GabiGod is My Strength; Hero of God;
GabinoGod is My Strength; Devoted to God
GableTax Collector; Gobler; Hero of God
GabrelIt's a Form of Gabriel
GabrielChristian; God is My Strength;
GabrielloGod is My Strength
GabyGod is My Strength; Hero of God
GadJuniper Tree (Navajo); A Band;
GaddielThe Lord is My Happiness;
GaelStranger; Cheerful; Happy;
GaetanoFrom Gaeta; Place Name;
GageIn Charge of Weights and Measures;
GailLively; Cheerful; Happy;
GaillardLively; High-spirited
GallRooster; Stranger; From Gaul
GallardLively; High-spirited
GalvanSparrow; Brilliantly White
GandolfThe Progress of the Wolf
GaraltBold Spear; Spear Mighty
GarciaBrave in Battle; Like a Fox;
GardKeeper of the Garden; Surname
GardinerKeeper of the Garden; Gardener;
GardnerA Gardener; Keeper of the Garden;
GarenGuardian; Mighty with a Spear
GarethStrong Spear; Spear Brave;
GarettMighty with a Spear;
GarinGuardian; Mighty with a Spear;
GarionGuardian; Mighty with a Spear
GarlanFrom the Land of the Spear;
GarlandA Triangular Bit of Land;
GarlenFrom the Land of the Spear;
GarllanFrom the Land of the Spear; Wreath
GarnellKeeper of Grain; Surname
GarnerSentry; Keeper of Grain; Surname
GarnetPomegranate Seed; Spear;
GarrenGuardian; Mighty with a Spear
GarretMighty with a Spear; To Watch;
GarrettMighty with a Spear; Strong Spear;
GarrinGuardian; Mighty with a Spear
GarrittRules by the Spear; Spear Brave
GarronGuardian; Mighty with a Spear
GarryMighty with a Spear; Spear;
GarsonSpear Fortified Town;
GarvanSpear-friend; Rough;
GaryA Spear; Mighty with a Spear;
GasparThe Master / King of the Treasure;
GaspardWealthy Man; Treasurer;
GasparoTreasure; Wealthy Man;
GaudencioOne who is Happy and Content
GaugeA Person who Measures
GauthierStrong Ruler; People of Power;
GautierStrong Ruler; Army of Power;
GayelordLively; High-spirited
GaylerLively; High-spirited
GaylorLively; High-spirited
GaylordA Dandy; Lively; High-spirited
GedeonDevastator; Great Warrior;
GeffreyPeaceful; God's Peace
GellertStrong Like a Spear;
GeneOf Noble Descent; Well-born;
GentryOf Noble Birth; A Gentleman
GeoffreyDivine Peace; Peace;
GeorgGerman Form of George; Earth;
GeorgeEarth Worker; Farmer;
GeorgiFarmer; Earth-worker
GeorgioItalian Form of George; Farmer
GeorgiusEarth Worker; Farmer; Earth
GeorgyFarmer; Earth-worker
GeovaniGod has Shown Favour;
GeraldMighty with a Spear;
GeraldoRules by the Spear; Spear Ruler;
GerardSpear Strong; Spear-brave;
GerardoStrong Like a Spear;
GeraudSpear Ruler; Spear Strength
GerhardStrong Like a Spear;
GermaineBrother; From Germany
GermanWarrior; Brotherly; From Germany;
GermanoFrom Germany; Brother
GeroldMighty with a Spear;
GerolfBrave with the Spear; Spear Rule
GeromeSacred Name; Holy Name
GeronGuardian; Mighty with a Spear
GerontiusA Version of the Greek Geron; Old
GerrardHard; Bold Spear; Spear Strong;
GervaisServant of the Spear;
GervaiseWith Honour; Spear Servant;
GervaseHonourable; Servant Spear;
GervasioWarrior; Spear Hard;
GeryVariable; Brave with the Spear;
GhalibExcellent; Winner; Conqueror;
GhassanFather of a Tribe;
GhaziWar Champion; Hero; Conqueror;
GhislainOath; Hostage; Pledge
GiacomoFollowing After; Supplanter;
GibShining Pledge; Bright
GibbonA Friend with a Gift
GideonTree Cutter; Hewer;
GiffordChubby Cheeks; Gift of Bravery;
GilFrench Form of Julius;
GilbertoBright Young Man;
GildasGolden; Name of a Historian
GilenOath; Industrious Pledge
GilesKid; Young Goat; Shield Bearer;
GiliHappiness; Eternal Joy
GilianServant of Saint John; Youthful
GillFrench Form of Julius;
GilleOld Variant of Gilde; Earthen;
GillesShield Bearer; Kid; Young Goat;
GilletLittle Gilbert; Trusted
GillianServant of Saint John; Youthful
GinoWell-known Fighter; Well-born;
GiorgioForm of George; Farmer;
GiovanniGod is Merciful; Gift from God;
GiraldoSpear Ruler; A Spear Warrior
GiraudSpear Strength; Spear Ruler
GisbertBright Oath; Promise
GiulianoWearing a Soft Beard; Youthful
GiuseppeGod Raises; He Shall Add;
GlanvilleSettlement of Oak Trees
GlenDweller of Valley; Woody Valley;
GlennValley; Valley in the Mountains;
GodardGod-hard; God Strong
GodfreyGod's Peace; Peace from God
GogoLike Grandfather; From Ngoni
GonzaloSafe Fight; Wolf; Fight; Battle;
GordanHill Near the Meadow;
GordieFrom the Cornered Hill;
GordonHill Near the Meadow;
GottfriedDivinely Peaceful; God-peace;
GraemeWarring; Grey Homestead;
GrahamWarring; Warlike; Grey Homestead;
GrantGreat; Large; Great Plains; Tall;
GranvilleFrom the Large Town;
GregAwake; Vigilant Watchman; Fierce;
GregorAwake; Vigilant; Watchful
GregorioItalian Form of Gregory; Watchful;
GregoriusWatchful; Vigilant
GregoryAwake; Watchful; Alert;
GrevilleA Place Name in Normandy
GriffinA Fox; Chief; Lord; Strength;
GrigoriAwake; Watchful; Alert;
GuglielmoResolute Protector; Will-helmet
GuilbertTrusted; Shining Pledge;
GuilhermeStrong Mind; Protection;
GuillaumeResolute Protector; Will-helmet;
GuillermoProtection; Will-helmet;
GulliverCovetous; Acquisitive Person
GunterWar; Battle; Warrior; Fight; Army
GurdalA Group of Guru's Deciples
GustavRoyal Staff; Staff of the God;
GustaveRoyal Staff; Staff of the Gods
GustavoStaff of the Gods / Goths;
GustiPrince; Great; Venerable; Holy
GuyllaumeDetermined Guardian
GwalchmeiLegendary Son of Gwyar
GwilhermStrong-willed; Protective