NaayantaraStar of Our Eyes
NabonitaMoral; Night; Grace
NafeesaPrincess; Precious Thing; Delicate; Gem
NageswariGoddess of the Mountain; Elephants; King of Serpents
NaidhruaParvati; Almost Perfect
NainiA Girl with Beautiful Eyes
NajmaStar; Precious; Sorry; Moon; Beautiful
NaliniNoushad; Lotus; Fd; Godess of Vedas
NallarasiOnre with Lotus Like Eyes
NambiniBelieving; Confident and Sweet
NamrataLove; Modesty; Softness; Modesty Sensible; Politeness; Good Behaviour
NandiOne who Pleases Others; Bull of Lord Shiva
NandiniBestower of Joy; Goddess Durga; A Holy Cow; One who Brings Joy; Fathers Daughter Bestower of Joy; Innocence; Beautiful; Waste of Joy; Ganga; Fathers Daughter; Daughter who Brings Joy
NanditaSmile; Happy; Spread Love
NanmaniBrilliant Gem; Excellent Gem
NatashaChild Born at Christmas; Rebirth-from Anastasia; A Flower; Christ's Birthday; Form of Natalie; Resurrection
NatthamaraiExcellent Lotus Flower; Name of a Flower; Lotus
NavamiNew; Nineth Tithi in Astrology
NayanaMost Beautiful Eyes; One with Attractive Eyes
NayanikaOne Having Beautiful Eyes
NaynaIcy; Awesome; Cool; Cute; Snowflakes; Eyes
NazeeraLike; Equal; Matching
NeehaDew Drop; Affection; Diamond
NeelajaRiver Starting from Blue Mountain Neelparvat
NeetaUpright; Bear; Night
NidhiGiving Nature; Principle; Treasure; Wealth; Money; Life; Cute
NiharLord Krishna; Mist; Fog; Dew
NikkiVictory of the People; Of the Lord; Victory; Two Tree; Form of Nicole; Nebula; Small
NilaniEnchanting Moon; An Another Name of Nila (Moon)
NilanjanaOne with Blue Eyes
NilashaBlueness; Starting Newly
NilimaNew Flower; Blue; Colour of Clear Sky; Dawn
NimaTo Adjust; To Measure; Thread; God Blessing; The Mother of Kabir
NirjaGoddess Laxmi; Lotus
NirupamaUnique; Uncomparable; Without Compromise
NirupomaWithout Compromise
NishkaPure; Honest; Kind; Giving
NitaWith in Rules; Moral; Night; Grace; Bear
NithilaBeautiful Like Pearl
NitikaNiti means Policy; Angel of Precious Stone
NityashreeWith Eternal Beauty; Soul
NityasreeWith Eternal Beauty
NivrittiNon-attachment; Bliss; Retirement
NondiniBeautiful; Daughter; Lord Shiva Worshipper
NoopurAnklet; Anklet of Lord Krishna