MackThe Son; Taken from Mackenzie;
MajeedHonourable; Superior; Glorious
MakaisOne who is like God
MalachiMessenger of God; My Angel
MalcomSaint Columb's Disciple; Servant;
MaldenMeeting Place in a Pasture
MalinLittle Strong Warrior; Of Magdala;
ManassehCause for Forgetfulness;
ManleyFrom the Hero's Meadow; Manly;
MannyA Form of Emmanuel God is with us;
ManoGod be with us; Passionate Lover;
ManuOriginal Man; Letter;
ManuelGod with us; Powerful; Strong;
MarcWarlike; From the God Mars;
MarchBorder or Extremity; Month; Horse;
MariusWar-like; Hammer; Mars;
MarkWar-like; Mars; From the God Mars;
MarkoOf Mars; The God of War;
MarkusMars; Roman God of War; Of Mars;
MarlenOne of the Sea; Warrior
MarlonLittle Falcon; Warrior;
MarloweFrom the Hill Near the Lake
MarmadukeFollower of Maedoc; Devotee;
MarquisFrom the Border; Nobleman
MarshallSteward; Horse-keeper;
MartandaThe Sun; King of Thiruvithamkoor
MartialWarring; Like Mars; Roman God Mars
MartinFrom the God Mars; War-like;
MarvelWonder; Miracle; Admire
MarvinSea Lover; Friend of the Sea;
MarvynLives by the Sea; A Famous Friend;
MasonArchitect; Stone Worker
MathBear; God of Magic; Sorcery;
MathewGift of the Lord; A Legend Person
MathiasVariant of Matthias;
MatthewGod's Present; Gift of the Lord;
MauriceA Dark Skinned Person; Moorish
MaximilianGreatest; The Greatest Rival
MaximillianGreatest; The Greatest Rival
MaxwellDweller by the Spring;
MelbourneFrom the Mill Stream
MelvilleLeader; Hillside;
MelvinCouncil; Protector; Sword Friend;
MelvynSword Friend; Form of Melvin;
MelwynPolished Chief; Sword Friend
MerinMoon; Peaceful; Pleasant
MerrickPowerful and Famous;
MertonFrom the Farm / Estate by the Sea;
MervinSea Lover; Form of Marvin;
MervynSea Lover; Form of Marvin;
MicahOne who is Like God; Poor; Humble;
MicaiahOne who is Like God
MichaPoor; Humble; One who is Like God
MichaelOne who is like God / Lord;
MichealOne who is Like God;
MichelleOne who Resembles God;
MikiThree Trees Together; Quick;
MilburnFrom the Mill Stream; Millstream
MilesArmy Man; Favoured; Merciful;
MilfordFrom the Mill by the Ford;
MillardOne who Grinds Grain;
MiloFavoured; Merciful; Peaceful;
MitchellOne who is Like God;
MithA Short Form of Mitchell
MoeDark Skinned; Saviour;
MonishLord of Mind; Lord Shiva
MontagueFrom a Pointed Mountain;
MonteFrom the Wealthy Man's Mountain;
MontgomeryFrom the Wealthy Man's Mountain;
MontyFrom the Wealthy Man's Mountain;
MordechaiFollower of Marduk; Warrior;
MordredSon or Nephew of Arthur; Brave;
MorganSea Circle; Bright Sea;
MorleyMoor; From the Meadow on the Moor
MorrisSon of More; Sea-strength; Moor;
MorseDark-skinned; Son of Maurice;
MortimerFrom a Dead Sea Area;
MortonFrom the Town Near the Moor
MoseSaviour; Taken from Water; Moses;
MosesDrawn out of the Water; Saved;
MurraySea Warrior; Seaman; Mariner;
MurtySeamen; Mariner; Sea Warrior
MylesArmy Man; Favoured; Merciful;
MyronMyrrh; An Embalming Spice;