KaBrave; Loveable; Beautiful Angel
KadzoriSavoury Made with Besan Flour
KairaviFull Moon; Moonlight
KajariType of Song which is Sung in Monsoon Time
KakoliChirping of Birds at Dawn; Preaching of Birds; Preaching of a Bird
KalaThe Fine Arts; Art; Miracle; Phases of Moon; Princess; Most Beautiful
KalavatiArtist; Artistic; Goddess Parvati
KalimaSpeaker; Mouthpiece; Blackness; The Mother Kali
KallolLarge Waves; Gurgling of Water
KalpanaImagination; Idea; Fancy; Imagine
KalpithaImagination; Creative; Imagined
KamalaFlower; Goddess; Lotus; Born of a Lotus; Desirous; Beautiful; Goddess Lakshmi
KaminiFull of Love; A Beautiful Woman
KamlaLotus; Goddess Lakshmi
KananbalaNympth of the Forest
KanchiA Waistband; Clear Like Mirror
KaniSound; Beautiful Girl
KanikaSmall; Atom; Black; Molecule; Seed
KanimoliSpeaks with a Gentle Tone
KannakiDevoted and Virtuous Wife
KantiLustre; Light; Brightness
KanyaDaughter; The Beautiful Lady; A Young Lady
KareenaPure White; Flower; Compassionate; Pure in Heart
KartikaWho Born in Month of Kartik
KarunaSympathy; Compassion; Mercy
KashviShining; Goddess of Luck
KasturiMusk; A Fragrant Material; Earth; Scented with Musk; Scented; Fragrant
KasturikaMusk; The Fragrance Found in the Musk Deer
KathaDistress; Form of Catherine; Pure; Words; Distressing
KathakaliA Dance Form in South India
KauserA River in Paradise
KautiryaDurga; One who Resides in a Hut
KaviniComposes Beautiful Poems
KaviyaPoem; Beauty of Love
KavyaPoem; Poetry in Motion; A Poetic; Line's of Poetry; Sweet; Name of Goddess Saraswati
KeciaAlive and Well; Abbreviation of Lakeisha; Great Joy; Beautiful Rain
KeerthanaPoem; Music; Singing; Song; Devotional Song; Highest Point of Happiness
KenishaA Person with Beautiful Life; Gorgeous Woman; Beautiful and Prosperous; A Beautiful Life; Flower
KeshiA Woman with Beautiful Hair
KeshoriYoung; A Cream Coloured Flower
KeyaaA Goddess and Flower
KhanakSweet Sound; Sound of the Bangles; A Pleasant Sound
KhushiHappiness; Always Smile
KhyatiFame; Reputation; Popularity; Famous
KilimoliPleasing Voice; Parrot's Speech
KiranmalaA Garland of Light
KirubaGrace; Grace of God
KiyaThe Cooing of a Bird; Jovial Lady
KohilaSweet Voiced Like a Koyal (Cuckoo)
KomagalKing's Daughter; God's Cow
KomalPreety; Cute; Tender; Smooth; Soft; Delicate and the Feeling Soft
KoutherRiver in Jennah (Paradise)
KrandasiThe Sky and the Earth
KripamoyeKind; Mercy; Grateful
KrishaDivine; Kind; Blessing; Fame
KrishnaLove; Peace; Affection; Harmony; Brave; Cleaver; Powerful; Name of Lord Krishna; Dark Complexioned; Name of a River
KrisnaArjun's Wife Droupadi's Another Name
KritiA Work of Art; Work; Achievement; Winner; Shape
KrupaBlessing; Grace; Favour; Kindness
KrutikaImage; Creature; Artificial
KsemaSafety; Security; Welfare; Tranquillity
KshemaDurga; Peaceful; Tranquil
KshipraName of a River in India
KshitijaEarth; Cute; Horizon; Queen of Universe
KulthoomDaughter of the Prophet Mohammed
KumudaPleasure of the Earth; Lotus Flower
KundiniAn Assemblage of Jasmines
KushbooBeautiful Fragrance; Sweet Smell
KusumanjaliAn Offering of Flowers
KusumlataFlowering Creeper
KuyilCuckoo Bird; Sweet Voice