PaawanjeetVictory of the Pure
PadamjitVictory of the Lotus
PadamjotLight of the Lotus
PadampalProtector of the Lotus
PadampreetLove for the Lotus
PadampremLove for the Lotus
PadmashriGoddess of Wealth; Seated in a Lotus
PahalFacet; Beginning Initiative
PahulInitiatory Rite of Sikhism; Amrit (Holywater)
PalHumble; Witness; Small
PalbinderMoments Spent with Lord
PalvinderMoments Spent with Lord
PalwinderMoments Spent with Lord
PalwinderjeetVictory of the Moments Spent with Lord
PalwinderjotLight of Lord's Moments
PalwinderpalProtector of Lord's Moments
PaniniThe Great Scholar-grammarian
PankajLotus Flower; Awesome
PannaEmerald; Power; Wisdom
ParamThe Best; Being Supreme; Primary; Perfect; Ultimate
ParamaadharTaking the Highest Support
ParamajeetVictory of Supreme
ParamarathA Spiritual Person
ParambirThe Greatest of Warriors
ParambodhGreatest Gnostic
ParamdayaMost Compassionate One
ParamdeepThe Lamp of the Divine
ParamdharamSuperior Religion
ParamdheerHaving the Greatest Patience
ParamgatLiberation from All Bonds
ParamgeetThe Highest Song of Bliss
ParamgunHaving Highest Virtues
ParamhetOf Supreme Love of God
ParamjaapMeditation of Supreme God
ParamjeevanLiving the Most Exalted Life
ParamjodhGreatest Warrior
ParamjogOne Uniting with the Highest
ParamjotThe Highest Light; God's Light; Flame of the Supreme
ParamkamalSupreme Lotus Flower
ParamkeeratOne who Sings God's Glories
ParamleenAbsorbed in the Highest; God
ParamlivAbsorbed in the Highest
ParamnekHaving the Highest Virtue
ParamnidhanPossessing the Highest Treasure
ParamnihalHaving the Supreme Happiness
ParamniranjanMost Immaculate One
ParamnivasResident of the Highest Abode
ParamprakashSupreme Light
ParampreetOne who Loves the Lord
ParamrangImbued with the Love of Lord
ParamroopSupremely Beauteous
ParamsangatCompany of the Highest
ParamseetalMost Peaceful and Happy
ParamsevServing the Highest
ParamsevakOne who Serves the Highest
ParamshaantHaving the Highest Peace
ParamsimranHighest Worship
ParamsukhSupreme Joy and Bliss; Happiness
ParamtatKnowing the Truth of Spirit
ParamveerThe Greatest Warrior; Heroic
ParamvicharReflecting on the Lord
ParbeenCapable; Skilful; Efficient
PardeepLight of the Home; Mystic Light
PargatjeetRevelation of the Victory
PargatjotRevelation of the Divine Light
PariCharitable Prince; Cute Angel
ParidarshanPanoramic View
ParjeetWho can Win Strangers' Heart
ParmaadIntoxicated by Lord's Love
ParmeetPgod Gift; Wisdom; God Gift
ParminderpalPreserver of Supreme God
ParmitFriend of the Supreme
ParneetPeace; Married; Expert in Making Policies; Love
Parram-PreethGood Reputation / Famous
ParsanOne who is Happy and Delightful
ParsanjitDelighted Victory
ParshotamBest Person; Great Human Being
PartapGlory; Vigour; Strength
ParulGraceful; Name of a Flower
ParupkarBenevolence; One who Helps Others
ParveenExpert; Skilled; Fulfilled; Extra Ordinary Person
PashaNet; Snare; A Name; A Lord; Title of Honour; Small
PatveerRespected Brave One
PatwantFull of Honour; Respectable
PavanWind; Breeze; Father of Lord Hanuman
PavanjotLight in Wind; Flammable Wind
PavelLittle; Small; Form of Paul
PavitarA Pure Individual; Pure; Holy Person
PavitpalProtector of the Holy Person
Pawanpreet-SinghLove to Pure Air
PhoolaKing of Gods; One Blossoming Like Flowers
PhulwantFull of Flower Fragrance
PinderjitVictory of the Lord's
PooranComplete; The Perfect Person
PooranbirPerfect and Brave
PooranjitVictory of the Perfect
PooranjotLight of the Perfect
PoornaComplete; Knowledge about Everything
