HajaraEqual to One Thousand
HakimAlmighty; Judge; Wise; All-knowing; Physician; Insightful; One of the Ninety-nine Excellent Names of God; Ruler; Authority
HamdardFriend; Companion; One who Shares Sorrow; Merciful; Kind
HansSwan; God is Gracious
HanspalProtector of Great Soul
HansroopPure Body or Person
HaranandBlissful through Lord's Love
HarbansRelated to the Family of Hari; Family of God
HarbhaagBlessed with Fortune of God
HarbhajanA devotee absorbed in the lord; Hymns of the Divine one
HarbinLittle Bright Warrior; Glorious Warrior
HarbinodOne who Delights in God
HarcheenOne who Realizes the Lord
HarchetOne who is Absorbed in God
HardasSlave of God; Lord Shiva
HardayalOne on whom There is God's Grace
HardevHead of God; Godly Person; The Highest God
HardhanEarning the Wealth of Naam
HardhianThe One Absorbed in the Lord
HardhyanThe One Absorbed in the Lord
HardialOne on whom There is God's Grace
HardyalOne on whom There is God's Grace
HarfatehConquering Everything
HargeetLord's Blissful Songs
HargunOne Having Godly Merits
HariSun; Fit; Proper; Tawny; Green; Wind; Fire; The Moon; The One Belonging to God; Good Lover; Lord Siva; Lord Indra; God Narayanan; Lord Vishnu; Lord Krishna; Almighty; Pain Remover
HaridasServant of Lord Krishna
HaridraYellow; Turneric; One who is Golden Coloured
HariharLord Vishnu or Vishnu and Shiva Together
HarjapOne who Meditates on the Lord
HarjeevOne who Lives God-oriented Life
HarjiwanOne who Lives God-oriented Live
HarjodhCourageous Like God
HarjogOne in Union with God
HarjotGod's Light; Meaning of Life
HarkamalLotus Flower of God
HarkaramBestowed with God's Grace
HarkiranRay of God's Light
HarleenAbsorbed in God; Victor
HarmanVariant of Herman; Soldier; Army Man; Lord's Heart; Everybody's Beloved; Noble; Bold; Hardy Man
HarmnaadRinging the Celestial Music
HarnamLove of God's Name; Name of God
HarnoopBeautiful Person of God
HarpalOne Protected by God; Eternity
HarpritLove of God; Gods Beloved
HarshHappiness; Joy; Gives Other Happiness or Loves Everyone
HarsukhPeaceful through Dwelling on God
HartejGlow of God; Radiance of God
HarwantFull of God's Grace
HeetWell Wisher; Good Doer
HemwantFull of God's Grace
HimmatCourage; Desire; Strength; The One who Strives, Makes Effort
HirRaajIndividual and Creative Ruler
HitpalOne who Cares for Everyone
HoshiarIntelligent; Efficient
HunarSkill; Talent; Good Qualities