BabulA Tree; Gate of God; Father; Lord Shiva
BachilOne who Speaks Much
BahuA Lot; Arm; The Shadow of the Sundial
BahubalaWith Great Strength
BahudamaSuppressor of Many; Strong; Powerful
BahugavaOwning Many Cattle
BahuketuMany Peaked; A Mountain
BahulaA Star; Various Forms
BahuliManifold; Multiplied
BahurjaFull of Energy; Strong; Powerful
BahuvidaScholarly; Wise; Enlightened
BakajitaConqueror of Baka; Another Name for Bhima
BakavataWith a Quality of Herons; Very Attentive; Watchful
BakulA Kind of Tree; Flower
BakurThunderbolt; Horn; Glorifies; First Rain of Spring
BakuraThunderbolt; Horn; Glorifies
BalaName of God Murugan; Child; Young One
BalabhrtCarrying a Lot of Strength; Mighty; Strong
BaladeyaGiver of Strength
BalagraBest Among the Powerful
BalahakaCloud; Thundercloud
BalajiA Name of Lord Vishnu; Lord; Lord Venkateshwara
BalakaraPambili Karan Warrior
BalakritObtained by Power
BalakshaInnocent; Blameless
BalamadaProud of One; S Power
BalanikaWith a Powerful Army
BalanujaThe Young Brother of Balrama
BalapatiCommander of an Army
BalarajaKing of the Risen Sun
BalaramThe Brother of Lord Krishna
BalaramaThe Strong Rama; Abode of Strength
BalasthaAbode of Strength
BalavataPowerful; Intense
BalaviraBrave and Powerful
BalayaniOne Liked by Pupil
BalayusLiving on his Own Strength
BaldevGodlike in Power; Strong; The Mighty God
BaleshMaster of an Army; Name of Lord Ganesha
BalhikaPowerful; Energetic
BalinPowerful; Strong; Mighty; Healthy; Energetic
BalisthaVery Powerful; Mighty
BalivakaPraying at the Oblation; An Orator
BalrajKing; Mighty; Powerful; Strong
BaluChild; Sweet Person; Wonder Man; Brilliant Man
BalwantStrong; Powerful; Mighty; Immense Strength
BalyaPowerful; Strong; Child-like; The Crescent Moon
BanajitaOne who Conquers with Arrows; Another Name for Vishnu
BanavariDweller of the Forest; Lord Krishna
BaniChildren; Speech; An Orator; Sayings of the Guru
BansiFlute; Baansuri; Instrument Played by Lord Krishna
BansikaThe King of the Forest; The Lion
BappakaGood Cook; A Prince
BapuFather; The Middle Child
BarbreekGrand Son of Bhim
BarhinPeacock; A Kind of Perfume
BarhisThat which is Plucked Up; Another Name for Agni
BarkhaRain; Life Giving; Monsoon
BarsatiProtecting from a Rain; A Shelter
BasavBull; Mighty; Masculine; A Minister of a Jaina King who Developed Vira-saiva System
BasavaName of Famous Priest Called Lord Basava; Bull; Strong; Virile
BaskalaPreceptor; Teacher; Well Read; Wise
BekuraVoice; Sound; Melodious
BeniPlait of Hair; Blessed
BhaasvanLustrous; Full of Brightness
BhaaswarGlorious; Luminous
BhadantaTerm of Respect Applied to a Buddhist Mendicant
BhadranAuspicious; Fortunate Man
BhadrayuLives a Good Life
BhadresaLord of Nobles; Husband of Noble Family
BhagalinBedecked with Skulls
BhaganaNext; Of the Nature of Happiness; Happy; Joyful
BhagavanOf Great Fortune; King; Lord
BhagiratWith Glorious Chariot; Lord of Shiv
BhaguriThinks Himself Lucky; Desiring Happiness
BhagvaanOf Good Fortune; The Lord
BhagvanOf Good Fortune; The Lord
BhairavaDestroys Fear; Formidable
BhajanWorshipped; Adoration; One who is Absorbed in God's Love
BhajanaDevoted; Venerated
BhakatiFaithfulness; Devotion
BhakosaTreasure of Light; Sun
BhallaArrow; Spear; Sharp
BhallataWith a Large Forehead
BhalukiWith a Large Forehead; A Bear
BhamahaBright; Illuminating
BhanemiGirdle of Light; Sun
BhanuThe Sun; Right Judgement
BharandaOne who Fulfils; Master
BharaniName of a Celestial Star; The Second Nakshatra in Hindu Astronomy; God of Good Luck
BharatCandidate; India; Universal Monarch; Son of Shakuntala; Founder of India; Great Leader; Strong Leader; The Name of the God of Fire; Brother of Lord Rama
