TabithaLike a Gazelle; Daughter
TaborTambourine Player; Drummer;
TahirHoly; Chaste; Modest; Clean; Pure;
TailorAlso Used as a Surname
TalRain; Dew Drop; Heaven's Dew
TalalScholar; Learned Person; Nice;
TalbotBoot Maker; Tall; Surname;
TaliRising; Ascending; Going up;
TaliesinSixth Century Poet; Bard;
TalmaiHill or Mountain; Mound; Furrow
TamTwin; Heart; Soul; Spirit;
TamirRich Man; Owns Palm Trees;
TarakStar; Pupil of Eye; Protector; Eye
TaranRaft; Heaven; The Saviour of All;
TarekPiercing Star; Coming at Night;
TarikOne who Crosses the River of Life;
TavinHillside; Variant of Thomas; Twin;
TearlachManly; Strong; Masculine;
TedGift of God; Wealthy Spearman;
TeddieGift of God; Diminutive of Edward;
TeddyGift of God; Form of Theodore;
Tehami24th Name of Prophet
TelemacoPrepares for Battle
TelfordWorks in Iron; An Iron-cutter
TelmoSafe; Peace; Saint Elmo
TemaAdmiration; Perfection;
TeodorGod's Present / Gift; Gift of God
TeodoroGod's Present; God Given;
TeodosioGift of God; God Giving
TeofilBeloved of God; One who Loves God
TeofiloLoved by God; God's Friend
TeppoVictorious; Man with Crown;
TerrellStubborn Animal / Person;
TerryPowerful Ruler of the People;
TheoGift of God; Bold People;
TheobaldCourageous People; Race; Bold;
TheodorGift from God; God Given
TheodoreGod's Present / Gift; Divine Gift;
TheodoricPowerful Ruler of the People;
TheodorusGod's Gift; Gift from God
TheophanesEpiphany; Disclosure
TheophilusFriend of God; Loved by God
ThibaudCourageous People;
ThibaultCourageous; Prince of the People
ThieryRuler of the People
ThomA Twin; Oldest One; Large;
ThomasTwin; Master of Air Bending
TibaldA Bold Leader of the People
TibaultRule of the People
TiberiusThe Son of Tiber;
TiburcioOf the Sea; Of the Tiber River
TillPowerful Ruler of the People
TimOne who Honours God; To Fear God;
TimoTo Fear God; Form of Timothy;
TimonOne who Honours God; Honourable;
TimoteoOne who Honours God;
TimotheusValued of God; Form of Timothy;
TimothyHonouring God; Name of a Saint;
TinoSteadfast; Constant; Small
TitoHonoured; Of the Giants
TobiasLord / God is Good;
TobyLord is Good; Goodness of the Lord
TomTwin; Form of Thomas; Honest
TomasRock; Twin; A Form of Thomas
TomerTree; Palm Tree; Signifies Tall;
TommasoTwin; Italian Form of Thomas
TommyTwin; Form of Thomas
ToniBeyond Price; Invaluable; Twin;
TonioWorthy of Admiration; Praise;
TonyWorthy of Praise; Twin;
ToribioOne who Makes Bows
TorstenStone of Thor; Thor's Stone
ToviGood; Goodness of God
TraceFighter; Brave; Born to Greatness;
TraceyFrance; Brave; From Thracia;
TracyFighter; Brave; From Thracia;
TraversA Collector of Toll;
TravisA Collector of Toll;
TreacyFrom Thracia; Fighter
TrevesPlace Name; Surname
TrevorPrudent; Large Homestead;
TristanTumult; Sad; Outcry;
TristaoFilled with Sadness
TristianBold; Tumult; Outcry;
TroyCurly Haired; Foot-soldier;
TudorPowerful Ruler of the People;
TurnerLathe Worker; Carpenter;
TymonHonouring God; Respect God
TyrellStubborn Person; Thunder Ruler;
TysonFirebrand; Son of a German;