DaevakiWife of Vasudeva; The Mother of Lord Krishna
DaevikaMinor Deity; Goddess
DaksayaniGodess Parvati; Daughter of Daksha
DakshaThe Earth; The Skilled One; Sati - Wife of Lord Shiva; Earth
DakshinaA Donation to God or Priest
DakshinyaGoddess Parvathi; Modesty
DakshitaBeautiful; Fully Skill Person
DalajaProduced from Petals
DamaControl of the Senses; Self-control; River; Ocean; One who Suppresses
DamayantiLotus Flower; Pretty Dove
DamitaLittle Princess; Little Noble Woman
DanaveeraAn Extremely Generous Person
DanikaMorning Star; God is My Judge
DanitaGod is My Judge; Feminine Variant of Daniel
DannaGod is My Judge; Form of Dana; From Denmark; To Give; Gift
DanuGoddess Earth; Wife of Sage Kashyap; Sweetest; Noisy; High Pitched; Swift Flowing; A Star
DarsaniWorth Looking at; Another Name for Goddess Durga
DarshaGrapes; Perceive; Vision; Wine; See
DarshiVision; Moonlight; See; Lord Krishna; Princess
DarshikaViewer; Intelligent
DarshiniOne who Blesses; Lord Krishna
DarshitaSight; Seen; Vision; Display; Good Morning
DarshnaWorth of Seeing; Pray to God
DarshniThe One who Blesses
DarshviVision; Moonlight; See; Seen
DashamiTenth Day According to the Hindu Calender
Dashani10th Day of Paksha in Hindu Calendar
DasrasuThe Energy of Siva
DavyaWater; Beloved; Dear
DawaMedicine; Born on a Monday
DaxaClever; Glorious; Brave; God Gift; Excellent
DayaKindness; Mercy; Pity
DayagauriKindness of Fair Woman; Goddess Parvati
DayaluKindness; Mercy; Pity
DayashreeMasterful Teacher
DayawantiGoddess of Kindness
DebarpitaRender to the God
DebasmitaSweet of God; Smile Like Goddess
DebinaDiscreet; Enrich; Impressive; Advantage
DebjaniGod of Travel; Daughter of the Goddess; Beloved; Worshiper of Lord Shiva
DeborahBee; To Speak Kind Words; Hebrew; Queen Bee
DebotriSubmitted to Three Gods
DedeepyaAlways Shining; Light
DeebasriTeacher of God; Dev + Rushi
DeeherShiva's Strength; Dee means Durga and her means Shiv; Goddess Durga; Lord Shiva's Strength
DeekshaInitiation; To Teach Learner; To Teach Students; Good Thoughts of Hindu Religions to Students (who Wants to Meet God and Wants to Became Social Worker)
DeekshaaTo Teach; Initiation; Consecration
DeenaDivine; God Like; Jacob's Daughter; Judgement; Valley; Dinah; Spear Ruler; Silk
DeepaLamp; Dedication; A Pledge; A Lamp; Light; Radiant; Goddess Laxmi
DeepaliCollection of Lamps; Light; Intelligent; Delicate
DeepanaIlluminating; Goddess Lakshmi; Lamp; Light; Temple Lamp
DeepavnaDedication; A Pledge; A Lamp; Light; Radiant; Goddess Lakshmi
DeepiBeauty; Gorgeous; Light
DeepikaA Little Light; Beautiful; Lamp; Light; A Raagini Used in Music; Wife of God; Bright; Dedicated
DeepthiGlow; Shine; Light; Bright
DeeptiFlame; Lustre; Glow; Shine; Luster; Nice
DeetaA Name for Goddess Lakshmi
DeetyaAnswer of Prayers; Goddess Lakshmi
DeivanaiLord Kartikeya's Wife Devasena
DemiraDevotee of Lord Krishna
DevajutiAttached to the Gods
DevakaliName of a Indian Music Raagini
DevakeeMother of Lord Krishna
