AadenWarmth of the Home; Fire; Flame
AaravPeaceful; Good Personality;
AaronMountain of Strength; Exalted One;
AaryanRespectable; Of Utmost Strength;
AbbottThe Father of the Abbey
AbbyFather; My Father is Light;
AbdielServant of God; Angel of Faith
AbdulKnowledge; Servant of the Lord;
AbeFather of a Multitude; Breath;
AbelardoBreathing; Noble; Resolute
AbileneFather of Mourning
AbnerFather of Light / Luminous
AceUnity; First-rate; Number One
AchakSpirit (Algonquin); Earth; Dust
AckerleyDweller at the Acre Meadow;
AckleyDwells at the Oak Tree Meadow;
AdalbertoBright Nobility; Aristocratic;
AdamRed Earth; First Human Being;
AdamoSon of the Red Earth; Mankind
AdamsSon of the Red Earth;
AddisSon of Adam; Son of the Red Earth;
AddisonSon of the Red Earth;
AddneyLives on the Noble's Island
AdelbertHigh-born; Brilliant; Intelligent;
AdenAttractive; Handsome;
AdewaleOne who Arrive Home;
AdiBeginning; First Born; Superior;
AdinPleasure Given; Delicate;
AdityaThe Sun; As Bright as Sun;
AdneyLives on the Noble's Island
AdnyLives on the Noble's Island
AdolfoDistinguished; Strong Wolf;
AdolphusDistinguished; Strong Wolf;
AdonisMan Loved by Aphrodite;
AdrianDark One; Rich; From Hadria
AdrienThe Dark One; Rich - Wealthy;
AedanLittle Fire; Born of Fire
AekerleyFrom the Oak Tree Meadow
AekleyFrom the Oak Tree Meadow
AeldraLives at the Elder Tree
AeneasHe who is Praised; To Praise;
AfrimProductive; Fertile; Fruitful
AgustinGreat; Magnificent;
AhmadHighly Praised; Commendable;
AhmedLeader; One who is Praise Worthy;
AhronEnlightened; Fighter
AhtahkakoopQuilt of Stars
AidanSuperior; Mystery; Intelligent;
AikenMade of Oak; The Oaken
AinEye; Fountain; Spring; Merciful
AinsleyFrom the Field of Hermits;
AinslieMy Own Meadow; Hermitage Meadow
AinsworthFrom Ann's Estate
AisfordLives by the Ash Tree Ford
AisleyDwells at the Ash Tree Grove
AistonFrom the Ash Tree Farm
AjayVictorious; Unconquerable;
AkeemKnowledgeable; Wise; Leader;
AkilIntelligent; Thoughtful;
AkiraIntelligent; Anchor; Bright;
AkulaTranscendental; Without Cast
AlanGod of Shine; Handsome; Cheerful;
AlbanFrom Alba; A City on a White Hill;
AlbernNoble Courage; Of Noble Valour
AlbertNoble and Bright; Highborn;
AlbertinoNoble; Variant of Albert
AlbertoAristocratic and Bright;
AlbinWhite; Old English for Brilliant;
AlcottFrom the Old Cottage
AldanFrom the Old Manor; Form of Alden;
AldenOld and Wise Protector; Defender;
AlderFrom the Alder Tree; Birch Tree;
AldisFrom the Old House; Old; Tired;
AldoOld; Wise; Archaic; Noble
AldredWise Counsellor; Old Adviser;
AldricOld; Wise Ruler; Old Leader;
AldrichOld; Aged and Wise Ruler;
AldrikOld; Wise Counsellor; Old Ruler;
AldusFrom the Old House; Old; Wise
AlecGorgeousness; Beauty;
AlejandroDefender; Protector of Mankind;
AlessandroDefender of Man; Man's Defender
AlexandreFrench Form of Alexander;
AlexandroDefender; Protector of Mankind
AlexavierProtector of the New House
AlexeiDefender of Man; Helper;
AlexisDefender of Mankind; Helper;
AlexzanderProtector of Mankind
AlfieCounsel from the Elves;
AlfonsoPrepared; Noble; Eager;
AlfonzoReady for a Fight; Noble and Ready
AlfordFrom the Old Ford; Place Name;
