SaanviRainbow; Goddess Lakshmi
SabihaBeautiful; Graceful; Forenoon
SadgatiCorrect Path; Liberation
SadhyaGood Habits; Queen; Perfection
SadiaLucky; Simple; Fortunate
SaeedaPriestly; Prosperous; Lucky; Blissful; Auspicious
SagarikaOcean; Related to Sea; Wave; Born in the Ocean; Beautiful; Goddess Durga
SagnikaWith Fire; Lord Shiva's Third Eye
SagunaCalm; Possessed of Good Qualities
SaishaTruth of Life; Jewel
SakshiWitness; Justice; Proof; Cute Princess; Loved by Everyone; Grace; Purity; Pluck; Witness Truth; Queen; Princess; Real; Truth
SalimaHappy; Safe; Healthy; Sound
SamadritaGood; Beloved; From Ocean
SamarFruit from Heaven; Conversations at Night; Evening Conversations; War
SambhabiChanting / Mantra of Lord Shiva
SameenaHappy; Fatty; Plump; Clean
SamhitaA Vedic Composition; Vedic Om Position; God
SamreenFlower; Fruit; A Lovely Quite
SamriddhaGems of Hope; One who have Everything
SamriddhiProsperity; Wealth; Rich; One who Brings Happiness and Prosperity to House
SamrtaProvided with Nectar
SanaPrayer; Resplendence; Brilliance; Mountain Top; Brightness; Radiance; Lasting Long; To Gaze; Look; Loud; Old; Majestic; Worship to Gaze or Look; Beauty
SanchalaSanskrit Synonym for Water
SanchitaCollection; Savings
SandipaLight of Evening; The Brightest Flame
SanghamitraDevotee of Lord Buddha; One who Maintains Friendship Between Different Groups
SangitaMusical; Music; Goddess of Music and Knowledge
SangyaIntellect; Wife of Surya Dev
SanjanaGentle; Peaceful Nature; Beautiful; Gentle in Harmony
SanjibaniMantra of Immortality / Rebirth
SanjoliPeriod of Twilight
SannidhiGold; Nearness; Holy Place
SantoshiSatisfaction; Always Smiling; Name of Goddess
SantuKind and Beautiful Girl
SanyaBeneficent; Fortunate; Splendid; Radiant; Born on Saturday; Narrator of the Koran; First Light of Sun
SaranyaDefender; Surrendered; Goddess Durga
SaraswathiGoddess of Knowledge
SarayuA Holy River in Ayodhya; Goddess Lakshmi; Wind
SaritaRiver; Princess; Lady; Durga Devi; Stream
SarmilaShy; Happy; Modest
SarojaLotus; Born in a Lake
SarvaniThe All; Goddess Durga; Universal; Complete; Born in the Month of Shravan
SatiChaste Woman; Name of Lord Mahadev's (Shiva) Wife
SattvikiOf True Essence; Pure; Honest
SatyarupaTruth; Personified
SaudaminiLightning; Thunder
SaumyiMoonlight Shining; Moonlight
SavarnaDaughter of the Ocean
SavitashriLustre of the Sun
SayaniClever; Evening; Evening of Monsoons
SayantikaArising; The Arised One
SeemaLimit; Boundary; Border; Face; Symbol; Precious Thing; Treasure; Sprout; Wave
SeeratHeart; Inner Beauty; Fame; Internal Nature; Wisdom
SelmaFair; Protected by God; God's Helmet; Safe; Will Helmet; God's Protection; Divinely Protected; Sacrifice; Well Spoken; Helmet of God
ShabanaDecorated; Belonging to Night; Young Lady; Famous; Snow
ShagunAuspicious Moment; With Good Nature; Blessing
ShahiraRenowned; Famous; Great
ShailajaName of a River; Goddess Parvati
ShakambariGoddess Parvati
ShaliniIntelligent; Sensible; Talented; Charming; Modesty; Goddess Laxmi; Brightness.
ShardaThe Goddess of Art and Literature; Goddess Saraswati
SharminShy; Modest; King's Daughter
SharmisthaShelter; Wife of Yayati
ShatarupaGoddess Saraswati; Lord Shiva
ShefaliA Beautiful and Fragrant Flower; Fragrant
ShehlaDark Brown; Almost Black; Goat's Eye
ShellyFrom the Ledge Meadow; Meadow on the Ledge; Little Rock; Ewe; Female Sheep; Style; Manner; Method; Language
ShikhaFlame; Top of a Mountain
ShikritiThe Brighting Stars of Sky; To Accept
ShipraPure; Name of a River
ShirinSweet; Pleasant; Gentle; Delicate; Goddess of Sculpture; Charming
ShirshaTop; Who is at the Top
ShitijSky and Land Meet Together
ShiuliA Flower; Night Flower Jasmine
ShivaliGoddess Parvati / Durga
ShivanshiA Part of Lord Shiva
ShivleeImage of Shiva; Name of Flower; God Shiva's Wife
ShomaA Tributary of River Ganga
ShomiliElegant and Beautiful
ShoniOne of Complexion of Red Lotus
ShrabaniFirst Rain of the Year.