PrabhaatamOne whose Soul Unites with God
PrabhadhaarLord's Support
PrabhanandOne who Draws Bliss from God
PrabhbirGod's Brave Warrior
PrabhbodhDivine Knowledge
PrabhcharanTaking Shelter in God's Feet
PrabhcheetRemembering the Lord by Heart
PrabhchetanOne who is Aware of God
PrabhchitRemembering the Lord by Heart
PrabhdayaOne for whom God is Merciful
PrabhdeepGod's Light; Enlighted
PrabhdhanOne for whom God's Love is Wealth
PrabhdharamGod is the Religion
PrabhdheerSteadfast in God's Love
PrabhdheerajOne who is Patient for God's Love
PrabhdhianOne who Contemplates on God
PrabhgiaanDivine Knowledge
PrabhgunOne Having Godly Merits; God; Qualities of God; Dawn
PrabhjeetOne who Wins the Love of God
PrabhjeevanOne for whom Remembrance of God is Life
PrabhjitOne who Wins the Love of God
PrabhkeeratOne who Sings God's Glory; Lord's Praises
PrabhleenAborbed in God's Love
PrabhmeharOne Blessed with God's Grace
PrabhnaamAbsorbed in God's Name
PrabhnirmalOne who is Pure Like God
PrabhparvaanOne who is Accepted by God
PrabhpreetOne who Loves God
PrabhramanOne Absorbed in God's Love
PrabhrangOne who is Coloured by Lord's Love
PrabhrasNectar of God's Love
PrabhroopEmbodiment of God
PrabhrupEmbodiment of God
PrabhsaihajAttaining Tranquillity through God
PrabhsangatOne who Loves Being with God
PrabhseetalAttaining Peace through God
PrabhsharanOne who Takes the Shelter of God
PrabhsimarOne who Remembers God
PrabhsukhAttaining Peace by Remembering God
PrabhteerathOne for whom God is the Holy Place
PrabhvicharOne Reflecting on God
PrabjotLord's Light; Parmatama the Jot
PrafuldeepMaster Choice; Blooming Lamp
PrafuljeetBlooming Victory
PragnyaScholar; Lord Hanuman
PrajitKind; Victory; Conquering; Defeating
PrajnaWise; Supremely Wise
PrakashLight; Enlightened; Light of Sun; Bright; One who Radiates the Light
PrakashbirFamous and Brave
PrakashdeepLight of Lamp; Lighthouse
PrakashleenImbued in the Light
PranjalHoly Water; Delightful; Simple; Lucky; Life of Water
PrasharanbirBrave in the Lord's Shelter
PratapDignity; Majesty; Glory; Bravery
PrathipaalThe Nurturer; The One who Looks After the World
PratikaThe Image or Symbol of God
PratitiFaith; Understanding
PreetamjeetVictory of the Beloved
PreetamjotOne who Longs for the Divine Light
PreetinderAborbed in God's Love
PreetkamalLove for the Lotus
PreetmohanAttractive and Lovable
PreetmohinderLovely and Attractive Lord
PreetpalEarth; Pledge Keeper
PremLove; Bonding; Compassion
PrembansBelonging to the Family of Holy Ones
PrembhagatLoving Devotion to God
PremleenAbsorbed in God's Love
PremnivaasOne whose Abode is God's Love
PremramanAbsorbed in the Love of God
PremrangColoured in the Love of God
PremrasImbued in the Lord's Love
PremroopEmbodiment of Love
PremsangatLover of Holy Company
PremsukhAttaining Peace through Lord's Love
PremtekSupport of God's Love
PremuttamHaving Highest Love for God
PremveerLove with Bravely
PritamjitVictory of the Beloved
PritamjotLight of the Beloved
PritampalProtector of the Beloved
PrithpalProtector of Earth
PrithvinderLord of the Earth
PritpalEarth; Pledge Keeper
PriyaaFavourite; Beloved; Non-duality
PriyamLoved by All; Beloved
PujyaRespectable; Worshipped Person
PunamjeetVictory in Full-moon Night
PuneetpalFosterer of Purity
PunyaVirtue; Original; Pious; Purification Acquired by Virtuous Deeds
PupinderjeetVictory with Lord's Love
PurangianComplete Knowledge
PurbhjeetVictory with the God
PushpinderPushp means Flower and Inder is a God; Better
PushpitaFlowered; Blossomed
PushpreetLove for Flowers