BairdPoet; One who Sings Ballads; Bard;
BancroftVillage on a Hillside;
BanksFrom a Hillside or Riverbank
BarclayFrom the Birch-tree Meadow;
BardBattle Against Peace; Poet;
BardanLives Near the Boar's Den;
BardenFrom the Valley of Barley;
BardeneFrom the Boar Valley
BardoVariant of Bartholomew;
BardolfAxe-wolf; Bright Wolf
BardolphAxe-wolf; Bright Wolf
BardonMinstrel; Singer-poet;
BardulfAxe-wolf; Bright Wolf
BarhloewLives on the Bare Hill
BariCreator; Deity; Sharp; Pointed;
BarkleyFrom the Birch Tree Meadow;
BarlowClearing of Barley;
BarnabySon of Consolation; Prophet;
BarnardStrong as a Bear; Form of Bernard;
BarnetOf Honourable Birth;
BarnettLiving on a Land Cleared by Fire;
BarneyFrom the Land that was Burned;
BarnumFrom the Nobleman's Home
BarrGateway; Form of Barretta; A Cap;
BarrettBrave as a Bear; Bear-like;
BarrickA Barley Farm; Grain Farm
BarrieLives at the Barrier; Fair-haired;
BarringtonA Troublesome Tribe or Person;
BartholomewA Son that Suspends the Waters;
BarthramIllustrious; Glorious Raven
BartleahFrom Bart's Meadow
BartleighFrom Bart's Meadow
BartonTown Near a Barley Patch;
BartramGlorious Raven; Bright Raven;
BasilImperial; Monarchic; Kingly;
BatPloughman; Abounding in Furrows
BayRusset-haired; Auburn-haired;
BayardRusset-haired; Red-brown Hair;
BayhardReddish Brown Hair
BaylenAuburn Haired; Variant of Bayard
BayleyLaw Enforcer; Bailiff; Steward;
BazRoyal; Kingly; Eagle; King;
BeacherLives by the Beech Tree;
BeamanFrom a Beautiful Hill; Bee-keeper
BeatonFrom the Warrior's Estate
BeauHandsome; Pretty; Beautiful Gaze
BeceereLives by the Beech Tree
BeckBrook; Place Name; Small Stream
BeckettBeehive; Bee Cottage
BeckhamMattock Maker; Beck Homestead
BedePrayer; Name of a Historian
BeecherLives by the Beech Tree;
BelaPure; White; Within; Intelligent;
BeldanLives in the Beautiful Glen
BeldaneLives in the Beautiful Glen
BeldenLives in the Beautiful Glen;
BeldeneLives in the Beautiful Glen
BeldonLives in the Beautiful Glen;
BenBorn of the Right Hand;
BenecroftFrom the Bean Field
BenedictThe Blessed One; Happy
BenitoBlessed; Similar to Latin Benedict
BenjamenSon of the Right Hand
BenjaminRight Hand's Son;
BenjimanSon of the Right Hand
BennBorn of the Right Hand;
BennetBlessed; Right-hand Son;
BennettLittle Blessed One; Blessed;
BennieBorn of the Right Hand;
BentleyBent Grass Clearing;
BentonSettlement in a Grassy Place;
BercleahLives at the Birch Tree Meadow
BeresfordFord Where Barley Grows
BeretunFrom the Barley Farm
BerfordFrom the Barley Ford
BerkeleyFrom the Birch Tree Meadow;
BerkleyFrom the Birch Tree Meadow;
BernardAs Strong as a Bear; Courageous;
BernardoBear; Courageous; Strong;
BernieGrim Bear; Bear; Courageous;
BertBright; Highborn; Brilliant;
BertieIntelligent; Highborn; Brilliant;
BertinBright; Industrious;
BertonFrom the Fortified Town;
BertramA Knight; Bright / Glorious Raven;
BertrandIntelligent; Glorious Raven;
BerwickFrom the Barley Grange
BerwykFrom the Barley Grange
BevBeaver Field / Stream; Son of Evan
BeverleyFrom the Beaver Meadow;
BeverlyFrom the Beaver Meadow;
BickFrom the Hewer's Ford
BickfordFrom the Hewer's Ford;
BillieResolute Protector; Will-helmet;
BirdLike a Bird; Variant of Byrd
BirdhilFrom the Bird Hill
BirdhillFrom the Bird Hill
BirkettLives at the Birch Headland
BirkeyFrom the Birch Tree Island
BirleyFrom the Cattle Shed on the Meadow
BirneyLives on the Brook Island;
BirtleFrom the Bird Hill; Hill of Birds
BishopSupervisor of Spiritual Things;
BlaineThin; Slender; Lean; Lean or Thin;
BlaiseStammerer; Lisp; Stutter;
BlakeleyFrom the Dark Meadow; Pale Meadow
BlakelyFrom the Light Meadow; Pale Meadow
BlakeyDark Complexioned; Blond