ShramidhiGirl who Likes to Work Hard and Earn
ShravaniMonth of Shravan; Born in the Month of Shravan
ShravantiA Name in Buddhist Literature
ShravyaGood Listener; Musical Tone
ShreeProsperous; Wife of the God Vishnu; Goddess Laxmi; Another Name of Goddess Parvati
ShreejitaOne who Wins the Beauty
ShreejoyeeWinner of Beauty
ShreyaLucky; Excellent; Credit; To Give Credit to Someone; Auspicious; Better; The Best Forever; Goddess Lakshmi; Beautiful; Strong; Brave; Wisdom; Intelligence; Fortunate; Successful; Pure; Favourable
ShreyobhiBeautiful Message from God
ShrigeetaThe Sacred Geeta
ShritamaPray; One who is Like Goddess Lakshmi; The Best One
ShruthiMelody; Music; Lyrics; Musical Instruement; Lead Life in an Abstract Way
ShrutiBeautiful; Different; Hearing; Veidik Text; Expert in Vedas; Intelligent; Different in All; A Musical Tone; Knowledge of Ved
ShubhangiOne who Brings Happiness; Brilliant; Beautiful
ShubhraPure; Wholesome; Neat; Clean; White; The Ganga
ShumonaBeautiful Heart, Mind and Soul
SiaOne who Brings Joy; Moving; Help; Light; Glow; Goddess Sita
SimpaFeeling Happy and Pride; Love from the Core of the Heart
SimranRemembrance; Meditation; Beautiful; Gods Favourite
SindhuSea; Ocean; River; Water
SitaraA Star; Morning Star
SivasankariGoddess Parvati
SkandaSon of Lord Shiva; Lord Karthik's Name
SmitaSmiling; Smile; Ever Smiling Lady
SnehaLove; Affectionate; Wife of Rishi Sandeep; Friendly
SnehanjaliAnjali with Love
SnigdhaSoft; Delicate; Smooth; Tender
SohiniSplendid; Adorned; Beautiful; Sun's Rays
SomaMoon-rays; Somras; A Type of Wine
SomshreeBeauty of the Moon
SomyaMild; Soft; Faith; Beautiful; Smooth; Soft Natured; Another Name of Goddess Lakshmi
SonalGolden; Soft Hearted
SonaliGolden; Special; Goldness; Golden Rays
SougandikaSacred River; Good Smell
SourabhiFragrance; The Celestial Cow
SprihaBeing Attached to the World; Desire; Wish; Enthusiasm
SpringSpringtime; Spring Season; Rapid Movement
SravantiFlowing; A River; Unstoppable; Pure
SreemoyeeDesire; Intelligent
SrijaWho Creates; Daughter of Goddess Lakshmi
SrijitaCreative Woman; Prayers for Others; Who Won Beauty
SrishaFlower; Goddess Lakshmi
SrividhyaLakshmi and Sarasvati
SriyaGoddess Laxmi; Prosperity; Simplicity; Lovable; Affectionate; Wealthy; Fortunate
SrujanikaUnique and Creative Girl
SrutiRhythm; Hearing; Ear; Knowledge of the Vedas
SubarnarekhaGoddess Laxmi
SucharitaOf Good Character
SuchismitaWith a Pious Smile; Beautiful Smile
SuchitraBeautiful Picture
SudarshanaHandsome; Beautiful; A Weapon of Lord Krishna
SudarshiniBeautiful Lady; Sundari
SuddhritaPure; Kind; Softness
SudenaLakshmi; A Real Goddess
SudeshnaQueen; Wife of King Virata
SudesnaBorn in Good Place
SudhritaPure; Kind; Softness
SuhotriWho can Praise God Well
SujataOf Noble Birth; Beauty
SukanyaA Good Girl; Comely
SukirtiFame; Well Praised
SulenaTake Something without Forces
SultanaQueen; Empress; Writing
SumanaGood Natured; Flower; Goddess Durga; Kind Hearted
SunitiGood Conduct; Good Principles
SuparnaLeafy; Attractive; Good Behave
SurayaQueen; Daughter; Pleiades
SushmaBeautiful Woman; Beauty
SushmitaBeautiful Smile; Good Smile
SusmitaSmiling; Sweet Smile
SutithiGood Time; Moment of Good Luck
SutrishnaLove; Thirst for Good
SuvashreeHaving a Good (in All Ways ); Look; Nice
SwananyaGoddess Durga; Unique in her Own Way.
SwarnaliGold; First Sunshine on the Earth
SwastikaCheerful; Lucky; Sun; Power; Strength; Good Luck
SwatiPrecious Drop; Name of the Brightest Star; A Nakshatra; God; First Drop of Rain; Name of a Bird
SwatikaAuspicious Beginning
SyruliahPure; Sanctifying; Clean; Brings Joy to All