DevakiDivine; Mother of Lord Krishna
DevakiriName of a Raagini
DevalinaBeloved of the Gods
DevamatiGodly Minded; Virtuous
DevaniShining Celestial Goddess
DevanshaEternal Part of God
DevanshiDivine; Part of God
DevasenaOne who is Serving God; Wife of Lord Karthikeya
DevashriGoddess Lakshmi; Yagya; Divine Beauty
DevasriDaksha's Daughter; Divine Goddess
DevavatiOwned by the Gods
DevayaniThe Gift Given by God
DevesiKoushthub the Gem Worn by Lord Vishnu
DeviGoddess; Kindness; Bright; Beautiful; Luck; Rich; Goddess Laxmi / Parvati / Durga Peaceful
DevikaLike an Angel; Little Goddess; Mother of Krishna; Minor Deity; Goddess
DevilaAttached to the Gods
DevinaResembling a Goddess
DevishiChief of the Goddesses; Goddess Durga
DevisiChief of the Goddesses
DevkiLord Krishna's Mother; Belongs to God
DevkiaMinor Diety; Minor Goddess
DevkulyaDivine Pitcher Belonging to Gods; Holy Ganga
DevkuverGoddess of Wealth
DevmitraA Friend of the Gods
DevoshriThe Diamond of Kohinoor
DevratiDelight of the Gods
DevyaGod Gift; Divine Power
DevyaniLike a Goddess; Daughter of Shukraacharya; L
DhaaniLight Green Colour; Light Green
DhaaraConstant Flow; The Earth
DhairaviFirmly Glow Like Sun; Smart; Intelligence
DhaminiLighting or Storm; Focus
DhanWealth; Goddess Laxmi
DhanaliThe One who Brings Wealth
DhanasviMoney; Goddess Lakshmi
DhaneshiHaving Knowledge of the Subject
DhanishaFull of Hope; Creating Money
DhanistaOne of the Star; Name of a Gopi of Gukul
DhanuA Bow; The Zodiacal Sign Sagittarius
DhanvatiContaining Wealth
DhanviMoney and Wealth; Name of Goddess Laxmi
DhanvikaGoddess Annapurna
DhanyaGreat; Grateful; Blessed; Fortunate
DhanyataSuccess; Fulfilment
DhanytaSuccess; Fulfilment; Money and Good Luck
DharaConstant Flow; The Earth; Constant Flow of Liquid
DharanaNon Violence Movement; Catch; Fasting
DharaniEarth; Success; Bearing; The Earth
DharmaDecree; Custom; Path of Life
DharmikaDevotion; Religious; Completeness
DharuniTo Get Aim Quickly
DhatriEarth; Goddess Lakshmi; Goddess Parvati; God of Earth
DhaumyaName of Goddess Ambe (Durga)
DhavitaPurified and Clean
DhavniMusic; Cruel Against Sound; Noise
DheeraCourageous; Patient
DheeraviOne who is Courageous
DhenuA Cow; Goddess Durga
DheshikaBright Future; Brilliant
DhiyaLamp; Give a Light; Light
DhoolikaRiver Gomathi's Another Name
DhritiCourage; Morale; Patience
DhrtiEarth; Will; Resolution; Courage; Morale; Patience
DhrumiGod of Gift; Divine
DhruvaStar; The Polar Star; Constant; Faithful; Firm
DhruviCenter Point of Globe Earth; Firm
DhumraVapourous; A Daughter of Daksa
DhvaniSound Stages; Sound
DhvijaBorne for Performing the Great Things
DhwajaFlag; Leadership; Inspired by the the Flag
DhwaniVoice; Melody; Music; Sound
DhwitiMirror of Lord Krishna; Name of Lord Krishna
DhyanaMeditation; Meditate; Conscious
DhyuthiGlow; Light; Splendour
DhyutiFull of Splendour; Lord Krishna
DibyaBrightness; Divine; Flower
DidhitiFirm; Stable; Devotion
DigishaRegent of a Direction
DikshaGift by the God; Holy Teaching; Initiation; Point of Direction; Term
