LabibSensible; Intelligent
LaceyPlace Name of Obscure;
LacyPlace Name of Obscure;
LadoGod of Marriage; Mirth;
LaineFrom the Narrow Road; Serves John
LakbirBrave as a Hundred Thousand
LakshayTarget; Goal; Great; Aim;
LalLovely; Beloved; Dear One;
LamarrThe Water; Of the Sea; Famous Land
LambertoLand Brilliant; Wealthy in Land
LamondClan Name; Surname; Man of Law
LanceLand; A Lance; A Light Spear
LancelinServant; Attendant
LancelotKnight of Arthur;
LandersFrom the Grassy Plain
LandisForm of Landry; Rough Land;
LandryRuler; Powerful; Rough Land;
LangleyLong Life; From the Long Meadow;
LaronBlend of Darron with L;
LarrimoreArmourer; Provides Weapons for War
LarryCrowned with Laurels;
LarsCity of Laurels; Kyle;
LaryVariant of Hilary; Joyful;
LascellesThe Hermitage; Cell
LatimerNear the Sea; Interprets Latin
LattimerInterpreter; Speaker
LaunceServant; God-like; Lance (Weapon);
LauncelotServant; Attendant;
LaurBay Laurel Tree; Loving
LaureanoFrom the Place of Laurel Trees
LaurenceCrowned with Laurels;
LaurentiosLaurel; From Laurentium;
LaurentiusCity of Laurels;
LaurianFrom the Place of Laurel Trees
LaurieFrom Laurentium; Laurel
LaurierCrowned with Laurels
LauroFrom the Place of the Laurel Trees
LavernFrom the Alder Grove
LaviLion; Combined; Brave
LazareThe Lord will Help;
LazaroHelp of God; The Lord will Help
LazarusFlame; Fire; God is My Help;
LeanderStrong / Brave as a Lion;
LeandreStrong Like the Lion;
LeandroStrong Like the Lion
LebaronThe Baron / Warrior
LeeFrom a Clearing; Glade; Poet;
LegateOne who is Sent; Delegate
LeggettOne who is Sent; Delegate
LeggittOne who is Sent; Delegate
LemuelBelonging to God; Devoted to Lord;
LenAbbreviation of Leonard;
LenardLion-bold; Lion Strength; Brave;
LennardLion-bold; Brave as a Lion
LennoxFrom the Field of Elm Trees;
LennyAbbreviation of Leonard;
LeoBrave; Lion-bold; Brave People;
LeonardBrave as a Lion; Lion-bold;
LeonardoStrong / Brave as a Lion;
LeonidLion; Brave; Hardy; Lion-bold;
LeonoreShining Light; Variant of Eleanor
LeontiusLion; Brave; Hardy
LeopoldCourageous / Brave People; Brave;
LeopoldoPrince of the People;
LeronThe Song is Mine; The Circle
LesleyFrom the Grey Castle;
LeslieFrom Leslie; From the Grey Castle;
LetifPleasant; Gracious; Gentle
LeunardStrong as the Lion
LevLion; Similar to Leo; Brave;
LeverettFleet Footed; Young Rabbit
LeviUnited; Combined; Attached;
LewisFamous; Renowned Warrior;
LiamDetermined Protector;
LiggettOne who is Sent; Delegate
LilianLily; Variant of Lillian;
LinoPraise; Flax; A Cry of Grief
LinusFlaxen Coloured; Fair Haired;
LionelYoung Lion; Form of Leonard;
LoTalent; Smart; Bright; Leader;
LoganDweller in a Little Hollow; Small;
LomanHonesty; Bare; Enlightened;
LonnFierce; Strong; Warlike
LorandFamous Land; Brave Warrior;
LorantBrave Warrior; From Laurentium;
LorcanFierce One; Little; Fire
LorensCrowned with Laurels;
LorenzoLaurel-crowned; From Laurentium;
LoretteLaurel Tree; Sweet Bay Tree;
LorinCrowned with Laurels;
LoringRenowned Warrior's Son;
LotName of a King; Veiled
LothairFighter; Army People;
LotharRenowned Warrior; Army People;
LouRenowned Warrior; Form of Louis;
LouieFamous Warrior; Renowned Warrior
LouisFamous Warrior; Renowned Warrior;
LourdesFrom Lourdes; France
LovelLittle Wolf; Young Wolf
LovellDearly Loved; Wolf Cub; Young Wolf
LoweLove; Female Wolf; Little Wolf
LowellDearly Loved; Young / Small Wolf
LucLight; Illumination; Form of Luke;
LucaLight; Man from Lucania;
LucanJoins; Brother of Arthur; Light;
LucianForm of Luke; Light; Illumination;
LucianoLight of the Day; Light;
LucieIllumination; Light of the Day
LucienLight; Illumination; From Lucanus;
LuciferLight Bringer; Day / Morning Star
LucioLight; Illumination; From Lucanus;
LuciusBringer of Light; Bright;
LudgerSpear of the People
LudoLight; Famous Warrior
LudovicRenowned Warrior; Famous Warrior
LudovicoFamous Warrior / Fighter
LudovicusRenowned Warrior
LudvigRenowned Warrior; Famous Warrior
LudwigRenowned Warrior; Famous Warrior
LuigiRenowned Warrior; Famous Fighter;
LuisFamous Warrior; Renowned Warrior;
LukasLight; A Region of Southern Italy;
LukaszMan from Lucania; From Luciana
LukiFamous Warrior / Fighter
LutherFamous Warrior; Famous in Battle;
LyallFrom the Island; Lion Wolf; Loyal
LyleIslander; From the Island
LysanderOne who Releases Men; Liberator;