AlfredWise Counsellor; Name of a King;
AlfredoWise Counsellor; Sage;
AlfridWise Counsellor; Sage; Elf Counsel
AllanHarmony; Stone; Noble; Fair;
AllardBrave; Highborn and Courageous;
AllenForm of Alan; Noble; Comely;
AllexHelper / Defender of Mankind;
AllisonSon of the Highborn
AllredWise; Red Haired Man
AllynHandsome; Comely; Little Rock
AloisWell-known Fighter; Famous Warrior
AlonsoAlfonso; Ready for Battle;
AloysiusRenowned Warrior; Fame and War;
AlphonseEager; Ready for Battle; Noble
AlphonsoReady for a Fight; Noble and Ready
AlstonFrom the Noble's Home; Place Name;
AltonFrom the Old Town; Ella's Town;
AlvaNoble Friend; Elf; Brilliance;
AlvaroArmy of Elves; Elf Army;
AlvieNoble Friend; Diminutive of Alvin;
AlvisAll-knowing; All Wise
AlvynNoble Friend; Elf Friend
AlwinNoble Friend; Defender;
AlwynNoble Friend; Elf Friend
AlynLittle Rock; Handsome
AmadSerious; Much Praised;
AmadoLoving Deity; Loved by God;
AmanThe One who is Peaceful;
AmaniPeace; Wishes; Aspiration; Belief;
AmariProtector; Strength; Builder;
AmbroseTo be Immortal; Ever-living;
AmeerRuler; Prince; Superior; Chief;
AminDivine Grace; Trustworthy; Honest;
AmirRich; Leader; From Kikuyu;
AmitUnlimited; Boundless;
AmoryIndustrious Leader; Brave;
AmosA Burden; To Carry; Strong;
AmsdenFrom Ambrose's Valley
AnakinWarrior; Soldier; Hidden; Obvious;
AndersVirile; Manly; Priceless; Brave;
AndersonSon of Andrew; Masculine
AndraeBrave; Courageous; Warrior
AndreVirile; Manly; Brave; Masculine;
AndreaBrave; Masculine; Manly;
AndreasBrave; Of a Man; Warrior;
AndresManly; Warrior; Masculine; Brave;
AndreuMasculine; Warrior;
AndrewManly; Masculine; Warrior;
AndrianManly; Dark One; Brave;
AndyManly; Brave; Variant of Andrew;
AngadAn Ornament; Part of God;
AngelMessenger of God; Angel; Messenger
AngeloGod's Messenger; Angel
AngusUnique Choice; Exceptional;
AnibalGraced by God; Grace of Possessor;
AnilBreeze; Purest; Wind; God of Wind;
AnisClose Friend; Friendly; Amiable;
AnmolPriceless; Precious; Valuable
AnnaName of a King; Food; Grain;
AnnetteGod is Gracious / Merciful;
AnnickSun; Soldier; God has Shown Favour
AnscomLives in the Valley; Place Name;
AnselmoDivine Protection; God's Helmet;
AnsleyMy Own Meadow; Place Name;
AnsonAnne's Son; A Surname;
AntarRush Boldly in to Danger; Heart;
AnthoneHighly Praised; Priceless
AnthonyWorthy of Admiration;
AntimanLike a Condor in the Sun
AntinancoLike an Eagle in the Sun
AntioneBeyond Price; Invaluable;
AntoineWorthy of Admiration; Inestimable;
AntonPriceless; Highly Praiseworthy;
AntoneWorthy of Praise; Of Value;
AntoneyWorthy of Praise; Of Value;
AntonioHighly Praiseworthy;
AntonyPriceless; Highly Praiseworthy;
AntwainBeyond Price; Invaluable;
AntwanBeyond Price; Invaluable;
AntwaunVariant of Anthony; Beyond Price;
AntwonBeyond Price; Invaluable;
AnujYounger Brother; Lord Ganesha;
AnwarDevotee of God; Lustrous; Shiny;
AponiviWhere the Wind Blows Down the Gap
AputsiaqSnow Flying from the Sky
ArashBright Arrow; A Hero;
ArcherBowman; An English Surname;
ArchibaldBold; Valuable; Daring; Precious;
ArchieBold; Form of Archibald;
ArchimedesThink First; Master of Thought
ArcusRainbow; Goddess of Rainbows
