CaidyaIntelligent; Administrator
CaitanyaConsciouness; Intelligence; Spirit; Soul
CaityaPertaning to the Mind; The Individual Soul
CaityakaAbode of Consciouness; A Temple; A Stupa
CakaTo be Content; To Shine
CakraWheel; Circle; Discus; The Sun
CakrabhrtDiscus Bearer; Lord Vishnu
CakrabhujHolding a Disc; Lord Vishnu
CakradevaKing of the Discus
CakradharaBearing a Discus; Emperor
CakrakiPossessing the Discus; Lord Vishnu
CakrasenaCommander of the Army; Leader
CakravakaHas a Round Mouth
CakravalaCircle; Assemblage; A Leader
CakravanaPossessor of the Cakra; Worshipper of Vishnu
CakravatWith a Discus; Emperor
CakravataFierce; Forceful; Whirlwind
CakresaLord of the Discus; Lord Vishnu
CaksanaSoothing to the Eyes
CaksasLook; Sight; Radiance; A Teacher
CaksusyaPleasing to the Eyes
CalapatiLord of the Moving
CamarRod with a Large Tuft of Hair; Animal Hair
CamarvalaWith Hair as Fine as a Yak's Tail
CamasCircular; Resembles a Wheel
CamasaCircular; Resembles a Wheel
CampesaLord of a Campa a Town in Anga
CampeyaFruit of the Kovidara Tree
CampuAn Elaborate and Literary Form of Presenting a Story in Verse and Prose
CamundiSlayer of Canda and Munda
CancalaMoves; Wind; Lover
CandaFierce; Passionate; Violent
CandakaThe Shining One; Pleasing; The Moon
CandanaSandalwood; Soothing; Dear to the Gods
CandaninAnointed with Sandalwood; Lord Shiva
CandavegaMove with a Fierce Speed
CandidasaDevotee of the Fierce
CandipatiLord of Candi; Lord Shiva
CandrabhanaLustrous as the Moon
CandrakaThe Crescent Moon; The Red Mark on the Forehead
CandrakinWearing the Moon; The Peacock who has a Moonlike Eyes on Its Tail
CandramohanAttractive as the Moon
CandranathaKing of the Moon
CandransuMoon-beam; With the Lustre of the Moon
CandrasuryaSun and Moon Conjoined
CandrataNectar of the Moon
CandresaLord of the Moon; Lord Shiva
CandrestaBeloved of the Moon
CandrilaPossessing the Moon; Lord Shiva
CannonOccupational Name; Official of the Church
CarakaWanderer; A Wandering Religious Student
CaritraCharacter; Nature; Behaviour
CaruAgreeable; Charming; Beloved
CarucitraBeautiful Picture
CarudehaWith a Beautiful Form
CaruguptaProtected by Beauty
CaruhasanWith a Beautiful Smile
CarumodaPleasing; Joy; Gladness
CarupadaWith Beautiful Fleet
CarusaraThe Essence of All that is Lovely
CarusirsaWith a Beautiful Head
CaruvesaBeautiful Attired
CaruvindaStriving for Beauty
CaruyasasWith Charming Fame
CatakaA Mythical Indian Bird Consisdered to Live on Rain Drops; A Poet
CaturaClever' Skilful; Beautiful; Charming
CaturangaHorse; With Beautiful Limbs
CaturasvaOne who Owns Four Horses
CaturasyaQuardangular Abode
CaturbahuFour Armed; Lord Vishnu and Shiva
CaturgatiFour Legged; Another Name for Tortoise
CatuspaniFour Armed; Lord Vishnu
CaudraynaA Prince who Inspires
CediIntelligent; Pleasant
CekitanaIntelligent; Lord Shiva
CetanaConcious; Animated; Visible; Elegant
CetasIntelligece; Soul; Heart; Mind
CetramaPervding the Consciousness
ChaanakyaName of Kautilya; The Great Scholar; Bright
ChabilaCharming; Splendid; Beautiful
ChagganThe Zodiac Sign of Aries
ChaitanyaConsciousness; Life; Knowledge; Movement; The Name of a Saint
ChajjuShade; Cool; Soothing
ChakorA Bird Enamoured of the Moon
ChakraWheel; Circle; Discus; The Sun
ChakradharName of Lord Vishnu; One who Carries Chakra
ChakrapaniLove; Discus Holder; Lord Vishnu
ChakravarteeA Sovereign King
