IdaProsperous; Happy; Work; Labour; Woman; Thirst; Goodness; Knowledge; A Nymph; Hard Working; This Moment; Insight; Planet Earth; Industrious; Diligent; Norman Origin
IdayaThe Beauty of World; Heart
IdhikaWife of Lord Shiv; Goddess Parvati
IhitaDesir; Goddess Durga; Fighter; Beauty Queen
IkshithaVisible; Cute; Brilliant
IlaEarth; Daughter of Manu
IladeviGoddess of the Earth
IlakhumiEarth; Daughter of Manu
IlanguilYoung Little Sparrow
IlavalagiYoung and Beautiful
IlhanaHappiness; Excellent; The Queen of the Universe
IlinaQueen; Possessing High Intelligence; Royal
IllishaOne who Creates Illusion
IlmaResolute Protector; Strong Helmet; Diminutive of Wilhelmina; Safe; Peace; Well Born; Noble; Will Helmet; Protect; Air
ImaniTrustworthy; Faith; Believer or Faith; Belief; Powerful
ImpleKing; Strong; Always Smiles
InaIlluminate; Light Up; Mother; Queen
InaamAct of Kindness; Benefaction; Bestowal; Present
InariPlace Name for Lake in Finland; Shrimp; A Lake
InasCapable; Sociability; Sweet Voice; Music; Geniality
InayatBlessing of God; Kindness; Concern; Blessings
InbamCapable; Sociability
InbanayakiQueen of Happiness
IndaliaiSea-feather; Feather from the Sea Shore
IndarupiniName of God Gayatri
IndiBorn in India; Indian
IndiaRiver; Name of a Country; Body of Water; Land of the Indus (River)
IndiraGoddess Lakshmi; Wife of God Vishnu; Radiant Like the Sun
IndiraniGoddess of the Sky
IndivariniCollection of Blue Lotuses
IndraGod of the Sky; Rain; Thunder; Lighting; A God
IndrabalaIndra's Daughter
IndrajaJupiter; Daughter of Lord Indra
IndrakantaIndrani; Shachi
IndraksheeEyes Like Indra
IndrakshiOne with Beautiful Eyes
IndraneelOne with Beautiful Eyes
IndranilikaAs Blue as Indra
IndrasenaDaughter of King Nala
IndrathaPower and Dignity of Indra
IndrayaniThe Name of a Sacred River
InduMoon; Lord Chandra (Moon)
IndukantaWife of Moon; Night
IndumalaGarland of the Moon
IndumathiFull Phase of Mooon; Bright Drop; Fair; Attracted by Lord Krishna
IndusheetalaCool Like the Moon
IniyamozhiSmall Earth; Sweet Language (Tongue)
InkaHero's Daughter; Lover of Horses; Foremost One
InmozhiyanSweet Voice; Sweet Language
IpshitaDesired; Goddess Laxmi
IpsitaDesired; Love of Life
IraEarth; Goddess Saraswati; Crystal Clear Water
IraiviGoddess Saraswati; Earth
IravatiRavi River in India
IruvantikaWind's Daughter
IsaiarasiParkishit's Wife
IshaOne who Protects; The Female Energy; Woman; Faculty; Power; Another Name of Goddess Durga; Formless Divinity
IshaaEnergy; Goddess Durga
IshalyaTemple of Rich; Wealth and Prosperity
IshanaRich; Goddess Durga; The Female Energy
IshaneeOne who Protects; Faculty; Power; Another Name of Goddess Durga; Formless Divinity
IshaniGoddess Durga / Parvati; Wife of Lord Shiva
IshanikaBelonging to the North East
IshanviGoddess of Knowledge; Goddess Parvati / Saraswati
IshikaSacred; Sacred Paint Brush; The Queen of Water and Mountain; Lovely
IshitaMastery; Wealth Superior; Bright; God Gifted; Form of Goddess Durga; The Ultimate Power; Superior; Wealth
IshithaMastery; Wealth; Superior
IshratWish; Affection; Enjoyment; Gaiety
IshtaAnother Name for Lord Vishnu
IshtaaName of Goddess Lakshmi and a Name Given to Karmic Yoga
IshvariThe Best Among the Divine
IshwariGoddess; God Gift; Lover of God
ItiEnd; Last; Start; Respected
ItikaEndless; Single Goddess
IvyClimber; Ivy Plant; An Evergreen Climbing Ornamental Plant; A Vine; God's Gift; Fragrant; Climbing Vine Plant; Yew; A Creeper
IzumiWater Spring; Fountain