DikshitaExpert; The Initiated
DikshyaInitiation; Consecration
DiksithaSolid Like Rock; Imperishable
DilaniGlowing; Iridescent
DilshadHappy; Initiation; Cheerful; Beloved
DimpalCute; Dimple on Face
DimpleA Small; Natural Hollow on the Surface of the Body; Happy; Dimples
DimpyCute; One who has Dimple
DinaLove; God has Judged; Dinah; Spear Ruler; Decoration; Justified; Valley; Judge; Form of Hebrew Dinah; Judged and Vindicated; In the Bible Dinah was Jacob's Only Daughter
DinalGreat Chief; Variant of Donald
DinoshaHearty Welcome in Bangoli
DipSmall Light Like Candle; Small Lamp
DipaIlluminated; Enlightens; Light
DipalBurning Lamps; Light
DipaliLamps; A Line of Lamps; Collection of Lamps
DipashaLike a Light; Possessor of Lights
DiplaLight Like Candle; Small Lamp
DiptiBrightness; Light; Ray of Light
DishaDirection; Princess of the Family
DishalApropos Lightened; Fuel
DishaniQueen of All Four Directions
DishithaFocussed; Who Knows Direction
DishtiDirection; Good Fortune
DitiWife of the Sage Kashyap; Arohi; Earth Goddess: Idea
DitikshaAll over the World
DityaGoddess Durga / Lakshmi; Answer of Prayers
DiviyaDivine Power; Lovely
DivvyVery Bright; Sun Like Glow
DivyaPure; Divine; Settlement; Heavenly; Divine Luster; Pure Light; Source of Wisdom
DivyaaThe Queen of the Universal
DivyangaHeavenly; Brilliant
DivyaniHeavenly; Heart of Avi
DivyankaName of God; Divine
DivyansiLight; Part of God
DivyasriKind; Helpful Human; Beautiful
DixchaGift by the God; Holy Teaching; Initiation; Point of Direction; Term
DixitaExpert; Splendor; Name of Parvati
DiyaLamp; Light; Dazzling Personality
DiyaaStar; Bright; Lamp; Beautiful
DolyLike as a Beautiful Doll
DomaHoly Book of Buddhists; Mosquito
DonabelBeautiful Lady - Dona means Lady and Bel is Bella and means Beautiful; There is a Herb Called Belladonna that Dilates the Eyes that Women Used to Use to Make them Beautiful to Give them Power over Men
DoraKind; A Gift; Given by God; Gift of God
DoyelSinging Bird; A Songbird
DrashtaaOne who can Perceive
DrashtiOpinion; Eyesight; Vision of Eye
DrashviVision; Moonlight; See; Seen
DraupadiBorn from Fire; Wife of Pandavas
DrisanaDaughter of the Sun
DrishaniDaughter of the Sun
DrishikaGood Looking; Splendid
DrishtiSight; Vision; Eyesight
DrisnaDaughter of the Sun
DristyEye; Vision; Eyesight
DrithiCourage; Morale; Patience
DronaTeacher of Warrior Arjuna
DrusillaForm of Drew; Sturdy; Fruitful
DruviFirm; The Polar Star; Constant; Faithful
DumatiWith Bright Intellect
DurgaGoddess Parvati; Wife of Lord Shiva as Gauri; The Inaccessible
DurgiOne who Lives in a Fort
DuruDraupadi; Wife of the Pandavas
DurvaGoddess; Sacred Grass
DusanaA Spirit; A Soul; Full of Vices
DushyaDestroyer of Evil; Name of the King
DussalaDifficult to Shake
DutiIdea; Goddess Lakshmi
DvitaExisting in Two Forms; Spiritual
DwarakaGateway; Capital of Lord Krishna's
DyumayiFull of Brightness
DyutiLight Beautiful; Kind Hearted; Goddess Laksmi; Spark of Light