ChakravartiKing; A Sovereign
ChakravatiWith a Discus; Emperor
ChampakA Flower; Fragrant Flower
ChanakyaThe Wise One; Bright; Great Scholar; Son of Chanaka
ChanchalaMoves; Wind; Lover
ChandaGod's Compassion; Fierce; Passionate; Violent
ChandanSandalwood Tree; Cold
ChandanaSandalwood; Soothing; Dear to the Gods
ChandipatiLord of the Fierce Goddess
ChandodevaLord of the Hymns
ChandraThe Moon; A Shining Moon; Night of Twilight
ChandrabhanLustrous as the Moon
ChandrabhanaThe Moon; Lustrous as Moon
ChandradevMoon God; A King
ChandrakantBeloved of the Moon; Moonstone
ChandramohanAttractive as the Moon
ChandranathKing of the Moon; The Moon; Lord Chandra (Moon)
ChandrarajKing of the Moon
ChandrasekharMoon Crested
ChandrilaA Name of Lord Shiva; Lord Rudra
ChapalQuick; Swift; Lightning; Clever; Restless
CharakAn Ancient Physician
CharakaVagabond; Wanderer
CharanFeet; A Humble Person
CharanamDivine Feet of Lord
CharuAgreeable; Charming; Genteel
CharuchandraBeautilful Moon; Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna
CharudattaHandsome; Beautiful; Charming'; Born with Beauty
CharuvratOf Good Character
ChatenPerceptive; Consciousness; Life; Excellent Intelligence
ChatraketuA Bright Umbrella Banner
ChatrapatiSaviour of All; Lord of Umbrella
ChatresaLord of the Umbrella; Lord Shiva
ChaturaananWith Four Faces
ChaturbhujBroad Shouldered; Strong; Lord Vishnu
ChaturvedLord Vishnu; One who has Studied Four Vedas
ChayankaMarked with the Hare; One who is Like the Moon
ChediWhich Cuts and Break
ChetCamp of the Soldiers; Fort; From the Fortified Camp; From the Rock Fortress; Awareness; Soldier's Camp; If
ChetanPerceptive; Consciousness; Life
ChetasWisdom; Grandeur; Soul; Heart; Mind
ChidaakaashAbsolute Brahma
ChidambarOne whose Heart is as Big as the Sky
ChidanandaBrilliant; Lord Shiva; Lord Brahma
ChintamaniPhilosopher's Stone; Name of Ganesha
ChiraLong Time Leave; Permanently
ChiranjeevLord Vishnu; Immortal; Long Lived
ChiranjeeveLord Vishnu; Immortal
ChiranjivImmortal; Super; One Having a Long Life; Lord Vishnu; Long Lived; Without Death
ChirayuLong Life; Immortal
ChitraExcellent; Bright; Happiness
ChitranBright; Clear Minded
CidambaraWith a Heart as Vast as Sky
CidatmataConsisting of Pure Thought
CidghanaFull of Knowledge
CidrupaKnowledge Incarnate
CidullasaThought that Radiate; Wise
CidvilasaOne who Sports in the Knowledge of Illusion
CikitaExperinced; Well Read
CikuraMountain; Hair on the Head
CinmayaConsisting of Pure Intelligence
CintamariGem of Thought; Gem that Fulfils Desires
CintanThought; Perception; Meditation
CirajusaFavoured with a Long Life
CirakariMaking Slow Progress
CiriniClothed in Bark or Rags
CitakaOrnament of the Neck
CitapatiLord of Intellect
CitrabahuWith a Speckled Arm
CitrabanaOwner of Variegated Arrows
CitracapaOwner of Variegated Bow
CitraguOwner of Brindled Cows
CitraketuOwner of a Beautiful Banner
CitrangaWith a Multicoloured Body
CitrarupaWith a Variegated Form
CitrasenaWith a Bright Spear
CitrasvaA Painted Horse; With Winderful Horse
CitravasuWith Many Treasures; Rich in Shining Stars
CitresaLord of Citra; Wonderful Lord; Moon
CitrisaLord of Citra; Wonderful Lord; Moon
CittaThought; Mind; Intellect
CittavataWith a Heart; Kindhearted
CitvataEndowed with Mind; Logical
CudamaniJewel Worn on the Crest
CunandaPerception; Learning
CundaLearn; Understand; Perceptor
CupkaThe Wooded Sandpiper