PadmaGoddess Lakshmi; Lotus
PadmalekhaWritten with Lotus
PadmalochanaLotus Eyes; Lotus Eyed
PahalThe Start; One of the Name of Goddess Lakshmi; Facet
PalaksiWhite; One with Eyes Like Leaf
PanasreeBeauty and Goodness of the Moon
PanchiA Free Bird; Independent; Bird
PankhuriPetal of a Flower; Leaf of Rose
PanyaAdmired; Glorious; Excellent
ParidhiCircumference of the Orbit; Limit; Realm
ParnaFeather; Wings; Leaf
ParomitaPerson Having Selectivity
ParvaniFull Moon; A Festival or a Special Day
ParvatiWife of Lord Shiva; Daughter of Mountain; Goddess Durga
PatralikaSeries of Leaves; Beauty of a Leaf
PauraviHorizon on East and West
PaviLightning; Write; Holy; Pure; Beautiful
PhalguniBorn in Falgun; A Hindu Month
PialiTree; River; Container
PihunaBird Voice; Very Sweet
PiyaliName of a River of West Bengal and a Village of Same State; A Tree
PoojaPrayer; Worship; Devoted to God
PoornimaFull Moon; Beauty; Softness
PoovarasiBeautiful Queen Resembling a Flower
PotralikaA Series of Leaves
PoulomiBest Dancer in the Assembly of Indra; Lord Indra's Second Wife; Ray of Sun
PousaniBorn in Pous Month
PraagyaWisdom; Intelligence; Other Name of Goddess Saraswati
PracheetaOrigin; Starting Point
PrachiFirst Ray of Sun; Morning; East; Old that is Superior; Intelligent
PrafullaPleasant; Cheerful; In Bloom
PragatiProgress; Development; Improvement
PragyaWisdom; Intelligence; Other Name of Goddess Saraswati
PrahasiniContinuies Smiling Girl
PrakritiEarth; Nature; Beautiful
PramitiKnowledge of Truth
PrasheethaOrigin; Starting Point
PratibhaIntellect; Splendor; Brightness; Inspiration; Talent
PratikaSymbol; Shadow; Lord Indra; Symbolic; Proud
PratimaIcon; Idol; Statue; Reflection
PratishthaPreeminence; Prestige
PratyushaEarly Morning; Glad; Bright Morning; Expectation
PravallikaPuzzle; Flower; Question; God
PrbhavatiA Raagini; Wife of Sun
PreranaInspiring; Inspiration; Encouragement
PrinakaGirl who Brings Heaven to Earth
PrishaBeloved; Loving; God's Beautiful Gift; Gift of God
PrithaUnique; Name of Kunti; Mother of Pandavas
PritikaLove; Dear One; Loved One; Beloved
PritiliJoy of Love; One who Enjoy the World
PriyaKind; Beloved One; Loved One; Darling; Dear One; Lovable Person; Loving to Everyone
PriyadarshiniDelightful to Look
PriyankaBeautiful; Loveable; Beautiful Symbol; Lovable Act; Beautiful Body
PriyashaBeloved; Dear One
PromitaIdol; Who Gets Happiness by Seeing Others Rejoicing
PujaWorship; Prayer; Idol Worship; Derived from Pooja; Celebration of Worship
PurnimaFull Moon; Synonyms
PurvaEast; Elder; Name of a Nakshatra; Breeze
PushpanjaliDevote Flower to God; Flower Offering
PuspaFlower; Derived from Pushpa