AadiStarting; First; Sun God; Lord Shiva
AadroopEmbodiment of the Beginning-less
AagasSky (from 22nd Pauri of Japji Sahib)
AanandJoy; Intelligent; Happiness; Delightful; Blissful; Happiness to Come
AarAbbreviated from Aarav; Hero; Star
AaradhDeep Rapturous Love; Adoration
AaryanRespectable; Of Utmost Strength; Kind Hearted; Good to Others; Illustrious
AashaWish; Deep Inner Desire for Love and Companionship and want to Work with Others to Achieve Peace and Harmony
AatmaSoul; Light of the Lord
AbhaidevFree of Fear; The Protecting God; The God of Protector
AbhaijeetVictory over Fear
AbhaijeevA Fearless Being
AbhaijotFearless Guided by Light
AbhaitekHaving the Fearless God Support
AbhiFearless; Better than Best; Brave; Perfectionist; Confidante
AbhijeetVictorious; Lord Krishna
AbhinavRock Star; Innovative; Creative; Nice Person; Novel; Young; Good Character
AbhirupaPleasing Form; Handsome; Charming; Lord Shiva and Vishnu; Beautiful
AbidWorshipper of Allah; Spark of Fire; Worshipper of God
AbinaashEternal; Immortal
AbnaasiInvincible; Immortal
AchalImmovable; Constant; Guarantee
AcharjeetThe victory of an inanimate object
AcharpreetAn inanimate love or affection
AchetmeetThe friend or companion of the carefree person
AdarshRules; Perfection; Excellence; Ideal; Example
AdeshpalOne who Obeys Command
AditpalProtector of the Sun
AdolchitOne whose Mind does Not Waver
AgamExtending Far; Profound; Unimaginable; Intelligent
AgamroopEmbodiment of God
AhemProud; Important; Necessary
AjaiHinduinvincible; Invincible; No Defeat; Ni Defeat
AjaibUnique; Different; Wondrous Being
AjaimeetInvincible Friend
AjaipalOne whose Caretaker is the Lord
AjaivirInvincible Warrior
AjayVictorious; Unconquerable; Invincible; Talented; Lovable; Unbeaten; Whom No One can Defeat
AjeetVictorious; Invincible; Unconquerable
AjeetpalInvincible Fosterer
AjitUnconquerable; Invincible; Victorious
AjitpalOne who is Invincible or Unconquerable
AkaarShape; To Form; To Materialize
AkalTimeless; Chief of a Tribe; Supreme Being
AkalbirGod's Immortal Warrior
AkalchetOne Remembering God
AkalchetanAware of Eternal Love
AkaldharamReligion of eternal truth with capability in judging, analyzing and discriminating
AkaldhianAbsorbed in Eternal one. One living and working with God
AkaljogIn Union with Eternal Love
AkaljotThe Eternal Light; God's Light
AkalrangImbued in the Elixir of God
AkalrasElixir of God's Love
AkalroopOf Eternal Beauty
AkalsukhForever in Peace and Delight
AkaltatThe Eternal Reality
AkalvirOne who Conquers Peace
AkasHigh Like Sky; All Pervading; As Great as Sky
AkashSky; Lord of Day; Uncountable; Space
AkhandpreetUndivided love
AkheeOf an Eye as in a Blink of an Eye
AkhilComplete; Tree; Naughty; Intelligent; God; World; Sun
AkilroopEmbodiment of All
AlamWorld; Universe; The Whole World
AlamgeetSong of the Universe
AlamjeetVictory of the Universe
AlaukikTranscending the World
AlokName of Lord Shiva; Brightness; Light
AlokpalPreserver of Light
AmaanatTreasure; Security; Deposit
AmalExpectation; Bird; Hard Work; Bright; Clean; Pure; Unblemished; Hope; Aspiration
AmalroopEmbodiment of the Pure
AmanWonder; Peace; Hero; Safety; Protection; Honest; Faithful; Trustworthy; Security; The One who is Peaceful
AmanbirThe One who Fights for Peace
AmandeepThe Lamp of Peace
AmanjotRadiating the Light of Peace
AmanpreetOne who Loves Peace; A derivative of name Aman
AmanroopThe Embodiment of Peace
AmanveerOne who Fights for Peace
AmanvirOne who Fights for Peace
AmarForever; Long Life; Luck; Everlasting; The Immortal One; Never Die; Name of Lord Shiva
AmarjitOne who has Conquered the Deva's
AmarjotThe Immortal Light
AmarleenForever Absorbed in God
AmarpalImmortal Protector
AmarpremImmortal Love of God
AmarwantCompletely Immortal
AmitUnlimited; Boundless; Without Limit; Nobody can Destroy; Unstoppable; Upright; Friendly; Faithful; A Great Deal with World; Limitless; Love; Fire; Heat; Lotus that Blooms in Moonlight; A Star; Name of Nakshatra; Lord Chandra (Moon); True; Honest; Endless
