FabianBean Grower; Grower of Beans;
FabianoBean Farmer; One who Grows Beans
FabiusBean Farmer; A Bean;
FabriceWorks with the Hands; Craftsman
FabriziusWorks with the Hands;
FabronYoung Blacksmith; Apprentice;
FadilGenerous; Giving; Honourable;
FaganLittle Ardent One; Little Hugh
FahdPanther; Lynx; Leopard; Lion
FaineJoyful; Good-natured
FaisalDecisive; The Judge; Resolute;
FakhirGlory; Excellent Quality; Proud
FalconnerFalcon Keeper; Falconer
FalkSurname Relating to Falconry;
FalknerOne who Hunts with Falcons;
FaolonLittle Wolf; Watchful
FaridWide; Unique; Without Rival;
FarleyFrom the Bull's Pasture;
FarrinBlacksmith; The Land
FatihBig; Opener; Conqueror
FaulknerKeeper of Falcons; Falconer
FaustinoFortunate; Enjoying Good Luck
FaustusFortunate; Good Luck; Lucky
FedericoItalian Form of Frederick;
FeliceHappy; Fortunate; Lucky
FelicianHappy; Successful
FelicianoHappy; Lucky; Fortunate
FelixFortunate; Happy; Name of a Saint;
FeodorDivine Gift; Gift Form God;
FerdinandBrave Yet Peaceful;
FerdinandoBrave Traveller; Courageous;
FerencIndependent; Free Man; From France
FernandAdventurer; Bold Voyager
FernandezAdventurous; Daring
FernandoBrave Yet Peaceful;
FerrandGrey-haired; Adventurer;
FerrantGrey-haired; Adventurer
FidaSacrifice; Unconditional Love;
FidelLoyal; Faithful and Sincere
FidelioFidelity; Faithful
FidencioTrusting; Fearless
FilipRussian Form of Philip;
FilipeLover / Friend of Horses
FilippoLover of Horses; Horse of Lover
FinbarBlond; White; Fair Headed One
FinnLight Skinned; Blond;
FinnianFair; Little White One
FirmanFirm; Strong; Traveller;
FirminConstant; Strong; Firm; Steadfast
FitchErmine; Ferret-like Mammal;
FitzgeraldSon of Gerald; Surname;
FitzhughSon of Hugh; Surname;
FitzjamesThe Supplanter; Son of James
FitzpatrickSon of Patrick; Surname;
FitzroySon of Roy; Son of the King;
FlavianBlond; Golden / Yellow Haired;
FlavianoBlond; Yellow-haired
FlavienYellow-haired; Variant of Flavian
FlavioBlond; With Blond Hair;
FlaviusGolden / Yellow Haired; Blond
FleetingA Man from Flanders
FlemmingFrom Flanders in Normandy;
FletcherOne who Feathers Arrows;
FlorealA Month of French Revolution
FlorencioCharming; Blossoming;
FlorentIn Flower; Flowering Plant
FlorentinIn Flower; Prosperous;
FlorentinoBlooming; Flower; Flowering Plant
FlorentinusBlossoming; Charming
FlorenzFlower; Blossoming;
FlorianFlowery; Flourishing
FlorienIn Bloom; Variant of Florian
FlorinioIn Flower; Blooming
FlorinoBloom; Flower; Variant of Florian
FonsPrepared; Ready for Battle; Noble
FontaineFountain; Water Source
FontaneFountain; Water Source
FontayneFountain; Water Source
FonteyneFountain; Water Source
ForestWoodsman; Lives in Wood;
ForestaOccupational Name; Woodsman;
ForesterWoodsman; Forest-ranger; Surname;
ForrestWoodsman; Of the Woods; Forest;
ForresterWoodsman; Protector of the Forest
ForsterForm of Forrester; Of the Forest;
FortunatFortunate; Lucky or Happy
FortunatoLucky; Fortunate;
FortuneLucky; Given to Luck
FortunioLucky; Variant of Fortune
FosterOf the Woods; Woods Man
FraganFoundation; Base; Root
FrancFrenchman; Diminutive of Francis
FrancescoDerived from the Latin Francis;
FranciscoSaviour; Free; From France
FranciscusFrench Man; A Man Form France
FranciszekMan; From France
FranckFrench Man; A Man Form France
FrancoisFree; A Free Man; Frenchman
FrankFree; Free Landholder; Javelin;
FrankieFree; Diminutive of Frank Free;
FranklinFree Landowner; Land Holder;
FransFrench Man; A Man from France
FrantzA Free Man; French Man;
FranzA Free Man; French Man;
FraserCurly Hair; French Town;
FrayneDweller at the Ash Tree; Foreigner
FrazerFrench Town; Curly Hair;
FrazierFrench Town; Curly Hair;
FredCalm Monarch; Form of Frederick;
FreddyForm of Frederick; Peace;
FrederichMerciful Leader;
FrederickCalm Monarch; Peaceful Ruler; Elf;
FredericoCalm Monarch; Merciful Leader;
FrederikElf; Magical Counsel;
FredricPeaceful Ruler; Elf;
FredrikCalm Monarch; Peaceful Ruler; Elf;
FreyLord; God of Weather;
FriedrichCalm Monarch; Merciful Leader;
FrodoEnlightened by Life's Experience
FryderykCalm Monarch; Peaceful Ruler