAffectionate; Pure Water; Holy Water; Purity
SujanHonest; Wise; Exalted Knowledge
SujatBelonging to a Good Clan
SujayVictory; Winner; Victory of Good
SujitWinner; Victory; Peace
SukulSprung from a Noble Family
SumaFragrance; Flower; Sum; Total
SumanOne has Good Heart; Flower; Cheerful and Wise; Good Mind; Love
SumitLovely; Good Friend; Well Measured; Good Path
SunamGood Name; Fame; Famous
SunayWise; Leader; A Well Conducted King
SundaMelting; Very Tender; Beautiful
SunilBlue; Sapphire; Dark Blue; Red Lotus; Pomegranate Tree; Wind; Beautiful Sky; Krishna with Blue Colour; Lord Vishnu
SuratOf Awakened Consciousness
SurinWisest Amongst the Wise
SuruMulti Talented Person; With Good Taste
SusenLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
SutamBest Among the Virtuous
SuvanLord Shiva; The Sun; Incarnation; Emanation
SuvasLord Shiva; Good Fragrance