BlandfordFrom the Grey Ford;
BlaneySlender; Thin; Variant of Blaine
BlanfordFrom the Grey Ford;
BlayneSlender; Thin; Variant of Blaine
BlytheCheerful; Happy; Carefree; Joyous
BobBright; Form of Robert;
BocleahLives at the Buck Meadow
BocleyLives at the Buck Meadow
BodoTo Announce; To Command; A Leader
BoltonA House in a Settlement;
BoniCharming; Pleasant; Sweet
BonnerGood Citizen; Gracious; Gentle
BookerBeech-tree; Binder of Books;
BootheLives in a Hut; Dwelling Place
BordenFrom the Valley of the Boar
BosworthLives at the Cattle Enclosure
BourneLiving Beside a Stream;
BoydSon of the Yellow Haired; Blond;
BradBroad; From the Broad Meadow
BradanFrom the Broad Valley; Salmon;
BraddockLiving Near a Broad Oak Tree;
BradenBroad Hillside; Salmon;
BradeneFrom the Broad Valley
BradfordA Person Living Near a Ford;
BradleeDweller at the Broad Meadow;
BradleyDweller at the Broad Meadow;
BradlyDweller at the Broad Meadow
BradshawDweller of the Broad Forest;
BradwellFrom the Broad Spring
BradynFrom the Broad Valley
BraedenFrom the Dark Valley;
BraleahFrom the Hill-slope Meadow
BramBramble; Raven; Father of Many;
BramwellFrom the Bramble Bush Spring;
BrandanBeacon Hill; Sword;
BranddunFrom the Beacon Hill
BrandenBeacon on the Hill;
BrandinBeacon on the Hill;
BrandonA Hillside Covered with Broom;
BrandtFirebrand; Sword; Blade; Proud
BrandynBeacon Hill; Broom Covered Hill
BrannonLittle Raven; Broom Covered Hill;
BransonBrando's Son; Beacon Hill; Sword;
BrantonSettlement Where Broom Grew; Proud
BraxtonFrom a Brown Farm; Brock's Town;
BraydenBroad Hillside; Salmon
BreeHigh; Noble; The Exalted One
BrendanSword-blade; Smelly Hair; Prince;
BrendenLittle Raven; Prince;
BrendonTraveller; Prince; Brave
BrendtHilltop; Variant of Brent
BrennanLittle Raven; To Brand; A Prince;
BrennenSmelly Hair; Prince;
BrennonPrince; Variant of Brendan
BrentanHilltop; Steep Hill; Mount
BrentenHilltop; Mount; Variant of Brent
BrentleyHilltop; Variant of Brent
BrentlyHilltop; Variant of Brent
BrentonHilltop; Mount; Variant of Brent;
BrewsterOne who Brews Ale; Brewer
BrewstereOne who Brews Ale; Brewer
BridgerDwells at the Bridge;
BrighamFrom the Village Near a Bridge;
BrightClever; Glow; Light
BrittainFrom Britain; Brit;
BrittanFrom Britain; Brit;
BrittonFrom Britain; Brit;
BrockleyFrom the Badger Meadow
BrocleighFrom the Badger Meadow
BroclyFrom the Badger Meadow
BroderickDescendant of Bruadar;
BroderikFrom the Broad Ridge
BrodieDitch; From; Muddy Place
BrodrigFrom the Broad Ridge
BrodrikFrom the Broad Ridge
BroganShoemaking; Sturdy Shoe;
BromleyFrom the Broom Covered Meadow
BromlyFrom the Brushwood Meadow;
BrooksSon of Brooke; Running Water;
BrougherLives at the Fortress
BroughtonFrom the Fortress Town
BrunDark Skinned; Brown; Dark; Armour;
BryantVirtuous; He Ascends; Strength;
BrycenNobleman; Quick-moving; Speckled;
BrydgerLives at the Bridge
BryggereLives at the Bridge
BrysonSon of the Strong One;
BuckLike a Male Deer; A Stag
BuckleyFrom a Clearing of Goats;
BudHerald; Messenger; Friend;
BufordA Ford Beside an Aviary
BurchardStrong as a Castle
BurdettSurname Used as a Given Name
BurdetteSurname Used as a Given Name
BurdonLives at the Castle
BurfordLives at the Castle Ford
BurgeisTown Dweller; Lives in Town
BurgessFreeman from a Fortified Town;
BurgtunFrom the Fortress Town
BurlCup Bearer; Butler; Wine Servant;
BurleyLives at the Castle's Meadow;
BurnFrom the Brook; Creek; Place Name;
BurnardStrong; Bear; Courageous;
BurnellA Burnt Hill; Strong;
BurneyLives on the Brook Island;
BurrellA Countryman; Fortified; Reddish
BurtA Settlement Near a Fort;
BurtonFrom the Fortified Town;
BusterOne who Breaks Things;
ByfordLives at the River Crossing