IanGod is Merciful / Gracious;
IbrahimMy Father is Exalted;
IdalFrom the Yew Tree Valley
IddigLegendary Son of Anarawd
IdrisStudious Person; One who Instruct;
IdwalThe Lord of the Wall or Rampart
IeuanGod is Gracious; Form of John
IforLord; A Variant of the Name Ifor
IgnatiusFiery One; Ardent; Burning;
IhsanBeneficence; Charity; Compassion;
IkeOne who Brings Laughter;
ImbertOf Great Fame; Poet
InaLord Surya (Sun); Illuminate;
IndianaCountry of Native Indians
IngramIng's Raven; Raven of Anglia;
InigoArdent; Burning; Unknowing
IorwerthWorthy Lord; Handsome Lord;
IosephGod will Multiply; He will Enlarge
IraWatchful; Wind; Descendants;
IramThe Effusion of them; A High Heap
IrfanWisdom; Gratefulness;
IrmaOf the Nature of Wind;
IrvinWhite; Place Name; Beautiful;
IrvineVariant of Irving; Green Water;
IrwinFrom Irvine; Scotland; Sea Lover;
IrwynSea Lover / Friend; Boar Friend
IsaacOne who Brings Laughter;
IsacLaughter; He will Laugh
IsaiahThe Lord Helps Me; God's Helper;
IsenhamFrom the Iron One's Estate
IshamFrom the Iron One's Estate
IsmaelA Prophet's Name; Prophet;
IthamarIsland of the Palm-tree;
IvanGod is Merciful; Gift of God;
IvarArcher's Bow; Bow Warriors;
IvenLittle Archer; Yew Wood;
IverFighter with Bow; Archer; Yew;
IvesArcher's Bow; Young Archer;
IvoArcher's Bow; Yew; Form of Yves;
IvonArcher's Bow; Yew Wood;
IvorArcher's Bow; Yew; Bow Army;
IwdaelFrom the Yew Tree Valley