RabBrilliant / Bright Fame; God;
RabbieBrilliant / Bright Fame; Famous
RabertThe Most Special One
RadA Counsellor; Adviser; Thunder
RadleaFrom the Red Meadow
RadleeFrom the Red Meadow
RadleyFrom the Red Meadow / Forest
RafelForm of Raphael; God has Healed
RaidynGod of Thunder; Variant of Raiden
RaineSinging Queen; Lord; Wise Ruler
RajKingdom; King; Secret; To Rule;
RaleahFrom the Roe Deer Meadow
RaleghFrom the Roe Deer Meadow
RalphWolf Counsellor; Wise Protector;
RamLord Rama; One who Pleases;
RamonProtected Counsel; Wisely; Advice;
RamsayWild Garlic; From Ram's Island
RamziSymbol; Ram's Island
RanaldCounsel Power; Rules with Counsel;
RanceA Kind of Belgian Marble;
RandalShield Wolf; Variant of Randolph;
RandeeProtected; Admirable
RandyWolf's Shield; Strong Defender;
RangeyFrom Raven's Island
RankinLittle Shield; Son of Francis
RanulfWolf; Advice; Decision;
RashaeBlend of Ray and Shawn
RashedHaving the True Faith;
RavenRaven; A Bird; Large Black Bird
RawgonSon of Rawley or Raleigh
RawlsSon of Rawley or Raleigh
RawlyFrom the Roe Deer Meadow
RayanDoorman of Heaven; Soft Touch;
RayceCounsellor; Variant of Raymond;
RayderCounsellor; Variant of Raymond
RaydonCounsellor; Variant of Raymond
RaylenCounsellor; Variant of Raymond
RaymenForm of Raymond; Guards Wisely
RaynerPowerful Army; Strong Counsellor;
RaynorPowerful Army; Strong Counsellor;
RazielGod is My Pleasure; Secret of God;
ReadeRedheaded; With Red Hair; Surname
RechabChariot with Team of Four Horses;
RedleaFrom the Red Meadow
RedleyFrom the Red Meadow
RedmanRed Haired Counsellor;
ReeceEnthusiastic; Ardent; Fiery;
ReeseArdour; Ardent; Fiery; Zealous;
ReeveNickname for a Bailiff; Steward;
ReevesSon of Reeve; Surname;
RegMighty Counsellor-ruler;
ReggieWise / Powerful Ruler;
RegisKing; Royal; Kingly; Ruler;
RehanScented; Blessing from God; Star;
ReillyFrom a Meadow of Rye; Courageous;
RejinPrecious; Extraordinary
ReneeTo be Reborn; Born Again
RentonFrom the Raven Farm;
ReubenA Son; Behold; Sea of Bitterness;
RevanLove; Wonderful; Horse Rider
RexleyFrom the King's Meadow
RextonKing's Town; Chieftain
ReyesKing; Swift Moving Stream
RhettAdvisor; Speaker; Enthusiastic;
RhodesGarden of Roses; A Rose;
RhodriWheel Ruler; Circle Ruler
RiaanLittle King; Kingdom;
RicardStrong Ruler; Powerful Leader;
RicherGreat One; Of Power
RichieRich and Powerful Ruler;
RichyOld Leader; Strong Power
RickeyRich; Powerful Ruler;
RickieRich and Powerful Ruler; Ruler;
RickyRuler; Peaceful Ruler;
RiderOne who Rides Horses for a Living;
RidgeOr Backbone of a Mountain;
RidleaFrom the Red Meadow
RidleyReed Filled Forest / Meadow;
RigbyLives in the Ruler's Valley;
RihaanPrince; Destroyer of Enemies;
RihanMorning; Entrance of Heaven;
RiianLittle Ruler / King;
RikkyAll-ruler; Peaceful Ruler
RileyBrave; Courageous; Valiant;
RingoRing; Apple; Peace be with You
RipleyMeadow Near the River;
RiplyShouting Man's Meadow
RisleaFrom the Meadow with Shrubs
RisleeFrom the Meadow with Shrubs
RisleyFrom the Brushwood Meadow
RislyFrom the Meadow with Shrubs
RistonFrom the Brushwood Farm;
RitikFrom the Heart; Intelligent;
RitterKnight; Chivalrous;
RivanInteresting; A Star; Sunrise
RiverStream; Flowing Water; From the;
RiyanDoor of Heaven; King; Lord Vishnu
RobbieOf Shining Fame; Bright with Fame;
RobbinForm of Robin; A Small;
RobertBright with Fame; Famed; Bright;
RobinA Singing Bird; Bright Fame;
RobynnFamed; Bright; Shining;
RocklyFrom the Rock Meadow
RockyDweller by the Rock;
RodenFrom the Valley of the Reeds;
RodgeFamed Spear; Renowned Spearman;
RodgerFamous Spearman; Famous Warrior;
RodmanLives by the Road; Famous;
RodneeFrom the Island Near the Clearing
RodnieFrom the Island Near the Clearing
RoganRed Haired; Red-head
RogerFamous Warrior; Renowned Spearman;
RogersFamous Spear; Renowned Spear-man
RohinClimbing; Blossom; Rising;
RohnProgressive; Healing; Ascending
RojinsSon of Ronish and Jincy
RolfWolf Counsel; Famous Wolf;
RolfeWolf Counsel; Red Wolf;
RollanRenowned in the Land;
RollieRenowned in the Land;
RollinWolf; Famous Wolf; Renowned Land
RolphWolf Counsel; Famous Wolf
RolyFrom the Rough Meadow
RomanCitizen of Roman; Man from Rome
RommelGood Looking; Smart
RomneyWinding River; From Romney
RomyItaly; From the City of Rome
RonalRules with Good Judgement ;
RonaldRules with Good Judgement;
RonellRules with Good Judgement ;
RonishPerfectionist; Bright
RonnRules with Good Judgement ;
RonneyOne who Brings Victory;
RonnyRules with Good Judgement;
RonsonA Wise; Powerful Ruler;
RonyRules with Good Judgement
RoryRed Ruler / King; Ruaidhri; Red;
RoscoHeathland of the Roe Deer;
RoscoeDeer Wood; From the Deer Forest;
RoshThe Head; Top; Beginning
RossRed Haired; Headland; Red;
RowanRuadhan's Descendant;
RowdyDangerous; Loud; Spirited
RoweRed Haired; Roe Deer;
RowellFrom the Deer Spring
RowleyFrom the Rough Meadow; Famous Land
RoyalRoyal; Regal; Rye Hill; Red; King
RoyceKingly; Royal; Son of Roy; Famous
RoydenRye Hill; From the King's Hill;
RoydonFrom the Hill of Rye
RubinBehold; A Son; Bright
RubyThe Red Gemstone; Behold; A Son;
RudyFamous Wolf; Russet; Ginger;
RugbyFrom the Raven's Estate
RuneHappy; Secret Lore; A
RurikVariant of Roderick Famous Ruler;
RustyNickname for a Red-haired Person
RyanLittle King / Ruler; Kingly;
RyderKnight; Horseman; One who Rides
RylanFrom the Lands of Rye;
RyleRye Hill; From the Hill of Rye
RyleeRye Clearing; From Riley; Valiant;
RyleyIsland Meadow; Courageous;
RytonFrom the Rye Farm; Rygetun