TabBrilliant; Shining; Drummer;
TabbBrilliant; Shining; Drummer
TaberDrummer; Brilliant; Shining;
TabithaLike a Gazelle; Daughter
TaborTambourine Player; Drummer;
TadGift Given by God; Praise; Heart;
TaddCourageous and Praise; Father
TaeganYoung Poet; Little Poet
TaishanHonest; High-spirited; Firebrand;
TaitHappy; Measure of Land;
TalRain; Dew Drop; Heaven's Dew
TalbotBoot Maker; Tall; Surname;
TalbottBoot Maker; Tall; Surname
TalcottCottage Near the Lake
TallonClaw; Tall; Surname
TamtunFrom the Quiet River Farm
TanBody; Lion; Leather-tanner; New
TancredA Thoughtful Adviser
TanerBorn with Sunrise; Leather Worker;
TanishJewel; Ambition; Lord Shiva;
TannerLeather-worker; Of Animal Skin
TannyLeather Worker; Tanner
TantonTown by the Still River;
TapasHeat; Penance; Ascetic; Saint
TaranRaft; Heaven; The Saviour of All;
TaretonA Form of Tarleton
TariqMorning Star; Name of a Star;
TarrantThunder; From the Name of a River
TarshDesire; Wish; Thrust; Lucky Star
TarverTower; Hill; Leader
TarzanWhite Skinned Person
TashaBorn on Christmas Day;
TateTo be Cheerful; Great;
TatumFrom the Farmstead of Tata;
TaylerTailor; Cutter of Cloth
TaysonSon of the Tailor; Tailor; Surname
TeaganLittle Poet; Bard; Poetry Writer;
TealA Water Bird; Greenish Blue Colour
TealeSmall Fresh Water Duck
TedGift of God; Wealthy Spearman;
TeddGift of God; Wealthy Defender;
TeddeyWealthy Defender; Gift of God
TeddieGift of God; Diminutive of Edward;
TeddyGift of God; Form of Theodore;
TedmanProtector of the Land;
TedmondProtector of the Land;
TedmundNational Protector;
TeemuVictory of the People
TejaA Light Ray; Prowess;
TelfordWorks in Iron; An Iron-cutter
TelmoSafe; Peace; Saint Elmo
TempFrom the Temple Settlement
TempleFrom the Temple Settlement
TennantOne who Rented Land; Tenant;
TerellThunder Ruler; Powerful;
TerikaAbbreviation of Teresa;
TerranOf the Earth; Earth Man;
TerrelThunder Ruler; Powerful;
TerrinHarvester; Smooth; Earth-man
TerrisSon of Terrell; Tender; Gracious
TerronSovereign; Terran; Earth-man;
TerryPowerful Ruler of the People;
TerrylFollowing Thor; The God of Thunder
ThainKnight's Attendant; Follower
ThawThaw; Melting Ice; Melt
ThayneKnight's Attendant; Follower;
TheynKnight's Attendant; Follower
ThomA Twin; Oldest One; Large;
ThomasTwin; Master of Air Bending
ThornTown of Thorns; Thornton Variant;
ThorneFrom the Thorny Thicket
ThorpFrom the Village or Hamlet
ThorpeSettlement; Hamlet; Small Village
TiannaPrince; Abbreviation of Tatiana
TielerA Form of Tyler; Tile Maker
TilarMaker of Bricks; Tiles
TildenFrom the Fertile Valley;
TillaShining One; Form of Thilda
TillerLayer / Maker of Tiles
TillyFrom Tilden or Matilda
TiltonFrom the Prosperous Estate;
TimOne who Honours God; To Fear God;
TimmyOne who Honours God;
TimonOne who Honours God; Honourable;
TisanHigh-spirited; Variant of Tyson
TobiahThe Lord is Good; Goodness of God;
TobiasLord / God is Good;
TobyLord is Good; Goodness of the Lord
TokiFull of Hope; Time of Opportunity
TolandFrom the Taxed Land;
TomTwin; Form of Thomas; Honest
TomasRock; Twin; A Form of Thomas
TommyTwin; Form of Thomas
ToniBeyond Price; Invaluable; Twin;
TonyWorthy of Praise; Twin;
TonyaFeminine Form of Anthony
TorKing; Tower; Watchtower;
ToriBird; Conqueror; Victory; Tower
TornFrom the Thorny Tree; Tender;
TorrWatch Tower; Tower; Little Hills
TorreyWatch Tower; Lives by the Tower;
TorrieFrom the Craggy Hills; Tower
TorryWatch Tower; Little Hills;
ToryVictorious; Watchtower; Winner;
TowleyFrom the Town Meadow
TownlyFrom the Town Meadow
TraceFighter; Brave; Born to Greatness;
TraceyFrance; Brave; From Thracia;
TracyFighter; Brave; From Thracia;
TraderA Form of Well-trodden Path
TraeThree; Third in Order
TravisA Collector of Toll;
TreaA Form of Trey; Three;
TrentFrom the River; Traveller;
TrevlsSurname and Place-name; Treves
TrevonLiving Near a Large Body of Water;
TrevorPrudent; Large Homestead;
TrilbyA Soft Hat; Sings with Trills
TrisDiminutive of Tristan;
TristaBold; Full of Sorrows;
TronGrowing; Thor's Arrow
TroyCurly Haired; Foot-soldier;
TrumanLoyal One; Faithful Man; Honest;
TrumpTriumph; Fantastic Hair
TuckerPerson who Softens Fabric;
TurnerLathe Worker; Carpenter;
TushalEyes; Association; Desire
TwainCut in Two; Divided in Two
TyeFrom the Enclosure; Common Pasture
TygerA Form of Tiger; Courage; Loyalty;
TylarIndustrious; Maker of Tiles;
TylerMaker of Bricks; Tiles; Tile Layer
TylorTile Layer; Roof Tiler;
TyrekCombination of Ty and Rick;
TyrellStubborn Person; Thunder Ruler;
TyronSovereign; Land of Owen
TyrusThunder Ruler; Form of Thor
TysonFirebrand; Son of a German;