JabbServant of God / Lord
JabbarPeasant; All Powerful; Mighty;
JackGod is Gracious; Son of Jack;
JackieGod has been Gracious;
JacksonGod is Gracious / Merciful;
JackySon of Jack; He who Supplants;
JacobFollowing After; Supplanter;
JacoboSupplanter; He who Supplants;
JacobusFollowing After; Supplanter;
JacquelinFrench Form of Jacob
JacquesFollowing After; Supplanter;
JafarLittle Stream; Rivulet; A River;
JaiVictory; Conqueror; Winning;
JaiminStrifes to Triumph;
JakobHe who Supplants; Holder of Heels;
JakovHe who Supplants; Supplanter;
JakubFollowing After; The Supplanter;
JalWater; Resolution; Firm will;
JalalGlory; Loftiness; Sublimity;
JamalHandsome; Being Fair; Beauty;
JamesFollowing After; Supplanter;
JamieSupplanter; One who Supplants;
JaminRight Hand; South Wind;
JanosJehovah has been Gracious;
JarettOne who Rules; Variant of Jared
JarmilStrong; Fierce; Dear; Gracious
JaroslawGlory of Spring; Strong Glory
JarretMighty Spearman; Spear Strong;
JarrettRuler with Spear; Mighty Spearman;
JasonHealer; The Lord is Salvation;
JavierOwner of a New House;
JawadGenerous; Open-handed;
JawharJewel; Gem; Essence;
JayThe Lord is Salvation; Victory;
JaymeSupplanter; One who Supplants;
JaysonA Healer; A Healing;
JeanGod is Merciful; John;
Jean-baptisteJohn the Baptist
JeanBaptisteFrench Form of John the Baptist
JeaninaDiminutive Form of Jane / Jeanne
JeannetteDiminutive Form of Jeanne
JeannotGift from God; Lord is Gracious
JedrzejVirile; Manly; Man; Warrior
JefGod Raises; Gift of Peace
JeffPeaceful Ruler; Divinely Peaceful;
JeffersonThe Son of Jeffrey;
JeffreyDivinely Peaceful; Peaceful Gift;
JehanThe Lord is Gracious
JeremiExalted of the Lord
JeremiasExalted of the Lord;
JeremyAppointed by God; The Lord Exalts;
JermainBrotherly; Variant of Germaine;
JermaneBrotherly; Variant of Germaine;
JermayneBrotherly; Variant of Germaine;
JeromSacred Name; Holy Name;
JeromeOf Holy Name; Sacred
JeronimSacred Name; Holy Name
JeronimoSacred Name; Holy Name;
JerroldRules by the Spear; Spear Ruler;
JessGod Sees; The Lord Exists;
JesseGod's Gift; Wealthy; Lord Exists;
JessieThe Lord Exists; God is Merciful;
JessyJehovah Exists; Gift; Wealthy
JewelPrecious Stone; Jayanta;
JilDown-bearded; Youth; God
JimFollowing After; Supplanter;
JimmySupplanter; God May Protect;
JiriCzech Form of George; Farm Worker
JoaName of God; God's Gracious Gift
JoachimMay Jehovah Exalt; God Prepares;
JoanieGod is Gracious; Variant of Joan
JoaquimGod will Judge; Established by God
JobOppressed; Weeps or Cries;
JocelinSupplanter; The Merry One
JodyForm of Joseph; God is Gracious
JoeGod Raises; God will Add;
JoelGod is Willing; Lord is God;
JohanGift of God; The Lord is Gracious
JohannGod's Gracious Gift;
JohannesGerman Form of John; Merciful;
JohnGod is Merciful; Gift of God;
JohnnHas Shown Favour; Variant of John;
JohnsonSon of John; Variant of the John
JonasDove; He that Oppresses;
JonesGod is Merciful; Thanks to God;
JordanTo Flow Down; Down-flowing;
JordiTo Flow Down; Descend;
JordonDown Flowing; Descend;
JordyTo Flow Down; Descend;
JoreFlowing Down; God will Uplift
JorgeFarmer; A Tiller of the Soil;
JorisEarth Worker; Farmer
JosaphatThe Lord is Judge
JoseMay God Give Increase;
JosebaGod will Multiply; God will Add
JosefGod will Increase; God will Add;
JosephGrace of Fruitful Life;
JosephusGod will Multiply; God will Add
JosseExperienced in Battle
JosuGod Saves; God will Help;
JourdainDescend; Flowing Down
JourdanJordan Down Flowing; Descend
JowanGod is Merciful / Gracious
JoyHappiness; Rejoicing; Victory;
JudaPraised; Goodness; Excellence
JudasThe Praised One; Praise; Thanks;
JudeName of Saint; Praised; Thanks
JulesYouthful; Soft Bearded; Youth;
JulianYouthful; Down-bearded Youth;
JulianusDown Bearded Youth
JulienJove's Child; Youthful;
JulioWearing a Soft Beard;
JuniusYouthful; Loyal to Juno
JupiterThe Father that Helpeth;
JurgFarmer; Form of George;
JurgenFarmer; German Form of George;
JusticeMorally Right; Upright; Righteous;
JustinLove; Clever; Just; Upright;
JustinoUpright; Righteous; Fair;
JustinusFair; Righteous; Just
JustisJust; Fair Minded; Fair; Righteous
JustusJust; Upright; Fair; Righteous
JustynJust; Fair; Righteous; Upright
JuyThe Powerful - Almighty Warrior