BharathaProtector of the World; A King
BhardwajA Sage; A Mythical Bird; Skylark; Strong and Fast
BhargaOne who has Fulfilled his Desires
BhargavLuck; Lord Shiva; Lord Rama
BhargavaLord Shiva / Parshurama
BhariOne who Supports; Lion
BharosaFaith; Trust; Yakin
BharuSea; Bearing the Load; Ruler; Gold
BharukaLifting the Load; Responsible
BharupaWith a Glorious Form; Shining; Brilliant
BhasantaIlluminating; Shining; Splendid; A Star; Sun and Moon
BhaskarThe Sun; Rising Sun
BhaskariSon of the Sun; One who Brings Glory
BhasuCreator of Light; The Sun
BhasuraThe Shining God; Crystal; Enlightened; Sacred; Divine
BhasvanRadiant; Another Name for Surya (Sun); Lustrous; Full of Brightness
BhasvaraLuminous; Glorious
BhaswarGlorious; Luminous
BhattaraNoble Lord; Meritorious; Virtuous
BhattiNoble; Meritorious; Virtuous
BhaumanBelongs to the Earth
BhaumikPart of Earth; Attached to the Earth; Lord of the Earth
BhavAll Upon God; Lord Shiva
BhavadaGiving Life; Cause of Existence
BhavanaIlluminating; Creator
BhaveshLord Vishnu; Lord of Expression; Lord of the World; Lord Shiva
BhavikDevout; Well Meaning; Virtuous; Happy
BhavinTouching; Winner; Gladiator; Existing
BhavukaSensitive; Sentimental
BhavyaAuspicious; Suitable; Excellent; Water; God of Ocean; Name of God
BheemPowerful; Positive Thinker; Self Confidence; Positive; Frank; Powerful Character of Mahabharat
BhenaThe Lord of Stars; Another Name for Sun and Moon
BhettrBreaking; Splitting
BhimPowerful; One of Pandavas
BhimaThe Mighty One; One of Pandavas
BhisajMedicine; Healer; Physician
BhishamA Character of Mahabharata; Son of King Shantanu
BhishmaOne who has Taken a Terrible Vow; An Elder of Mahabharata; Son of King Shantanu; Strong
BhismaDreadful; Terrible; Fear-inducing; Forbidding
BhojName of a Poet King; Meal
BhojaLiberal; Bestowing Enjoyment
BhonesaLord of the Universe
BhrajaShining; Sacred; Illuminating
BhriguA Prajapati; Name of a Saint
BhrnginThe Indian Fig Tree
BhudevaLord of the Earth; Lord Shiva
BhujiGranting Favours; Patron
BhujyuWith a Desire to Enjoy
BhumatPossessing the Earth
BhumijaProduced from the Earth
BhumyaBelonging to the Earth
BhupaProtector of the Earth
BhupalaGuardian of the Earth
BhupatiGod of the Earth; King
BhuriMuch; Abundant; Mighty; Lord Vishnu; Siva
BhuridaOne who Denotes in Abundance
BhusanaEmbellishment; Precious
BhushanCleaver; Ornament; Feeling of Proudness
BhutadiOriginator of All Beings
BhutesaLord of All Living-beings; Lord Vishnu; Siva; Brahma
BhuvanEarth; Palace; Ruler; One of the Three Worlds; Land
BidulaSpotted; Variegated
BidyutLightning; Full of Knowledge
BijinCosmic Creator; The Owner and Giver of Seed
BikasaDevelopment; Expansion
BilvaA Sacred; A Sacred Leaf for Lord Shiva
BimbakaThe Disc of the Sun or the Moon; Lord of Images
BipinForest Tiger; Forest King; Sharp
BipulaPlenty; Much; Strong; Manifold
BishnuLord Vishnu; The Protector; An Important Hindu God
BodhKnowledge; Intelligent; Understanding
BodhaKnowledge; Intelligent; Understanding
BodhanaClever; Wise; Enlightening
BodhiWise; Enlightening; Knowledge
BodhinWise; Enlightening; Knowledge
BolinSpeaker; Elder Brother; Rain
BoraSnow; Excellent; Brave; Hurricane; Foreign; Strange
BradhnaPale Red; Mighty; The World of the Sun
BrahmaCreator of the Universe; Growth; Evolution
BrhatLofty; Tall; Abundant; Mighty
BrijeshLord Shiva; God of the Land of Brij
BruhathGreatness of Universe; Welfare of Universe
BuddhaAwakened; Lord Buddha
BudhaThe Intelligent Person; Wise
BudhilaWise; Learned; Academic
BukkaHeart; Loving; Sincere