EashanyeThe Diety who Looks After the Direction Eashanya or East
EashtadevataFavourite Diety
EaswaranayakiWife of Shiva; Wanted
EdhithaProgressed; Increased
EelakiliParakeet from Eelam; Beautiful
EenakshiWhose Eyes Look Like Deer
EeshaPurity; Goddess Parvati; Goddess Creativity
EeswariAnother Name of Lalithamba
EhimayaAn All Pervading Intellect
EieshaLight; Pleasure; Desire; Goddess Parvati; Purity
EiravatiLightening; Ravi River
EishitaGoddess Lakshmi; Desired.
EisuDesire; Purity; Pleasure; Goddess Parvati
EitiEnding and the New Beginning
EkaMatchless; Alone; First Child
EkaagraOne-pointed; With One Attention
EkadhanaA Portion of Wealth
EkanthikaDevoted to One Aim
EkantikaOne Aim; Singly Focused
EkaparanaWife of Himalaya
EkapatalaGoddess Parvati's Sister
EkiA Single String Necklace
EkiyaThe Only One Person; Love
EkodaraSister; Born from Same Womb
EkoparnaSister of Parvathi; Wife of Sage Asita
EkveeraLord Shiva's Daughter
ElaGod is My Oath; Stone; All; Completely; God is Perfection; God is Wow; Order; Beauty; Harmony; Hazel; Cardamom Tree; Earth
ElakshiA Woman with Bright Eyes; Beautiful
ElavarasiYouthful; Princess
ElikaPelican of God; Earth
ElilKaniBeautiful and as Sweet as a Fruit
ElinaWoman with Intelligence; Pure; Intelligent; Light; Torch; Moon; Moon Elope; Soft; Good Student
EllaLight; Foreign; Beautiful Fairy Woman; True to All; Little Ash-girl; The Name of a Fairy-tale Heroine; All; Completely; Torch; Bright Light
EllammaThe Name of a South Indian Goddess
EndiyahBeautiful Flower or Fountain
EonaFemale Version of Ian
EraLong Period of Time; Wind; Air
EshaPleasure; Desire; Goddess Parvati; Purity
EshalThe Name of Flower in the Heaven
EshanaPleasure; Search; Life
EshaniGoddess Parvathi; Close to God
EshanikaFulfilling Desire
EshankaParvati-wife of Shiva
EshitaBlessed; One who Desires
EshnaWish or Strong Desire
EshniName of Goddess Durga
EsitaDesired; One who Desires
EswariHindu Goddess Name; Goddess Parvati; Wife of God Siva
EtikshaWho Fulfil Wishes of All
EuphrataFrom the River Euphrates
EuxinaFrom the Euxine; Black Sea
EvaLife; To Live; To Breath; Good News; Form of Eve; Beloved; Living One; Breath of Life; Life-giving; Beauty; Alive; Living
EzhilarasiQueen of Beauty
EzhiliBeauty; Gods Blessed