WacleahFrom Wake's Meadow
WadiaGentle; Friendly; Peaceful
WaelSeeking Shelter; Protect; Rescue
WafaFaithfulness; Fidelity
WahabGift; Large Hearted; Kind Hearted;
WainCraftsman; Waggon Builder
WaineA Cart or Waggon Maker
WaiteGuard; A Watchman; Protector
WakeleaFrom the Damp Meadow
WakeleyFrom the Damp Meadow
WakelyFrom the Damp Meadow
WalbyFrom the Welshman's Dwellings
WalcotLives in the Welshman's Cottage
WalcottDwelling of a Foreigner;
WaldenFrom the Wooden Valley; Powerful;
WaldiFrom the Wooden Valley
WaldoRuler; Powerful; Abbreviation of;
WaldonFrom the Welshman's Hill
WalfordFrom the Welshman's Ford; Wealthy
WalkerA Person who Prepares Cloth;
WallaceWelshman; Stranger; Foreign;
WallachWelshman; From Wales
WallcotFrom the Cottage by the Wall
WallerForeign Person; Army Ruler;
WallisStranger; From Wales; Welshman;
WallyRuler of the Army; Welshman;
WalmerThe Pool of the Welsh
WalpoleFrom the Pool by the Ancient Wall
WalshFrom Wales; Welshman; A Foreigner
WalterPeople of Power; Powerful Warrior;
WaltherPeople of Power; Strong Fighter;
WaltonWalled; Stream Town;
WalwynA Powerful; Welsh Friend
WardBard; Surname; Guardian; Watchman
WardellWatchman's Hill; Wear Valley
WardenGuardian; Watchman; Guard
WardleaFrom the Watchman Meadow
WardleyFrom Near a Weir Clearing;
WardmanGuardian; Watchman
WareWise; Wary; Watchful; Aware;
WarfordFrom the Ford Near the Weir
WarickFrom the Buildings Near the Weir;
WarleyFrom the Meadow Near the Weir;
WarnerArmy Guard; Protecting Army;
WarrenFrom La Verenne; Watchman;
WartonFrom the Town Near the Weir;
WartunFrom the Farm by the Weir
WatHurdle; People of Power;
WatfordFrom the Hurdle Ford
WatkinsPeople Power; Son of Watt
WatsonGreat Warrior; Son of Walter
WattsArmy Rule; Son of Walter
WaverlyFrom the Brushwood Field;
WaylanVariant of Wayland;
WaylandWar-land; Brave Fight;
WaylenVariant of Wayland;
WaylinVariant of Wayland;
WaylonWar Land; Variant of Wayland;
WaymanRoad Man; Traveller;
WayneOne who Makes / Drives Waggons;
WebberPerson who Weaves; Weaver
WebbleyFrom the Weaver's Meadow
WebblyFrom the Weaver's Meadow
WebleyFrom the Weaver's Meadow
WeblyFrom the Weaver's Meadow
WebsterPerson who Weaves; Weaver
WeddelValley Near the Ford
WeddellFrom the Advancer's Hill
WeglandFrom the Land by the Highway
WeifordFrom the Farm by the Weir
WeirleyFrom the Weir Meadow
WelbornFrom the Spring Brook
WelburnFrom the Spring Brook
WelchWelshman; From Wales
WeldonA Hill with a Spring / Stream;
WelfordFrom the Spring by the Ford;
WelldonFrom the Well-hill
WellerExtracting Salt from the Sea
WellesLives by the Spring
WellsStream; Springs; From the Wells;
WeltonFrom the Spring Farm;
WenLiterate Person; Cultured;
WendaleTraveller; Wanderer
WendallTraveller; Wanderer
WendelA Wend; Wanderer; Traveller;
WendellVandals; A Wend; Wanderer;
WenhamFrom a Low Lying Pasture
WescotFrom the Western Cottage
WescottFrom the Western Cottage
WesleyFrom the West Woods;
WessonFrom a Town West of the Sea
WestcotFrom the West Cottage
WestinWester Town-name of a Place;
WestleyFrom the West Meadow / Woods
WestonFrom a Settlement in the West;
