MaanHeart; Mind; Lecturer; Respect
MaanikaFull of Respect; Ruby
MadanbirBrave and Lovable
MadankirpalKing of Public
MadanpalCupid; God of Love
MadhaviA Creeper with Beautiful Flowers; Springtime
MadhuchandaPleasing Metrical Composition
MadhupreetLove for Honey; Sweet
MadhuwantSweet Like Honey
MahanbhagatExalted Devotee
MahanbirMighty and Brave Warrior
MahandeepLamp of Exalted Light
MahandharamGreat Religion
MahangiaanGreat Wisdom and Enlightenment
MahangunTreasure of Great Virtues
MahanjeetGlorious Victory
MahanjeevanExalted Way of Life
MahanleenDeeply Absorbed in Devotion
MahanpremTrue Love of God
MahanteerathGreatest Holy Place
MahantekTalking Support of God
MahantripatFully Contented
MahanveerThe Mighty and Brave Warrior
MaheepEmperor; Monarch; Ruler; King of Kings; Leader
MahendraLord Vishnu; The Great God Indra; Lord of the Sky
MaheshGod of Love; Lord Shiva; Dashing; A Great Ruler; Supreme God
MahiThe World; God of Victory; Place Where Sky and Earth Meets
MahinderjeetGod's Victory
MahinderpalProtector of the Lord of Earth
MahipProtector of the Earth
MahipalKing of the Earth; A King
MahtabThe Moon; Light of Moon
MaihtabMoon; Light of Moon
MajorGreater; Senior; An Office in the Army; Lord Kamdev's Another Name
MalaKind; Responsible; First Born; Garland
MalatiA Creeper with Fragrant Flowers; Small Fragrant Flower
MalliFlower; As Pure as Jasmine Flower
ManMind; Human; God is with us; Supernatural Power; Examine Closely; Accept the Truth; Assistance
ManajithOne who Conquered the Mind
MananaThought; Reflection
MananpreetLove for Repetition Thinking
ManasaSpiritual Short; Intention; Spiritual
ManasdeepLight of Human Being
ManasjeetVictory of Human Being
ManaspreetLove for Humanity
ManaspremLove for Humanity
ManasroopEmbodiment of Humanity
ManaswantFamous Human Being
ManavdeepLight of Humanity
ManavinderLord of Humanity
ManavjeetVictory of Humanity
ManavjotLight of Humanity
ManavmeetFriend of Humanity
ManavpreetLove of Humanity
ManchetOne who Remembers God
MandakrantaA Sanskrit Metre
MandeepLight of the Mind; Light of Sages; Smart
ManeetOne who Wins Heart; Soul
ManendraKing of Mind; Lord Shiva
MangalAuspicious; Well Being
MangaljeetAuspicious Victory
MangalpreetAuspicious Love
MangalpremAuspicious Love
ManiA Jewel; A Painter who Later Claimed to be a Prophet; Lord Shiva; Father of Ketil
ManinderLord of Mind; God of Hearts; God of Love; The King of Heart; Good Minded
ManinderbirBrave Lord of Mind
ManinderdeepLight of the Lord of Mind
ManinderjotLight of Lord of Mind
ManinderpreetLove for Lord of Mind
ManinderpremLove for Lord of Mind
ManjariBud of a Mango Tree
ManjeetConqueror of the Mind
ManjeevTo Live Like Truthful Mind
ManjinderpalProtector of Lord of Mind
ManjitWinner of the Mind; The One who Controls the Mind
ManjodhOne who Battles Against the Evils
ManjotLight of Your Heart
ManjuBeautiful; Pleasant; Snow; Dew Drops; Sweet; Heart Winner; Name of Lord Shiva
MankiratWhos Mind on God; Work of Heart; Wish
ManmeetFriend of Mind; Attractive
ManmohanPleasing; Enticer of Heart
ManmukatLiberated from Mind
ManoharjeetVictory of Charm
ManoharpalProtector of the Charming
ManojpreetLove for Truthful Heart
ManoranjanaSatisfying the Mind
ManpaulProtector of Heart
ManpreetSoul of Love; Happiness of the Heart; Who Pleases the Mind; Pretty; Eye Catching
ManshaantOne with Peaceful Heart
MansheetalSatisfaction of Heart
MantajCrown (Taj) of Mind (Man)
ManwantbirWarrior with Strong Heart
ManwantpalProtector of the Strong Heart
MarkandeyaA Devotee of Lord Shiva; A Sage
MastaanIntoxicated with the Elixir of God
MastpremAbsorbed in the Love of God
MastroopEmbodiment of Absorption in God
MastveerCarefree and Brave
MatrikaMother; Name of Goddess
MavinExpert in Passing Knowledge
MedhaIntelligence; Wisdom; Brilliance; Cloud
MeenakshiOne with Fish Shaped Eyes
MeeraLord Krishna's Devotee
MeetakamalFriend of Lotus
MeetpalProtector of Friends
MeetraajKingdom of Friends
MeghaClouds who Give Rain; A Star; Clouds
MeharKindness; Blessings; Grace
MeharbanMerciful and Kind
MehardharamKindness of God
MeharjeetOne Winning the Mercy of God
MeharmeetMerciful and Kind Friend
MeharpalProtected by Kindness
MehartekTaking Support of God's Grace
MeharvaanOne who is Merciful and Kind
MeharveerBrave and Merciful
MehulRain; A Derivative of Mukul; Cloud
MitaliName of Lord Krishna; Friend
MohanFascinating; Charming; Beauteous; Attractive; Lord Murugan; Lord Krishna
MohanbirCharming and Brave
MohanjeetVictory of Charm
MohanleenAbsorbed in the Charm of God
MohanpalProtector of the Charming
MohanveerBeauteous and Brave
MohinderThe Great God Indra; The God of the Sky; The Great God Indra (the God of the Sky); God of the Sky
MohinderjeetVictory of the Charming King
MohinderpalGuarding Lord Indra
MohinderpratapKing of Country
MohinderpreetLove of the Charming King
MokshSalvation; Freedom from Births
MukhtairCheerful; Delightful
MuktbirEmancipated Warrior
MukundaLord Krishna; Freedom Giver
MukundjeetVictory of the Lord
MukundpalProtected by the Lord
MukundpreetLove for the Lord
MukundpremLove for the Lord