ArdelFrom the Hare's Dell
ArdellFrom the Hare's Dell; Eager;
ArdenHigh; Soaring; Eagle Valley;
ArdleyFrom the Home Lover's Meadow
ArianSpares; Pledge; Oath; Golden Life
AricRuler of All; Sacred Ruler; Ruler;
ArickRuler of All; Rule with Mercy;
ArielLion of God; Name for Jerusalem;
ArikRuler of All; Sacred Ruler;
ArinMountain of Strength; With Spokes;
ArjunConfidence - Power; A Warrior;
ArledgeLives at the Hare's Lake
ArleighMeadow of the Hare; Place Name;
ArleyMeadow of the Hares; Place Name;
ArlieOath; From the Hare's Meadow
ArloFortified Hill; Hill;
ArmanLonging; Wish; Hope; Desire;
ArmandFrench Form of Herman; Army Man;
ArmondoWarrior; Army Man; Soldier
ArmstrongPowerful; One with a Strong Arm;
ArnavSea; Great Ocean; Silence of Ocean
ArndellFrom the Eagle's Dell
ArneAs Powerful as an Eagle; Eagle
ArnieEagle Power; Exalted; On High;
ArnoldAs Powerful as an Eagle
ArrickRuler of All; Rule with Mercy;
ArronLofty; Exalted; High Mountain;
ArsenioManly; Virile; Disputed; Potent;
ArtherBear; Rock; Noble Strength; A Bear
ArthurNoble; Bear; Rock; Noble Strength;
ArtisBear; Rock; Noble; Lofty Hill
ArturoNoble; Strong as a Bear; Bear;
ArvidFriend of the People;
ArvieFriend of the People;
ArvinFriend to All; Graceful;
ArwinPeople's Friend; Examination;
ArwoodFrom the Fir Forest
AryanKing; Noble; Old Civilisation;
AsaHealer; Starting Life at Dawn;
AscotLives at the East Cottage
AscottLives at the East Cottage
AshFrom the Ash Tree Farm;
AshbyFrom the Ash Tree Farm
AsherFavourable; Blessed; Fortunate;
AshfordLives in the Ash Tree Ford;
AshleyMeadow of Ash Trees;
AshlinMeadow of Ash Trees;
AshlyMeadow of Ash Trees;
AshokKing; One without Sorrow;
AshtinAsh Tree Enclosure; Ash Tree
AshwinKing of King; Spear Friend;
AthertonDweller at the Spring Farm
AtticusComing from Attica; Father like;
AttwellLives by the Spring
AtwaterFrom the Water Edge; Place Name;
AtwellLives by the Spring; Place Name;
AtwoodLives in the Forest; Place Name;
AtworthLives at the Farmstead; Place Name
AubreyBearlike; Elf Ruler / Power;
AubryRules with Elf Wisdom
AucamanCondor from Wilderness
AudenAncient / Old Friend; Bold One;
AudleyProsperous Guardian; Old Friend;
AudricOld; Wise Ruler; Old Leader;
AuggieDeserving of Respect; Sacred; Pure
AugieDeserving of Respect;
AugustVenerable; Holy; Form of Augustus;
AugustineExalted; Majestic; Dignity;
AugustusRevered; Exalted;
AundreNobel Wolf; Manly; Brave;
AurickNoble Valour / Leader
AustenVenerable; Majestic;
AustinExalted; Great; Magnificent;
AustynMajestic; Variant of Augustine
AvanWater; Joy; Desire; Pleasure;
AverellWild Boar; Boar-warrior
AverilWild Boar; Born in April;
AverillWild Boar; Born in April;
AveryCounsel from the Elves;
AwanSupporter; Friend; Somebody;
AxelFather / Man of Peace; Axe;
AxleSource of Life; Father of Peace
AyaanFirst Ray of the Sun; Nature;
AyawamatOne who Follows Orders
AydanFire; Mystery; Superior
AydenEnlightened; Bright; Strength;
AydinEducated; Illuminated; Clear;
AyersSon of Ayer; Heir to a Fortune
AylmerHigh-born; Renowned; Nobly Famous
AylwardNoble Protector; Noble Guardian
AzariahOne who Hears the Lord;
AzizPowerful; Friend; Dear One;