EdhaA Type of Wood; Sacred; Holy
EdhatuBorn of Wood; Fire; Happiness
EdhitaGrown; Increased; Evolved
EdiHealing; Strife for Wealth; Herb; Guardian of Prosperity
EekalabyaA Pupil / Student of Guru Dronnachaarya
EirawatThe Celestial White Elephant of Indra
EkaLord Vishnu; First Child
EkaagraOne-pointed; With One Attention
EkaaksharaA Name for Lord Ganesha
EkaantaLoneliness; Solitude; Seclusion
EkabhaktaOne who Worships a Single Deity
EkacakraOne Wheel; The Chariot of the Sun
EkachitPossessing One's Mind; Complete Concentration; Calm; Reposed
EkadaThe First One; Giver of One
EkahansThe Only Swan; Soul
EkajataWith a Single Twisted Lock of Hair
EkajyotisThe Sole Light; Lord Shiva
EkalavyaRenowned for his Devotion to his Guru
EkamaOne; Unique; Peerless
EkanayakaSole Leader; Lord Shiva
EkapadaOne Footed; Lord Shiva and Visnu
EkapatWith a Single Garment
EkatalaEmperor; Single Beat
EkatvachaOne who Keeps Repeating the Same Thing; Parrot
EkaviraLord Shiva's Daughter
EkayanaDoctrine of Unity; Worldly Wisdom
EkayastiA Single String of Pearls
EkdantAnother Name of Lord Ganesha
EkendraThe Sole Lord; The Supreme Being
EkisaOne God; The Primal God
EkodaraBorn of the Same Womb; A Sister
ElaparnaLeaves of the Ela Creeper
ElaputraOf the Cardamom Creeper
ElluSesame Seed Considered Sacred
EnaDoe; Marked; A Black Antelope
EnavadaOne with a Spotted Speech; Truthful
ErawatThe Celestial White Elephant of Indra
EsaGod is Salvation; Desirable; Prophet; Another Name for Vishnu
EtasaShining; Dappled Horse
EvyamarutProtected by the Maruts
EvyavanGranted of All Desires; Lord Vishnu