KabandhaCloud; Comet; Water
KacaHair; Beauty; Brilliance; Cloud
KacapaCloud Drinker; Leaf
KacesvaraFamous Poet; Deity of Beauty; A Temple
KacimaAbode of Clouds; Where Clouds Rest; A Sacred Tree that Grows Near a Temple
KadambaCloud; Orange Flower
KahaliMischievous; Lord Shiva
KailasaThe Crystalline Mountain
KailashName of a Himalayan Peak; Abode of Shiva
KairavWhite Lotus; Sound of Morning Birds
KairavaBorn from the Water; Lotus
KairavanA Type of White Lotus
KaivalyaGoodness; Solitude; Detachment; Isolation; Subsequent Liberation from Rebirth; Absolute; Aloneness; One Among the 4 Moksha
KaivalyanAbsolute; Aloneness
KakaType of Bird; Neck; Crow; Adam's Apple
KakodaraEaten by Acrow; Serpent
KakudmanPossessor of Peak; High; Lofty
KakundaPeak; Chief; Symbol of Royalty
KalaThe Fine Arts; Talent; The Sun; Time; Fate; Dark Blue; Black
KaladharaBearer of the Crescent Moon
KalakalaA Sort of Sound Imitation; Like a River Flow
KalanidhiReceptacle of the Moon Crescent
KalariEnemy of Death; Lord Krisna
KalasinhaBlack Lion; Lion of Time
KalavanHaving the Fine Arts; The Moon
KaldhutaCompletely White; Silver
KalhanaKnower of Meaning; Knowing; Sound; Reader
KalidasThe Poet; Dramatist; A Devotee of Goddess Kali
KalidasaThe Servant of Kali
KalikaBeyond Death; Long Lived
KalindhaBestower of Arts and Skills; Giving Blossoms; The Sun
KalkiDestroyer of Filth; Bhagavan
KallolaJoy; A Huge Wave; Happiness; Pleasure
KalmaliDi-speller of Darkness
KalpakaOf a Certain Standard; Ceremony
KalpesaLord of Perfection
KaluYoung Ruler; Black Complexion
KalyaanaWelfare; Well Being of Others
KalyanWelfare; King; Good
KalyanaBeautiful; Auspicious; Blessed
KalyaninBeneficial; Happy; Lucky; Auspicious
KamadevaThe God of Desire or Love
KamajitConqueror of Desire
KamalLotus Flower; Perfection; Excellence; Utmost Level; Completeness; Loveable; Universal; Completion
KamalaBorn of the Lotus; The Garden
KamalabuddhiWith Lotus Like Intelligence
KamalanOne who is Like a Lotus
KamaleshThe Preserver; Lord Vishnu; Another Name of Lord Shiva
KamapalaThe Fulfiller of Desires
KamariThe Enemy of Desire
KamarupaOf the Form of Love; Beautiful; Pleasing
KamleshGod of Lotus; The Preserver; Lord Vishnu
KanaName of a Demi God; Plant; Youthful; Beautiful
KanakarasaFluid Gold; Essence of Gold
KanakenduGold; Golden Moon
KanchanaGold; That which Shines
KandaRoot; A Knot; The Place Where the Three Main Nadis Join; Crying
KandalaGold; War; Battle; A New Shoot
KandanCloud; Son of Shiva; Another Name God Muruga
KanikaA Grain; An Atom; Heart of Wheat
KaninakaYouth; The Pupil of the Eye
KanjaWater Born; From Outside
KanjanaProduced from Water
KankalaSkeleton; A Collection of Bones
KannanThe Good Angle; A Form of Lord Krishna
KansaVessel of Bell-metal
KantidaGiving Beauty; Adorning
KanvName of a Saint / Rishi
KapardinHaving Matted Locks
KapilSun; Lovely; Name of a Sage; Lord Ganesha
KapilaTawny; Reddish Brown
KapindraKing of Monkeys; Hanuman
KaraTax; Hand; The Cause of
KarajalaA Stream of Light
KaramThe Cause of; Noble Nature; Magnanimity; Liberality; Generous; Deed; Action; Destiny; Generosity; On whom There is God's Grace
KaranA Warrior; Light; The First-born of Kunti; Karna; Instrument
KaranjaBorn of Hand; Difficult to Obtain
KarataA Name of Lord Ganesh
KarinDoing; Accomplishing; Praising
KarisnuDoing; Accomplishing
KarkasaHarsh; Sword; Firm
KarmaHard Worker; Action or Activity
KarmanKarma means the Act of Doing
KarnEldest Brother of Pandavas; Son of Sun; Warrior Karn
KarnaThe First Born Baby of Kunti; Gentlemen; A Warrior; Instrument; Son of Sun
KarnadharaOne who Holds Others by the Ear; A Leader; Pilot
KarnajeetConquerer of Karna; Arjun
KarnakaBelonging to the Ear
KarnikiJudge; Examiner; Elephant
KartaThe Actor; To Encompass; To Spin; To Destroy
KartaraLord of All Creation
KartavyaOnes Duty; Always Punctual; Duty
KarthikA Hindu Month; One who Bestows Happiness; God Shiva's Elder Son
KartikStrong; Brave; Bestowing Courage and Pleasure; Son of Lord Shiva; Brother of Lord Ganesh; Name of a Month in the Hindu Calendar
KartikaMessenger of Fragrance; The Son of the Six Pleiads
