KameronForm of Cameron Crooked Nose
KaneTribute; Warrior's Son; Bright;
KasperTreasure Bearer; Persian Stone;
KeanAncient One; Sharp; Fighter; Eye;
KeaneAncient One; Sharp; Warrior's Son;
KeeganLittle Fiery One; Small Fire;
KeenanAncient One; Ancient;
KeganFiery; A Thinker; Form of Hugh;
KeirDark-skinned; Little Dark One;
KeithOf the Forest; Wood;
KelvinFrom the Narrow River; River Man;
KempAthlete; Sports Person; Warrior;
KenHandsome; Form of Kenneth;
KenanAncient One; Buyer; Owner;
KendrellA Form of Kendall;
KendrickRoyal Ruler; Fearless Leader;
KenelmDefends the Family; Brave Helmet;
KennardBold; Brave; Strong;
KennethHandsome; Royal Oath;
KennithHandsome; Sprung from Fire;
KennyHandsome; The Valley of the Kent;
KenrickRoyal Ruler; Chief Hero;
KentBright; White; Edge; Border;
KentonFrom the King's Estate;
KermitFree Man; Without Envy
KevGentle; Kind; Fair; Comely
KevinName of a Famous Hermit-saint;
KianKings; Royal; Ancient; Distant;
KieranSmall and Dark-skinned; Dark;
KilianSmall; Fierce; War; Strife;
KillianSmall and Fierce; Twin; Blind;
KimballWarrior Chief; Noble; Brave;
KingLeader; Ruler; Monarch
KippFrom the Pointed Hill;
KirkDweller by the Church; Church
KirkwellChurch Well / Spring
KnowlesGrassy Slope; From a Hill Top
KohlA Form of Cole; Unclear
KolbyDark Haired; Dark; Dark Skinned
KolinA Form of Colin; Young Cub
KoltA Short Form of Koltan; Coal Town;
KorbinRaven-haired; A Raven
KotyA Form of Cody; Cushion;
KourtlandA Form of Courtland
KramerA Form of Cramer; Tradesman
KristenFollower of Christ
KristopherCarrier of Christ;
KurtWise Counsel; Courteous;
KurtisPolite; Courteous; Bold Counsel;
KyleNarrow; Channel; Strait;
KyranDusky; Dark-haired; Dark