WethrbyFrom the Wether-sheep Farm
WeylandFrom the Land by the Highway
WeylinVariant of Wayland;
WhalenSon of Foalon; The Wolf Cub
WhartonWinding Town; From the Shore;
WheatlyFrom the Wheat Field
WheatonFrom a Wheat Growing Locality;
WheelerA Driver; Wheel Maker
WhelanJoyful; Son of Foalon;
WhitbeyFrom the White Farm
WhitbieFrom the White Farm
WhitbyLarge White Building;
WhiteyWhite-skinned; Pale;
WhitlawFrom the White Hill
WhitneyFrom the White Island;
WiattGuide; Small Fighter;
WiccumFrom the Village Meadow
WichammFrom the Village Meadow
WichellFrom the Bend in the Road
WickamFrom the Village Meadow
WickhamFrom the Village Paddock
WickleyFrom the Village Meadow
WicleahFrom the Village Meadow
WidWide; Affection; Love; Harmony
WigbertBright; Battle; Fight; War
WighardBrave; Fight; Battle; War
WilProtection; Strong Mind
WilberWillful; Bright; Wild Boar;
WilbertWill-bright; Wilful; Resolute;
WilburWill; Desire; Fortress;
WilburnWilful; Bright; Well Spring;
WilburtWillful; Resolute; Brilliant
WilderA Wild Animal; Wilderness; Wild
WildonFrom the Wooded Hill
WileyCrafty; From the Wily River;
WilfPeace; Diminutive of Wilfred
WilfordDesires Peace; Form of Wilfred;
WilfredA Wish for Peace; Resolute;
WilfridName of a Saint; Resolute;
WilfrydPeace; Purposeful Peace
WilhamWill Desire; Helmet Protection
WilkesA Strong - Resolute Protector
WilkinsSon of Little will
WillStrong Mind; Protection;
WillaWill Helmet; Resolute
WillardWill; Desire and Hardy; Brave;
WillemProtection; Will-helmet; Will;
WilleraWill; Desire; Protector
WilleyFrom the Water Meadow
WilliamResolute Protector; Will-helmet;
WillieResolute; Will; Will-helmet;
WillisStrong Mind; Protection;
WillsWill-helmet; Son of will
WillyStrong Mind; Resolute Protector;
WilmerGreat Desire; Will Famous;
WilsonSon of William; Will-helmet
WiltA Short Form of Wilton
WiltonFrom the Farm by the Spring;
WimWill-helmet; Strong Helmet;
WincelFrom the Bend in the Road
WindellA Very Windy Valley; Traveller;
WindhamFrom the Windy Village;
WindsorSurname and Place Name;
WinfredLover / Friend of Peace;
WingateFrom the Winding Gate
WinnFriend; Fair; White; Heart
WinslowThe Burial Mound of a Friend;
WinstonPleasant Stone; Town of Victory;
WintonPasture Town; From Wine's Farm;
WinwardFrom Wine's Forest
WinwoodFrom Wine's Forest
WittonFrom the Wise Man's Estate
WodenKing of the Gods; Inspiration;
WolcottCottage in the Woods;
WolfcotLives in Wolfe's Cottage
WolfeRunning Wolf; Courageous; Wolf
WoodleyFrom the Wooded Meadow
WoodyRow of Houses by a Wood;
WordenGuardian; Watchman; Defender;
WorleyFrom a Low Lying Meadow
WorthA Short Form of Wordsworth;
WortonFrom the Vegetable Farm
WrenLittle Songbird; A Tiny Bird;
WrightTradesman; Craftsman; Carpenter
WyattCourageous in Battle;
WybertBright / Shining in Battle
WyciyfFrom the White Cliff
WylieEnchanting; Well-watered Meadow;
WymanBattle Protector; Fighter; Warrior
WyndamThe Field with the Winding Path
WynnFriend; Fair; White; Blessed; Holy
WynneFair; White; Friend; Complexion;
WyntonFriend; Friend's Settlement
WytheFrom the Willow Tree