KartikeyaGod of War; Elder Son of Lord Shiva
KarttikeyaThe Son of the Six Pleiads
KarunaanidhiSea of Compassion
KarunamayaFull of Compassion
KarunanidhiCharity of Money; Treasure of Pity
KarunashankarSiva; The Compassionate
KashiLuminous; Pilgrimage Spot
KashinathaThe Master of the Shining City
KashyapSaint; Name of a Sage; Son of Brahma; Father of the Devas; A Famous Priest (Muni)
KasiShining in the Life; Shining
KasinPure; Shining; Appearing Like a Conqueror
KasiramaAbode of Kasi; Living at Kasi
KasisnuShining; Brilliant
KasviShining; Bright; Glowing
KasyapaOne who Drinks Water; One with Black Teeth; A Tortoise
KatakaA Bracelet of Gold; The Ring or Namenting an Elephant's Tusk
KatamaBest; Excessively Handsome
KathakaReciting; Narrating
KatiOne Possessed with Many Qualities; Pure
KaushikSentiment of Love; Saga; Teacher of Lord Rama; The Name of God; Saint Vishwamitra
KaushikaThe Son of Kushika
KaustubhSweet Odour Stone; A Jewel of Lord Vishnu
KaustubhaThe Jewel of the Milk Ocean
KaviA Wise Man; Poet; Beauty
KavinHandsome; Beautiful; Variant of Kevin
KavindraChief of Poets; One who Composes Beautiful Poems
KavitvaPoetic; Ability; Intelligence
KavyaVery Good; Poem; Part of Poem
KesavaThe Beautiful Haired
KesavanLord Vishnu; Lord Venkateshwara
KeshavSon of God; Lord Vishnu; Name of Lord Krishna
KeshavaLord Krishna; The Beautiful Haired
KetanaHouse; Flag; Banner; Symbol; Invitation
KevalaAlone; One; Absolute
KevalanAlone; One; Absolute
KevalinSeeker of the Absolute
KeyaSpeed; Flower in Bengali; Son in Telugu and Sanskrit
KeyurArmlet; A Bird Like Phoenix; Flower
KhSomething New; Sun; Lord Krishna; Lord Ganesha; Lord Shiva; Gold
KhadyotanaSky Illuminator
KhagendraLord of the Birds; King of Birds; Eagle-like Bird - Garud
KhageshaLord of Birds; Another Name for Garuda
KhalinOne who Possesses Threshing Floors
KhamaThe Golden One; Love
KhamurtiA Celestial Person
KhandanaTo Pound; Cut into Pieces; Injuring
KharagSword; Weilder of the Sword
KhayaliOne who Moves in the Sky
KhyataPervading the Sky; Celebrated; Named; Called
KinjalkaBlossom of a Lotus
KinkiraHorse; Indian Cuckoo
KiranRays; Sun Rays; Ray of Light
KiranaLight of Sun; Beautiful Ray of Light
KirtanaPraisng; Repeating
KirtitaFamous; Celebrated
KisalayaA Sprout; A Young and Tender Shoot or Foliage
KishenWisdom; Winner; Powerful; Lord of Kishna; Form of Krishna
KishoreYoung; Victory; Lord Krishna
KiskuThe Forearm; Handle of an Axe
KokilaBlessing; Gift from God
KolaVictory of the People; People's Victory; Come with Wealth; Hog; Embrace; A Weapon
KomalaTender; Soft; Delicate
KonaAngle; Corner of a Room
KothandaramaName of Lord Rama
KotijitConquering Millions
KoustubhName of a Jewellery (Necklace) Wear by Lord Vishnu
KripaMercy; Has a Twin Sister Kripi; Kindly
KripaluCompassionate; Merciful
KrishnaLord Krishna; Intelligent; Strong; Love; Peace; Affection; Harmony; Brave; Cleaver; Most Attractive; Powerful; Supreme
KrishnadasOne who Serves Krishna
KrityaAttraction; Achievement
KriyaLiterary Composition; Energy; Ability
KrmiSilkworm; Lac-insect; Ant
KrpaBeauty; Splendor; Appearance; Tenderness
KrpalaSword; Dagger; Scimitar
KrrishGod Krishna; Short Form of Krishna
KrsaLean; A Sage Endowed with Divine Powers
KrsanMother of Pearl; Gold; Pearl
KrsnikaRelated to Krsna; Of Blackness
KrtakamaAccomplisher of Desires; One whose Desires are Satisfied
KsayataTo Possess; To Govern
KshitijHorizon; Where Earth and Sky Meets; End of Sky; Lord of Earth
KsipanuThrown; Moving; Air; Wind
KuberLord of Money; God of Wealth
KuberaLord of Divine Treasure
KuchelaLord Krishna Friend
KuhaDeceiver; Lord Murugan's Name
KulajaWell Born; Of a Noble Family
KullukaLand Covered with High Mountains
KunalAnything; God of the Universe; Son of Emperor Ashok; Popularity; Numerology; The Person who can See the Beauty; Lotus
KundalaCoil of Rope; Ring
KundamAltar; Grinding Stone
KundanPure; Loveable; God Krishna; Daimond
KurmaA Tortoise; One of the Vital Airs Controls Blinking
KurundiResident of the Land of Kurus
KushalinHaving Skillfulness or Happiness
KusinFurnished with Grass (Kusa)
KusumFlower Like; Blossom Like
KusumaFlower Like; Blossom Like