LacyPlace Name of Obscure;
LadbrocDwells by the Path by the Brook
LaineFrom the Narrow Road; Serves John
LamontLawyer; Law Man; Man of Law;
LamonteMan of Law; Lawyer
LanceLand; A Lance; A Light Spear
LandanFrom the Grassy Plain
LandenFrom the Grassy Plain
LanderFrom the Grassy Plain;
LandinFrom the Grassy Plain
LandonOpen Grassy Meadow; Ridge;
LaneA Narrow Country Road;
LangfordLives Near the Long Ford;
LangleyLong Life; From the Long Meadow;
LangstonFrom the Long Enclosure;
LanstonFrom the Long Estate
LaquanSpring; Prefix La Plus Quan
LaronBlend of Darron with L;
LarryCrowned with Laurels;
LarsCity of Laurels; Kyle;
LaryVariant of Hilary; Joyful;
LateefGentle; Kind; Pleasant
LathanRhyming Form of the Hebrew Nathan;
LathropFrom the Farmstead with the Barn
LatimerNear the Sea; Interprets Latin
LatrellInvented Name; Noble;
LaunderFrom the Grassy Plain
LauraCrowned with Laurels
LaureanoFrom the Place of Laurel Trees
LaurenCrowned with Laurel;
LaurenceCrowned with Laurels;
LaurianFrom the Place of Laurel Trees
LaurianoFrom the Place of Laurel Trees
LaurieFrom Laurentium; Laurel
LavernFrom the Alder Grove
LavonWhite-skinned; Light Complexion;
LawleyFrom the Hill Meadow
LawlyFrom the Hill Meadow
LawranceCrowned with Laurel;
LawsonSon of Law / Lawrence
LawtonFrom the Hillside Farm
LaynePath; From the Narrow Road
LaytonHerb Garden; A Place Name;
LazaroHelp of God; The Lord will Help
LeanderStrong / Brave as a Lion;
LeandroStrong Like the Lion
LearFrom the River Legra;
LebaronThe Baron / Warrior
LeBronBrown Haired; A Freak of Nature
LeeFrom a Clearing; Glade; Poet;
LeelandFrom the Meadow Land;
LeifSuccessor; Beloved; Descendant;
LeighDweller Near the Wood or Clearing;
LeightonHerb Garden; A Place Name;
LelandFrom the Meadow Land;
LemuelBelonging to God; Devoted to Lord;
LenAbbreviation of Leonard;
LenardLion-bold; Lion Strength; Brave;
LendallFrom the Linden Tree Dell
LendellFrom the Linden Tree Dell
LennonCloak; Blackbird; Lover;
LennoxFrom the Field of Elm Trees;
LennyAbbreviation of Leonard;
LenwoodRiver in the Woods
LeoBrave; Lion-bold; Brave People;
LeonardBrave as a Lion; Lion-bold;
LeonardoStrong / Brave as a Lion;
LeonidasBold; Strong Like a Lion; Lion;
LeopoldCourageous / Brave People; Brave;
LeopoldoPrince of the People;
LesleyFrom the Grey Castle;
LeslieFrom Leslie; From the Grey Castle;
LesterFortified Place; From Leicester;
LeviUnited; Combined; Attached;
LevonLion; Joined; Attached;
LewisFamous; Renowned Warrior;
LexDefender of Mankind; A Word;
LeymanFrom the Valley; Meadow-dweller
LiamDetermined Protector;
LincolnFrom a Lake Colony;
LindLives by the Linden Tree Hill;
LinddunLives by the Linden Tree Hill
LindelValley of the Linden Trees
LindenFrom the Linden Tree Hill;
LindleyFrom Near a Lime Forest;
LindlyFrom the Linden Tree Meadow
LindsayFrom the Island of the Lime Tree;
LindseyFrom the Island of Linden Trees
LindyFrom the Linden Tree Mountain
LinfordFrom the Linden Tree Ford
LinkLake Colony; From the Bank;
LinleyFrom the Flax Field
LintonFrom the Flax Enclosure; Lyne;
LintunFrom the Flax Enclosure
LinusFlaxen Coloured; Fair Haired;
LinwoodRiver in the Woods;
LionelYoung Lion; Form of Leonard;
LittonFrom the Hillside Town;
LivingstonA Dear Friend's Place;
LlewellynLike a Lion; Ruling;
LloydGrey; Sacred; Grey Haired
LocLives by the Stronghold; Luck;
LockeLives by the Stronghold;
LockwoodFrom the Enclosed Wood / Forest;
LoganDweller in a Little Hollow; Small;
LonFierce; Strong; Warlike;
LondonThe Capital of the United Kingdom;
LonniePrepared; Ready for Battle; Noble
LonnyReady for Battle; Lion-bold; Noble
LoranCrowned with Laurels;
LoranceCrowned with Laurels; Modern Usage
LorenLaurel Tree; Crowned with Laurels;
LorenceCrowned with Laurels; Modern Usage
LorenzaCrowned with Laurels
LorenzoLaurel-crowned; From Laurentium;
LorinCrowned with Laurels;
LorneLaurel-crowned; From Laurentium;
LorraineLand of the Lothar;
LorrenCrowned with Laurels
LouRenowned Warrior; Form of Louis;
LouieFamous Warrior; Renowned Warrior
LouisFamous Warrior; Renowned Warrior;
LovellDearly Loved; Wolf Cub; Young Wolf
LowellDearly Loved; Young / Small Wolf
LoyIntelligent; Smart; Clever
LucLight; Illumination; Form of Luke;
LucaLight; Man from Lucania;
LucianForm of Luke; Light; Illumination;
LucianoLight of the Day; Light;
LucienLight; Illumination; From Lucanus;
LucioLight; Illumination; From Lucanus;
LuciusBringer of Light; Bright;
LudlowFrom the Prince's Hill;
LudwigRenowned Warrior; Famous Warrior
LuigiRenowned Warrior; Famous Fighter;
LuisFamous Warrior; Renowned Warrior;
LukaLight; Man from Lucania;
LukasLight; A Region of Southern Italy;
LutherFamous Warrior; Famous in Battle;
LydellFrom the Open Dell;
LyleIslander; From the Island
LynDwells by the Torrent;
LyndLives by the Linden Tree
LyndonLives by the Linden Tree Hill;
LynnDwells by the Torrent;