AmiteshBrave; Winner; Smart; Strong; Uncountable; Infinite God
AmitpalLimitless Protector
AmoljeetPriceless Victory
AmonjotRadiating the Light of Peace
AmrikNectar; God of the Sky; Perfectionist; Pure
AmrinderBlessed by God for Immortality; Similar to Amarinder
AmritNectar; Drink that Make Live Forever
AmritaJoy of Love; Immortal Nectar of God; Immortality; Peace
AmritpalOne Protected by the Lord's Nectar
AnaahatLimitless; Infinite
AnadjotOne who Radiates the Lord's Light
AnakhSelf-respect; Bravery
AnamBlessing; Grace; Reward
AnandJoy; Happiness; Bliss; One who is Blissful; Delightful
AnandlokBeyond the Realm of Time
AnandpalFosterer of Bliss
AnangpalProtector of Cupid
AnantEndless; Infinite; Lord Shiva; Lord Ganesha; Never Ending
AnantdevOf Immeasurable Divinity
AnantpalInfinite Fosterer
AneelWind; White; Holy; Immaculate Being
AngadAn Ornament; Part of God; One who is Embraced by God
AngeekarOne whom God Makes his Own
AnhadLimitless; Celestial Music
AniljeetVictory over Wind
AnkurNew Life; Loving Nature; Glow; Sprout; Flower; Blossom; The Step of Seed to be Come a Tree
AnokhExtraordinary and Wondrous; Unique; Wondrous
AnoopBeautiful; Without Comparison; Incomparable; The Best; Matchless Beauty
AnoopbirBeauteous and Brave
AnoopjotRadiating the Beautiful Light
AnooplokResident of the Beauteous Realm
AnshvirGod's Part; Lover of God
AntarFamous Warrior Sikh - Inner Heart
AntarjotThe Divine Light Within; Inner Light
AnuAn Atom; Angel; Messenger of God; Love; Sky
AnujpalFosterer of Younger Brother
AnupUnique; Talent; Glory; Extreme Large; Without Comparison; Hard Working; Honest; Lovable
AnupjeetMatchless Victory
AnupjotMatchless Light; Flame
AnuragAttachment; Devotion; Love; Protect Raag or Lover of Raags
AnurajDevoted; Illuminating; Enlightening; Good Boy
AqubalA Quiet Unicorn Bounces All Lollipops
ArdamanCrusher of the Evil
AridamanDestroyer of Enemy
ArijeetConqueror of Enemies
ArjanThe Archer; A Kind of Fir; Tree; A Kind of Mountain Almond; One of the Pandavas; From Hadria
ArjinderDestroyer of Enemy
ArjitEarned; Voice of Love
ArjunConfidence and Power; Pandava Prince; Bright; Peacock; Son of Lord Indra; One of the Pandava Brothers; Pandav; A God; Warrior
ArmaanWish; Longing; Soldier; Famous Bearer; Desire; Intelligent; Fulfil of Dream
ArmanExpectations; Wish; Ideal; Hope; Aspiration; Army Man; French Form of Herman; Desire; Man in the Army; Soldier; Dream; Bold; Hardy Man
ArshCrown; Dominion; Throne; Gift; Compensation; Sky; Importance
ArshdeepLamp of the Sky; Light of Universe
ArshveerBrave; Kind; Winner of Sky
ArthMeaning; Like an Eagle
ArunMythical Charioteer of the Sun; Dawn; Red Colour; Sun; Calm
ArunpalProtector of the Morning
ArvindLotus; Wisdom; Name of God; One who with Beautiful Eyes
AscharajThe Wondrous Being
AseemLonger; Boundless; Limitless Asim; Defender; Unlimited; Infinite; Limitless
AsharNoble One of God; One who has Good Judgement
AshishA Blessing; Benediction
AtalAdmiring; Immovable; Attractive; Immoveable; Stable; Unshakeable
AtamAdam; Self; Spiritual
AtambodhSpiritual Knowledge
AtamchetSpiritual Awareness
AtamdevSpiritual and Godly Person
AtamgeetBlissful Song of the Soul
AtamgianHaving True Knowledge
AtamgunHaving Spiritual Merits
AtamjasSinging the Glories of Spirit
AtamjitGod of Spiritually
AtamjogAttaining the Spiritual Union
AtamleenAbsorbed in the Spirit
AtamlokDwelling in the Soul
AtamnaamOne who Remembers the Lord
AtamrangImbued with Spirituality
AtamroopEmbodiment of the Spirit
AtamsukhEnjoying the Bliss of Soul
AtamtatAttaining the Spiritual Reality
AtamtekTaking the Support of Spirit
AttinderLimitless; Bound-free
AvanipalProtector of Earth
AveerBrave; One who Fights for Peace; Courageous
AvinashIndestructible; Legend; Immortal; Happy; Oppose Destruction; Long Life; Unconquerable
AvrajSensitive and Very Kind; Brave
AvtarIncarnation of God; Holy Incarnation
AyaanFirst Ray of the Sun; Nature; Temperament; Gift of God