JabinHe that Understands; Building;
JackGod is Gracious; Son of Jack;
JackieGod has been Gracious;
JacksonGod is Gracious / Merciful;
JackubHolder of Heel; Supplanter;
JacobFollowing After; Supplanter;
JadonGod has Heard; Judge; Thankful
JaedynThankful; God will Judge
JaggerTo Chase; To Hunt; Hunter;
JahleelWaiting for; Beseeching;
JaiVictory; Conqueror; Winning;
JaimonSuccess; Win; Victorious
JairLight; One who Diffuses Light;
JairusLight; One who Diffuses Light;
JakeSupplanter; Held by the Heel;
JalenFlute; Calm or Serene;
JalonTarrying; Murmuring; God Lodges;
JamaarHandsome Man; Happy; Healthy
JamarHandsome; Happy; Healthy
JamesFollowing After; Supplanter;
JameySupplanter; He who Supplants
JamiesonVariant of Jacob Supplanter;
JamilHandsome; Beautiful; Grace;
JaminRight Hand; South Wind;
JamisonSupplanter; Son of James;
JaphethMay He Expand; Enlargement;
JaphiaEnlightening; Appearing
JarebA Revenger; He will Struggle;
JaronTo Sing; To Cry out; Singing;
JarrettRuler with Spear; Mighty Spearman;
JarvisSpearman; Driver; With Honour;
JashuaGod is My Salvation
JasonHealer; The Lord is Salvation;
JavanAngel of Greece; Greece
JavienOne of Noah's Sons in the Bible
JaxonGod has been Gracious; Son of Jack
JayThe Lord is Salvation; Victory;
JaycobReplacer; Supplanter
JaydanGod will Judge; Variant of Jaedyn;
JaysonA Healer; A Healing;
JebFollowing After; Held by the Heel;
JecksonGod is Gracious / Merciful
JedThe Hand; Friend of God;
JedidiahBeloved of the Lord; Friend of God
JeffPeaceful Ruler; Divinely Peaceful;
JeffereyPeace; God's Peace
JeffersonThe Son of Jeffrey;
JefferyPeaceful Ruler; Divinely Peaceful;
JeffreyDivinely Peaceful; Peaceful Gift;
JeffrinBlessing of God; The Best
JemSupplanter; The Lord Exalts;
JenilVictorious God; Born for Humanity
JenkinGod is Gracious / Merciful;
JennyWhite Spirit / Wave; Fair
JereLifted Up; Exalted of the Lord;
JeredDescent; Form of Jared;
JeremyAppointed by God; The Lord Exalts;
JerichoFragrant City; Place of Fragrance;
JeromeOf Holy Name; Sacred
JerredDescent; Rules by the Spear
JerrodDescent; Rules by the Spear
JerroldRules by the Spear; Spear Ruler;
JerryMighty Spearman; Spear Ruler;
JeshuaA Saviour; Deliverer;
JeshurunPoetic Name for Israel; Righteous;
JesseGod's Gift; Wealthy; Lord Exists;
JetherHe that Excels; Overhanging
JethroOutstanding; Excellent;
JettGemstone; A Deep, Glossy Black;
JezielSprinkling of the Lord
JimFollowing After; Supplanter;
JimiGod May Protect; Holder of Heels;
JimmieSupplanter; He who Supplants;
JimmySupplanter; God May Protect;
JoGod is Gracious / Merciful; Son;
JoabVoluntary; Praise Jehovah;
JoachimMay Jehovah Exalt; God Prepares;
JoashOne who Despairs or Burns;
JobOppressed; Weeps or Cries;
JoeGod Raises; God will Add;
JoelGod is Willing; Lord is God;
JohananOne who is Liberal; Merciful;
JohnGod is Merciful; Gift of God;
JohnathanJehovah has Given; Manliness;
JohnathonJehovah has Given; Manliness;
JohnneyVariant of the Hebrew John;
JohnsonSon of John; Variant of the John
JohnyGod is Merciful; Gift of God;
JonathonJehovah has Given; Gift of God;
JonnyGod has Given; Gift of God;
JontySmart; God has Given
JonyGod has Given; Gift of God;
JordanTo Flow Down; Down-flowing;
JoseMay God Give Increase;
JosephGrace of Fruitful Life;
JosiahJehovah has Healed;
JosphGrace of Fruitful Life
JovitoForm of Jovan; Father of the Sky
JubalHe that Runs; A Trumpet; River;
JudaPraised; Goodness; Excellence
JudahThe Praise of the Lord;
JuddPraised; Flowing Down
JudeName of Saint; Praised; Thanks
JulianYouthful; Down-bearded Youth;
JustinLove; Clever; Just; Upright;